Connecting Digitrax Zephyr Express to Kato Unitrack for first time

I have a Digitrax Zephyr Express with my first Kato Unitrack layout.
I want to connect the Kato Unijoiner to the Digitrax. Would I be correct that I have snip the plastic coupler off first and then connect the wires to the Rail A and Rail B terminals on the back of the Digitrax?

Further question, if I want to connect a 2nd Unijoiner to my layout as it grows, I want to make sure I have the setup correct:
1> Disconnect the Unijointer from the Zephyr.
2> Get a 20Amp 2x10 Position Barrier Terminal Block Distribution unit and some 18 gauge wire.
3> I wire some 18 gauge wire into the Rail A and Rail B ports on the Zephyr.
4> The other end of the 18 gauge are connected to the Banana Plugs and connected into the block - noting which wire is Rail A and Rail B.
5> I then connect Rail A of the (2) Unijoiner wires to the block on the corresponding side of the block that is Rail A.
6> I repeat step 6 with the Banana Plug and Rail B Unijoiner wires.

Is this correct? I learned in the Navy to have a VERY healthy respect for electricity (long story), so I like to double and triple check myself when working with it.
Thank you!
Kato sells Unitrack extension cords with one in and three out connectors. You can get one of those and avoid any splicing or cutting.
I have one of them, so I will check that out.

Any feedback on the steps I laid out regarding the 2nd coupler and connecting it to the block?
I have one of them, so I will check that out.

Any feedback on the steps I laid out regarding the 2nd coupler and connecting it to the block?
Honestly, if all you're doing is powering what is an oval of track, you are probably making things unduly complex. Remember the KISS method.
