
  1. R

    Connecting Digitrax Zephyr Express to Kato Unitrack for first time

    I have a Digitrax Zephyr Express with my first Kato Unitrack layout. I want to connect the Kato Unijoiner to the Digitrax. Would I be correct that I have snip the plastic coupler off first and then connect the wires to the Rail A and Rail B terminals on the back of the Digitrax? Further...
  2. Aquamarine

    Terminal Block Alternatives

    Hello, This is my first post! I'm trying (my best) to wire up the first module of my railway, and I'm having a difficult time finding a product similar to the pluggable chocolate block connectors that are sold by DCC concepts here in the United States. Does anyone know of an alternative...
  3. R

    Looking for beginner book - N-Scale, DCC, wiring setups and switches

    I have been searching through the forums looking for suggestions on Beginner Railroader Books without much luck. Somebody had recommended this book, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1627007776/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 , to me. However, some of the comments mentioned...
  4. GuilfordRailman

    Need Information on Properly Wiring My Layout

    I will be starting track work soon on my 1 ft x 6.5 ft HO scale shelf switching layout and need some help with understanding the difference in wiring gauges and which is best for my setup. I lack knowledge in this area and could use some help. Here is a basic schematic showing how many feeders I...
  5. GuilfordRailman

    Kato Unitrack Turnout - Electrical Issue or Mechanical Blockage?

    So….two months ago I ballasted my track, including the turnouts. I was EXTREMELY careful and all seemed well until now. I haven’t run trains since then but wanted to test my electrical connections again as I was planning on running trains soon. Upon testing one of the DIY DPDT toggle switches I...
  6. GuilfordRailman

    Feedback on the wiring setup for my micro-layout

    I posted this on the thread I started about my micro layout but I figured posting it here would allow others to chime in who haven’t been following the build. Wiring and electrical work is my weakness and therefore I could use feedback on if I’ve designed the wiring setup correctly. I am using...
  7. PrairieKnight

    Checking the feeder wires

    I have all of the Atlas feeder wire rail joiners drilled through and placed on the layout. Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can check the connection between the BUS and the feeder wires as I connect them together. My idea is to power up the NCE power cab after connecting each pair of...
  8. Breor47

    Wiring for a Proposed HO Layout

    Hello all! About six months ago, I tore down my old HO scale layout. It was a 4x8 built with the help of my Dad that never really worked. The track had been reused several times over (never a good idea, I learned) and we had made a bunch of rookie mistakes that, collectively, hindered...
  9. E

    Preferred connectors from buss to feeder wires?

    It has been decades, since I last wired up a layout. Perhaps there are easier techniques or products. What do you prefer to connect the many track feeder wires to the running buss wires? Suitcase connectors? Euro-style barrier strips? Other? 1. The main buss will be stranded 12 gauge around...
  10. J

    clamp diode needed in wiring?

    I am currently making a clock that is tied to a Z scale railroad. I hope my explanation is clear: I will be using a Raspberry Pi to run the railroad once per hour on the hour. Normally, the schematic for running a motor (and that is essentially what I will be doing by supplying power to the...
  11. R

    DCC wiring help

    I've been searching for quite some time now and am now thoroughly confused. It's almost time for me to begin wiring the my layout (which is only 6x10) but I am completely lost on how to do so. The system I have is an NCE Power Cab - which looks/sounds easy enough to set up - but then I start...
  12. R

    Unitrack rewire

    Good afternoon all. I model HO scale and my layout is entirely Unitrack. Power is fed using 10 total feeder tracks evenly spaced throughout the layout. As you may or may not know, Kato feeder tracks are supplied with 24 AWG wire. Having recently added another loco to my fleet, I am now...
  13. R

    Peco Table top switch wiring

    I have seen many wiring schematics (sp?) (pictures) for how to wire Peco switches to their table top switch motor. They are very different from the old Tyco, model power or atlas switches. I have been told that I can use an Atlas switch control box #56 to control the Peco table top switche...
  14. B

    Is it necessary to run a power bus?

    I have a small 8x8 HO Layout that I am running with a Zephyr. I have the Zephyr connected directly to Kato Unitrack. In all my DCC research, there is only mention of DCC Power Bus use with layouts and I am wondering if I am going about this wrong. Should I connect my Zephyr to a power bus and...
  15. A

    Basic Wiring Help

    Those of you who have read my previous posts know that I model Chicago's Union Station. I have 6 tracks, and 3 platforms, and I was wondering about wiring. I run standard DC, and use 2 power packs, to allow for the capabilities to run 2 trains at once. I want to run all my lights, switches, and...
  16. F

    wiring switches dcc

    i have a dcc layout with atlas code 83 track and switches what is the best way to wire the turn outs i have a separate dc generator, the switches have 3 wires red,green,black how do you wire them, i know they have dcc turnouts but i cant afford the right now, maybe down the road just want to...
  17. F

    dcc wiring question

    hello in using atlas true track i want to run a bus wire but im not sure how to do that my question is, is the bus wire a continues loop or do you just dead end it i know you connect the bus line into the controller i just don't know what to do at the end of the bus line please help, this is dcc
  18. C

    Eiffel Tower Lighting??? Suggestions? Please!

    Total Newbee Here: Wife surprised me last spring and took me to Paris. Our anniversary is New Year's Eve. Just walked through a store and grabbed a 3' tall Eiffel Tower (very ornate metal wire structure). Figured I'd wire it up to look like the real one and throw in a "Thanks for another...
  19. F

    newbie help with layout,wiring

    hello im new to the forum i have a few question about my layout im just getting started here goes im using ez track on a 4 x 8 table im thinking about buying the dcc bachmann commander train set and some extra track and add to it, what is the best way to wire it will i need a bus line or a...
  20. J

    Kato DCC switch machines

    Hi Has anyone used the HO scale Kato DCC switch machines (29099 - R, 29098 - L)? I am thinking of using them but would like to find out what others have experienced. Thanks
