Looking for beginner book - N-Scale, DCC, wiring setups and switches

I have been searching through the forums looking for suggestions on Beginner Railroader Books without much luck.

Somebody had recommended this book, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1627007776/ref=ox_sc_saved_image_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 , to me. However, some of the comments mentioned that it primarily deals with scenery.

After a 40+ year hiatus from model railroading, I am looking at N-scale trains with a DCC setup (which is completely unknown to me). I am not worried about scenery - at least not right away. I am more interested in the DCC setup, wiring and the chips that go in the engines.
I am also interested in reading up on how switches and other devices figure into the world of DCC.

Any suggestions are MUCH appreciated!
To be honest with you, I wouldn't spend any money on books. All the info you need is on these forums and the web.

Have you decided on a DCC system yet?
How deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go?

These are some great DCC sites with a lot of information to read over. They cover wiring, reverse loops, turnouts and a multitude of great info. There are probably others that will be suggested as well.

Thanks for the advice on the books. I will continue to forum search.

As for your questions, this is how new I am to this "new" DCC world. I don't know how to answer that question. Are you referring to the control system? Somebody on this forum recommended this control unit (sorry if my terminology is not spot on) -
Definitely was taken back by the cost, but I realized early on that I was treading into some potentially expensive equipment.

As for DCC, I am also wanting to learn about how switches are handled. I also want to learn how to obtain and set up decorders to add to a DC engine. I have over 30 years working in IT, so this doesn't scare me, but it is definitely some new territory for me.

As for the rabbit hole - money is going to dictate how intense I get into this. I don't have a huge space, so a 24' x 24' layout is definitely not possible (wish it was). If I could, I would like to get, for starters, a layout with a mainly oval layout ( 8' x 4' perhaps) with parallel tracks with a few switches for crossover, a siding for bypassing and two Amtrak trains. And build up from there as I am sure this starter layout is going to drive my wife insane when I mention the cost to her.
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I really like books, if you do too, I think this is a good one.

I really like books, if you do too, I think this is a good one.
View attachment 192724
View attachment 192725

I got that book before I started my DCC layout. As I remember it has some good info in it but I learned more from forums and YouTube

I think starting with a small oval is a good idea. Start simple. A few feeders to a bus line to get a train going and as time goes on you will inexorably learn more and decide if/how much to expand.

Before building my layout I had a small oval of track on the floor. Two wires from the NCE Power Cab (a good DCC starter set) to the track and a my first DCC equipped loco. That's all and I had started into DCC :D. In the years since I've gone down the forementioned rabbit hole a good deal but if you start simple it's nothing to be intimidated by.

Good luck!
Also, customer phone/email support at NCE is awesome (from my experience anyway). I wouldn't be surprised if this is true of other manufactures but I only have experience with NCE.

Dive in! You'll be surprised how easy it is.... to get started anyway :D
Thanks for the advice on the books. I will continue to forum search.

As for your questions, this is how new I am to this "new" DCC world. I don't know how to answer that question. Are you referring to the control system? Somebody on this forum recommended this control unit (sorry if my terminology is not spot on) -
Definitely was taken back by the cost, but I realized early on that I was treading into some potentially expensive equipment.

As for DCC, I am also wanting to learn about how switches are handled. I also want to learn how to obtain and set up decorders to add to a DC engine. I have over 30 years working in IT, so this doesn't scare me, but it is definitely some new territory for me.

As for the rabbit hole - money is going to dictate how intense I get into this. I don't have a huge space, so a 24' x 24' layout is definitely not possible (wish it was). If I could, I would like to get, for starters, a layout with a mainly oval layout ( 8' x 4' perhaps) with parallel tracks with a few switches for crossover, a siding for bypassing and two Amtrak trains. And build up from there as I am sure this starter layout is going to drive my wife insane when I mention the cost to her.
RP1: Everything costs no matter what you do. Starting simple is the best bet as you will mold your ideas as time goes on. I have been doing electronics since '87 with IT in the mix.

As far as the wife goes, either don't tell her, or watch what she spends and do the same - if your budget can handle that. In my ( our ) case, we have a household account that stores money to cover our bills and potential expenses. After that, each has their own money to spend as wanted. Right now our stored money is about 1/2 of SSI, but will go down when the tractor and Expedition are paid off.

Just remember - post pix of your progress and have fun!

