I have a Digitrax Zephyr Express with my first Kato Unitrack layout.
I want to connect the Kato Unijoiner to the Digitrax. Would I be correct that I have snip the plastic coupler off first and then connect the wires to the Rail A and Rail B terminals on the back of the Digitrax?
Further question, if I want to connect a 2nd Unijoiner to my layout as it grows, I want to make sure I have the setup correct:
1> Disconnect the Unijointer from the Zephyr.
2> Get a 20Amp 2x10 Position Barrier Terminal Block Distribution unit and some 18 gauge wire.
3> I wire some 18 gauge wire into the Rail A and Rail B ports on the Zephyr.
4> The other end of the 18 gauge are connected to the Banana Plugs and connected into the block - noting which wire is Rail A and Rail B.
5> I then connect Rail A of the (2) Unijoiner wires to the block on the corresponding side of the block that is Rail A.
6> I repeat step 6 with the Banana Plug and Rail B Unijoiner wires.
Is this correct? I learned in the Navy to have a VERY healthy respect for electricity (long story), so I like to double and triple check myself when working with it.
Thank you!
I want to connect the Kato Unijoiner to the Digitrax. Would I be correct that I have snip the plastic coupler off first and then connect the wires to the Rail A and Rail B terminals on the back of the Digitrax?
Further question, if I want to connect a 2nd Unijoiner to my layout as it grows, I want to make sure I have the setup correct:
1> Disconnect the Unijointer from the Zephyr.
2> Get a 20Amp 2x10 Position Barrier Terminal Block Distribution unit and some 18 gauge wire.
3> I wire some 18 gauge wire into the Rail A and Rail B ports on the Zephyr.
4> The other end of the 18 gauge are connected to the Banana Plugs and connected into the block - noting which wire is Rail A and Rail B.
5> I then connect Rail A of the (2) Unijoiner wires to the block on the corresponding side of the block that is Rail A.
6> I repeat step 6 with the Banana Plug and Rail B Unijoiner wires.
Is this correct? I learned in the Navy to have a VERY healthy respect for electricity (long story), so I like to double and triple check myself when working with it.
Thank you!