Running Bear's December 2021 Coffee Shop

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Good Morning All. Cloudy and an incredibly warm 68° out there this morning. It won't warm up much today, but we're still looking at mid-70's for the rest of the week. So we're like 105° warmer than Guy!!! I'll take it. I didn't even get tired shoveling the sunshine yesterday. Big change Saturday (maybe) when the NWS is predicting an overnight low of 21°, but it won't last long, with mid-60's predicted by Tuesday. Same system as Patrick, just a little later and not quite as cold.

Parts of yesterday were interesting in different ways. Firstly the luncheon with my wife's family got off to a rocky start when some of us showed up at the restaurant and found that there was no reservation. So a quick phone call was made and it turned out that everyone else was at a different place up the road a little bit! It turned out that my SIL made the reservations at what she thought was the place that we went to last year, and told everyone so. But no! She poked at a place on Google Maps and made reservations at a nearby wrong place instead without realizing it. Once we all got together at the right place, a good time was had by all.

I also had quite an adventure with the cell phone. Ever since I got this phone/number about three years ago, I have been getting texts and calls for the previous user of the number, Christina, and her husband. ATT had assured me that the number was inactive for five years prior to issuing it to me. For the most part I have been dealing with the 2-3 instances a week by replying and asking them to update their records, or texting back "STOP". Doctor and dentist offices, a beautician, former coworkers looking for job references, notices for a Dodge Ram recall, several collection agencies, Walmart grocery pickup, Amazon, ATT itself, Costco, the inevitable extended warranty folks and a realtor that want's to buy their house. Sometime Sunday night one of her daughters included me on a group texting with some pictures of a grandkid. Another recipient of the original texts pointed out that Mom didn't have my number any more, but back and forth texts continued between at least four other parties. So I joined in, politely amused. One of the daughters with an obvious sense of humor just asked me to take messages! I mentioned that I had a folder and asked which ones she wanted first and that I had a few for her husband as well. Then the husband, Joshua, himself chimed in. I never mentioned the collection agency calls since I wasn't going to embarrass anyone, but we all generally had a good time with it. Hopefully the original person will now go and update all of the folks that I mentioned.

Thanks for all of the likes and comments regarding my wife's wonderful drawing, I have passed them all on.

Ham & cheese sandwich this morning Flo. Sugar-free A&W Root Beer should work out for me.

Progress continued yesterday out in the train shed on the DPM warehouse. I had previously painted the windows and applied clear styrene to them, yesterday I installed all 34 windows/doors and four loading doors.


While it isn't visible in these two photos, I also installed the roof. I have to mix another batch of mortar wash to apply next, and then get to the details. Among them will be steps to the door on the right in the second picture, roof vents and overhead lights over the rear dock doors. I still need some minor paint touch-up on the rear dock, and dock bumpers on the front. Sometimes I do the mortar wash before the windows, sometimes after. This is going to be an after. Slower progress than normal, but not unexpected due to holidays and doctor stuff. Hoping to finish this structure and the surrounding scenery by the end of the week so that I can start on the 2022 list in a timely manner.

Troy - Positive thoughts going out for your MIL and her caretakers.
The Batmobile looks really super, doesn't it. The listing stated that it hasn't been run, I wonder if it is street-legal?
Todd - I have been to Soulman's BBQ many times. There was one about 1.5 miles from where I worked for 43 years and I went about a dozen times a year. That location is closed now and the closest one is now about 65 miles away. Definitely one of the better chain BBQ establishments in Texas.
Tom H -
I think I did answer him Willie on post #1554.
You did and I was assuming that she was asking about the figures instead, especially since she models British OO scale.
Greg - I hope that you finally get down to the layout. You've had it on your "to-do" list for a while now.
Ken (D&J) -
I don't think I've ever seen a Frisco auto rack.
Here's one for ya:
ETTX 820850.JPG

It's a Walther's 932-4871.
Guy - Excellent collection of pictures this morning. Don't be concerned about repeats; I am guilty of forgetting which ones that I posted, as well as intentionally posting some a second time.

Looks like the stock markets' Santa Claus Rally may be continuing today. My IRA's which are just 30% invested in mutual funds and ETF's are up 6% this year. I've also been able to go a full year now without any withdrawals.
I also wish everyone who has medical issues with their relatives or themselves the best of luck with recovery. Sorry that I have lost track right now as there are several in my family as well.

Everybody have a great day.
Good afternoon all! A mostly cloudy day here in H-Town. Predicted to be warm most of the week. This warm weather has the grass inching up. I suspect I'll be mowing one day this week.

So I started one of the Bar Mills structures I received for Christmas. I chose Swanson's Lunch thinking it would be quick. Not! The attached pics are day 3. The wooden decking still needs to be added.
View attachment 137709

I also set it where I think it's going to be planted. I'll leave it there for little bit, see if it works there or not.
View attachment 137710

It has potential,but it needs a car for supplies,and car space/s for customers and a bin,the industrial workers nearby might be useful,I know one little takeaway in an industrial estate that grabs a lot of lunch trade,one company stopped providing a canteen and buys vouchers for its staff,everyone is gap;y he does a great full breakfast roll.
Good evening Shop Dwellers!

Thanks, all of you, for the expressions of concern regarding my wife's Covid affliction.

Thanks Ken! The prednisone she swallowed seems to have had the desired effect, it reduced the inflammation of her pulmonary tissues so that now she can breathe normally; her laryingitis has also resolved.

Thank you Guy, I think the severe reactions afflict mainly the unvaccinated and maybe a microscopic fraction of those who've had the vaccine. So hopefully she won't be in that unfortunate minority. As for me, I'm either covid-negative or asymptomatic; also I'm the only one in my family who's had the booster.

Willie, she's unfortunately been reading too much of the negative literature about the vaccines and decided she was going to hold off getting the third jab. Since she is an MD and knows a few docs who outright refused to get even the 2 primary doses, I'm not in much of a position to argue with her 😒. But if her employer starts requiring it, then she'll get it.

Much appreciated, Curt!

* * *
Well, since I work 80% from home and don't have any symptoms, I couldn't legitimately claim a 'sick' day - so I dutifully remoted-in and sat at my work station until 5pm. Tomorrow I'll go to the Timonium fairgrounds (same place where all the quarterly train shows are held) and get myself tested for covid. If the test comes back positive, then I'll claim the rest of the week as sick time. I want to save my vacation time for actual "fun" activities!

As for mrr-related stuff, I drew up some private roadname decals on my computer and printed those, to be used on my SW7 repaint project. Still waiting on the Tamiya paint I ordered to arrive...

Good Night - and have a Pleasant Tomorrow!
I sympathise with her on the negative side effects,my other half has refused any number of drugs because the side effects are percentage wise too risky so far cross fingers he is not too bad,we dithered and decided to go vaccine and booster and flu,I think but cannot be certain that omicron will for most people be a natural vaccine but some will be in the wrong health when it hits them. Luckily she has an inside on how best to treat it,so I hope it does not end as long Covid for her.
Well, RR internet people-- no typo here: It rained pretty much a solid 6 hours last evening (we're awash for the first time in years), of course RAIN here is not what the remainder of the country sees? Haven't checked my bucket this morning, but I hear that Big Bear has about a foot of snow which is a goodly amount!

IBKEN - I apologize! I even copied part of your post and sent it to MOH - the part of her "self meds" - and them forgot to say that I'm sad that she is not feeling good. I hope that she is doing better today?

CURT - Interesting about the racoon in the trash can! Wen yu started to tell about it - I figured that you were going to say that there was a Python in that container ... now that would have caused me to mess my pants!

GUY - I would not know where to start on "rebuilding" as you did. I would be in deep poo if I couldn't talk to TERRY every now and then! BTW - still great pic - the first two are POLE CITY! Maybe the keys on the board are just cold and frozen - huh?

FLO - I see that you survived Christmas and came away with some new sparkly earrings? How about a nice BLT with extra bacon and avocado slices and a diet DP to drink.

It is currently 45F here and we are looking for a high of 49F with partly cloudy -- Wed/Thur more possible rain showers!
The Spousal Unit wanted the football game on last night - she sleeps better with it on, LOL! I really felt sorry for the Rookie QB the Saints had - he was pretty bad! He did not have much help from his line in the way of protection, but he couldn't seem to get rid of the ball before being sacked!
Good Morning All. Cloudy and an incredibly warm 68° out there this morning. It won't warm up much today, but we're still looking at mid-70's for the rest of the week. So we're like 105° warmer than Guy!!! I'll take it. I didn't even get tired shoveling the sunshine yesterday. Big change Saturday (maybe) when the NWS is predicting an overnight low of 21°, but it won't last long, with mid-60's predicted by Tuesday. Same system as Patrick, just a little later and not quite as cold.

Parts of yesterday were interesting in different ways. Firstly the luncheon with my wife's family got off to a rocky start when some of us showed up at the restaurant and found that there was no reservation. So a quick phone call was made and it turned out that everyone else was at a different place up the road a little bit! It turned out that my SIL made the reservations at what she thought was the place that we went to last year, and told everyone so. But no! She poked at a place on Google Maps and made reservations at a nearby wrong place instead without realizing it. Once we all got together at the right place, a good time was had by all.

I also had quite an adventure with the cell phone. Ever since I got this phone/number about three years ago, I have been getting texts and calls for the previous user of the number, Christina, and her husband. ATT had assured me that the number was inactive for five years prior to issuing it to me. For the most part I have been dealing with the 2-3 instances a week by replying and asking them to update their records, or texting back "STOP". Doctor and dentist offices, a beautician, former coworkers looking for job references, notices for a Dodge Ram recall, several collection agencies, Walmart grocery pickup, Amazon, ATT itself, Costco, the inevitable extended warranty folks and a realtor that want's to buy their house. Sometime Sunday night one of her daughters included me on a group texting with some pictures of a grandkid. Another recipient of the original texts pointed out that Mom didn't have my number any more, but back and forth texts continued between at least four other parties. So I joined in, politely amused. One of the daughters with an obvious sense of humor just asked me to take messages! I mentioned that I had a folder and asked which ones she wanted first and that I had a few for her husband as well. Then the husband, Joshua, himself chimed in. I never mentioned the collection agency calls since I wasn't going to embarrass anyone, but we all generally had a good time with it. Hopefully the original person will now go and update all of the folks that I mentioned.

Thanks for all of the likes and comments regarding my wife's wonderful drawing, I have passed them all on.

Ham & cheese sandwich this morning Flo. Sugar-free A&W Root Beer should work out for me.

Progress continued yesterday out in the train shed on the DPM warehouse. I had previously painted the windows and applied clear styrene to them, yesterday I installed all 34 windows/doors and four loading doors.
View attachment 137726
View attachment 137727
While it isn't visible in these two photos, I also installed the roof. I have to mix another batch of mortar wash to apply next, and then get to the details. Among them will be steps to the door on the right in the second picture, roof vents and overhead lights over the rear dock doors. I still need some minor paint touch-up on the rear dock, and dock bumpers on the front. Sometimes I do the mortar wash before the windows, sometimes after. This is going to be an after. Slower progress than normal, but not unexpected due to holidays and doctor stuff. Hoping to finish this structure and the surrounding scenery by the end of the week so that I can start on the 2022 list in a timely manner.

Troy - Positive thoughts going out for your MIL and her caretakers.
The Batmobile looks really super, doesn't it. The listing stated that it hasn't been run, I wonder if it is street-legal?
Todd - I have been to Soulman's BBQ many times. There was one about 1.5 miles from where I worked for 43 years and I went about a dozen times a year. That location is closed now and the closest one is now about 65 miles away. Definitely one of the better chain BBQ establishments in Texas.
Tom H -

You did and I was assuming that she was asking about the figures instead, especially since she models British OO scale.
Greg - I hope that you finally get down to the layout. You've had it on your "to-do" list for a while now.
Ken (D&J) -

Here's one for ya:
View attachment 137725
It's a Walther's 932-4871.
Guy - Excellent collection of pictures this morning. Don't be concerned about repeats; I am guilty of forgetting which ones that I posted, as well as intentionally posting some a second time.

Looks like the stock markets' Santa Claus Rally may be continuing today. My IRA's which are just 30% invested in mutual funds and ETF's are up 6% this year. I've also been able to go a full year now without any withdrawals.
I also wish everyone who has medical issues with their relatives or themselves the best of luck with recovery. Sorry that I have lost track right now as there are several in my family as well.

Everybody have a great day.
Willie- I really like the way the green door and windows stand out against the brick color.
Good Morning Everyone....overcast and some snow headed our way for today and early tonight. Very light snow starting to fall. It's about time we saw winter in this part of Wisconsin. I had enough brown grass for one winter.

Ken (D&J)...those auto racks are impressive in that unit train. A few $$$ in rolling stock. Nice Scale Trains motive power.

Greg - I hope that you finally get down to the layout. You've had it on your "to-do" list for a while now.

Willie: I have trouble falling asleep at night and some nights I watch the Tube until 5:00 AM which means I get up late and have absolutely no energy to go down stirs and play with trains. I need to improve in this area to stop wasting so many days.

Started the day with problems logging into several web sites. I changed the passwords and we'll see what happens. Going to run a Cleaning Program later to get rid of all unused and useless stuff on the computer.

Terry: At the mall we had a computer program to operate all the lighting circuits in the mall and parking lot. It was a very complex program and I was the first guinea pig in the company to use the program and be able to make changes in the program. One day prior to the start of my vacation I changed some of the settings. We had a meeting of our model railroad railroad club that night and at 10:00 PM I started wondering if I made the right changes. On the way home I stopped at my office and tried to open the lighting program. Hour after hour with no luck. I called our company's 24 hour help desk and it was in some far away land and the tech had no idea what I was talking about. At 4:00 AM I decided to go home and come back at 7:00 AM when our in-house IT help desk opened.

At 7:00 AM, I talked to a company Tech who saw that the program was locked and only Administrators could make changes to the program and the program was unauthorized to be on the company system. It took an hour and some name dropping to get the Tech to realize that I was the Administrator for the program and I could make whatever changes I wanted to do.

It seems that a Tech saw the Program just after I did my changes and saw I could make changes and decided it was a violation of company IT policy to have unauthorized program on the company's network. The Tech locked me completely out.

Finally at 9:00 AM I could start my vacation and drive with an hour of sleep. Good thing I was used to working long odd hours and 16 hour days in winter were common. I never charged myself for that first day of vacation.

Speaking of cold weather, I went deer hunting the day after one Christmas with my bow and a couple of other guys and the temperature was well below zero. It was crazy to be standing and waiting for a deer to come within bow range.

I'm looking for a Proto GP38-2 shell for a SOO locomotive...or even a Milwaukee.

Its starting to snow at a fairly good clip. I love to watch it snow, now that I don't have to worry about clearing 82 acres of parking ad decks before 7:00 AM.

That's about all for now.....................


Afternoon All,

Spent a couple of hours in the train room. I finished "parking" my 2 Y6b's, tested paint for my upcoming build. installed 4 Pennsy dwarf signals (my friend Jon is making 45 for me). Each one costs around $4 each to make. After that MOH and I sliced a bunch of pork tenderloin in preparation of making schnitzel for the family New Year's get together. It's a family tradition. And after that I went to Lowes and picked up 2-2x4 sheets of 1/4" Lauan plywood for the fascia. I thought I had some but that was a big zero.

I took photos today, but I received a refurbished laptop for Christmas that MOH is having issues with transferring data from my old one. My old computer has 3 USB ports and none of them are working now (cell phone to laptop). So, when I can. I'll post pictures. :(

Smudge- Very nice lighting and wood load.

Hughie- Nice little kit and those trucks are really nice.

Guy- Great 1:1 photo.

Ken D&J- Nice looking motive power and good pullers. I counted 31 Auto Racks. That says a lot about the quality of your track work. Awesome looking bridge.

Terry- Great meme. I sent it to my daughter. She really likes seat warmers.

Patrick- Prayers to your family for your family's passings.

Willie- Nice job on the build.

I hope everyone has a good night.
Good afternoon Everybody!

Amazon has reached a new low. When I started as a delivery contractor over 5 years ago the base rate was $18/hour. December saw the rate rise to $30/hour. Ten days later later it dropped to $26/hour and then to $22. Christmas Eve the base rate dropped to $18 and has stayed. There are increased rates up to $75/hour, even more have been available when demand rises, but most contractors are getting paid 18/hour to use their own vehicles and foot all expenses, fuel, tolls, maintenance, etc.

I'm fortunate, i only work for increased rates, I work when i want. I consider Amazon physical therapy, I need the exercise.

On the brighter side, I'm greatly enjoying my slow week.

I hope those who are under the weather feel better soon.

God Bless Us Everyone.

Have a great night Everybody!
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