Coffee Shop Twenty is now open fer business

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Good Morning--

We got fog. Lots of it---want some?:D It'll burn off later this morning to a partly sunny day. The high gonna be about 12C and tonights low will be 3C. Fun, innit?:D:D

Got a bunch of HD things to do today so there goes MR time---:eek::eek::(

Jim Last time I went to California I went via any dang secondary road I could find. Did the route 66 thing during that trip as well as finding segments of US40 as well. Once I get all the ding photos transferred into the 'puter I'll have even more pix up here--heeheehee:D:D Actually, the number of people and places we saw then was amazing--I think there were at least 100 rolls of film we developed---so there is a lot of them in here:eek:

Snootiness seems to be an issue more in big city malls--thankfully, none of this has pestered any of our malls---much. I've seen a few of them but I also saw people who were very well off giving them the evil eye, so to speak--as in 'what's your problem?'. There are some people that I work around who have relatives who have certain snobbiness issues---one has a mother who constantly harangued me about the 'miserable PSW's' and how she can't stand them. I looked at her and asked her whether she could do any of what they did and she said 'No'---with a frown of course---then I told her that the PSW can and that is why they are needed--because she can't---that shut her up and now she is no more a crabby snoot:):)

So, having got on something of a soapy box--I'll get off now:D:D:D:D

Have a good'un people:D:D
Good morning folks.

I had a pretty good weekend. I hope yours was the same. Part of my good weekend was spent planning future, unfinished sections of my layout. Since I don't need the fronts of the Merchants row kits I purchased, they will be used elsewhere. My small town, opposite of the city, will now have a small strip of stores. This is in addition to the grain elevator, depot, and church. It's nice when you make your decisions on things that you were previously undecided. I also started to paint my merchants row back walls. This kit is going to stretch m painting and masking abilities. That's a good thing. Maybe I'll be more willing to do fancier painting in the future.

I have a long day at work today, then the holiday week begins! I still have to work Wednesday, but we're starting to party Tuesday when my sister in law comes home. It should be a fun week.

Have a great day everyone!
Right now I'm so hot I could melt a glacier by simply staring at it! I had a run-in with another cell phone yakking moron this morning. I was on my way home from my doctors appointment and I was in the right hand lane of 171 North through Leesville when I encountered much slower traffic ahead. I checked the traffic behind me in both northbound lanes, nothing there for a long stretch, turned on my left signal and start pulling around into the left lane. At this point a white PT Cruiser comes flying up behind me, does a left signal and cuts around (I'm almost halfway into the lane), forcing me back over into the right lane where I had to go go off the highway to the right to avoid hitting the vehicle ahead of me. I got only a glimpse of the driver of the PT Cruiser and he had a darn cell phone on his ear! And he knew what he'd done too. When I pulled back onto the road and got over to the left lane I saw that he was stopped at a red light ahead. The light went green before I got there. He looked up at his mirror, saw my car behind him (saw the lightbar) and took off like a scalded dog. He weaved through traffic 10-15 mph over the limit (35) and I lost sight of him. Use of a cell phone or other such device while driving a motor vehicle should be illegal. In fact texting while driving is illegal here but nobody does much of anything about it! It's gonna take some moron running over a busload of kids before the law is enforced.
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OMG I must be hallucinating, I thought I caught a glimpse of Steve_B in here...?:eek::D Musta been all that baked apple crisp I had for desert yesterday...
Yep! You can tell it is IRONBOWL week in Alabama.

"EDIT: Hey Mikey, the BAMA Boys will have War Buzzard for dinner this Friday. (for those that don't understand: Auburn War Eagles) ROLL TIDE!"

The Ellyfants may chew on my tigers, but I don't think they will have enough teeth left to chew on anything but marshmellows:D.
I don't think it will be a 36-0 repeat of last year. I don't think a loss will cost the new coach his job this year if Auburn makes a decent game of it.

Rex- I really have mixed feelings about the game as I would like to see BAMA play for the national championship in the Rose Bowl.:eek:

At least I will be able to see the game on Friday. This going down to the "Magic of Model Trains" at McWane Sceince Center every weekend has cut into my football watching time.

However, I talked to a mother and daughter on Saturday who want to build a small layout. They are primaily interested in the scenery, but got to see how to do some benchwork, too.
The Wrecking Crew is building a 4' x 8' N-scale layout during the show so people can see different methods of modeling. The benchwork in done now and track is going down on cork. Placing the first switch drew a crowd and a slew of questions. (Jim- that means a lot of questions to you EX-yankees.)
As we progress with scenery, we get people to help cut and form foam terrain, smear sculptatomold around and paint it. It is fun for all.
Yup, that's Steve'o and he is certainly backing the right team...GO BAMA! Those who don't know, Steve is now a certified firefighter for his home town.

Mikey, I don't think that it will be a run away either. I just hope Bama has their mind on present business and not Dec 5. Glad you will see the game on TV...I will send you a large crying towel...yuk! yuk! yuk!:D BTW: Sounds like a great project the Wrecking Crew is doing with the public. Great promotion of the hobby;).

Jim: you've been talking about your trip to T-town for that ball game and all the traffic, wait until you hit little Auburn with the crowd of both games. :eek: Hope you're taking a sleeping bag.:D

Chris: only to pull teeth.... naa-nanna-na!:p

Later Gang!:)
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Evening, everyone.

Tom, kids do have a way of growing, even when they think they're not. Luckily, I was the oldest, so my brother was stuck with all my hand me downs. :)

Barry, did you get to the portion of old US 40 that goes over Donner Pass? Some great views from there but it must have been awful when it was snowing. I took whatever portions of US 66 I could still find all the way from California to Missouri. It was a great drive. I remember the days of hundreds of rolls of film. :eek:. I've probably got 1000 slides from my railfanning days in the 60's and 70's that I'd like to transfer to digital one of these days.

Corey, lots more fun when you get the building kits and can start really arranging things. I suspect your town will undergo a number of changes before you decide where everything goes.

Steve_B, nice to see you again. So you're a firefighter now? Takes more guts than I have. I always happy to direct trafffic and let you brave guys run into those burning buildings.

Rex, I thought briefly about the idea of going to the Prattville game until I realized it was the same day as the Iron Bowl. Much as I'd like to be there, Auburn just isn't equipped to deal with that kind of traffic.

Well, the wind was kind of taken out my sails today. I found out Dennis DeWitt, the former chief of the Petaluma Police Department, died yesterday. He was a personal friend and we worked very closely together on the Polly Klaas kidnapping case. That was two months of constant stress and heartache. :( He was a great cop as well as being a really nice guy personally. You'd never know he was a police chief if you met him on the street. Very unassuming, loved practical jokes, and did a lot for the community, including dressing up as Santa for the annual fundraiser for our homeless shelter. His officers all respected him as well as liked him, a rare combination now. He retired to San Diego about the same time I did and loved going out on the bay to fish. He was just 65 and died after a short bout with brain cancer. He's now the 16th person to work the Polly Klaas case to die, while Richard Allen Davis is still on death row, plowing through every appeal available, courtesy of the taxpayers of California. It looks like he has at least eight years of appeals ahead of him so more than half of us will gone before he ever meets justice for his crime. Sometimes the way things work really piss me off. :mad:
Jim Condolences to his family and to you and yours. That is sad:(--and frustrating to see human turkey continue that sham of going through the appeals:mad:

We did go through Donner pass--it would not have been pleasant in the winter--or spring:eek:--come to think of it, I think an author by the name of George Stewart wrote a novel called STORM that chronicled a storm going through the region and how the lives of several characters in the story interacted with the storm in the 1940's---good novel. I'm still going through some other negatives that we never got processed into print---have an artist friend who told me she could get them done---then I'll find out what I've got:eek::rolleyes::):)
Evening yall,

Steve - I was hoping we'd see more of you after your initial 'Bama cheer. Hope your bod is adapting to the demands of firefighting, I remember for awhile you were under alot of stress from pulling a back muscle or something?

Jim - sorry to hear about the passing of your friend, I agree it doesn't seem right that he's gone and the killer is still living. But somehow, I doubt the punk has much of a view from his cell ;)

Barry, that must've been quite a trip following the old Route 66. Never could understand why the Gov't had to de-commission it. I still remember an opening sentence of the book called Blue Highways by William Least Heat Moon (a.k.a. William Trogdon), where he chronicles driving all over the North American continent on back roads: "Life doesn't happen along interstates." Quite true!

One thing I know for sure, taking down a layout is much less fun than putting one up! I have to force myself out there for a minimum of an hour each evening so I can get a little bit more of my stuff packed away. I'm still not quite sure how I'm gonna pack my small structures like the Merchants Row buildings, etc. I noted the time I shut off the power on my final lone-wolf op session Saturday evening - 9:05pm. But later I realized I still need my DCC command station setup thru December, so I can test my loco's before I bring them to the club's holiday run sessions at the local VFD.
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But later I realized I still need my DCC command station setup thru December, so I can test my loco's before I bring them to the club's holiday run sessions at the local VFD.

Ken, you could always put some track and roadbed on that module frame I gave ya with some foam . Kills 2 birds with one stone! Give ya a place to test locos, and you can plant that Merchants Row on there as scenery! See! Problem solved! :D

Jim, my condolences to you. It really sucks when the good die young and the scum keep wasting our oxygen supply. Remember though, the final reward for Davis will be worse than anything he could have done to that girl. All he is succeeding in doing is wasting money and oxygen.

Jeff, I feel your pain! I was almost sideswiped today by some bimbo in a Toyota, yacking away while her lane ended, so she just rolled into mine. Just about the time our mirrors touched, I blew my horn and the shock caused her to swerve, brake, and almost drop her phone. Then she's in her rear view, yack, yack, yacking away as she almost rear ended me at the next light. Flippin idiot!

You loud?? Naaaaaaahhh!

Wish I could get as excited about football as you guys. Since the Ravens got beat by the Colts ( thanks largely to a FG kicked by former Raven Matt Stover) there is no joy here anymore. And then the news that newly former kicker Steve Houschka tried to commit suicide this week, but failed to kick the chair out from under himself was the icing on the cake! :rolleyes:
Jim, I think when Davis' appeals run out, he should be put in the organ donor bank. Keep him alive, and just remove what is needed. Anesthesia optional.

Is Anyone Here?!?!?!:eek::eek::eek:


We's be gettin' showered on and dribbled on as well as fogged on--high today will be 8C. And it'll be like this for awhile by the looks of things-----

Have a good'un---if'n there is anyone AWAKE IN HERE!!!!!:eek::eek::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:)

Is Anyone Here?!?!?!:eek::eek::eek:


We's be gettin' showered on and dribbled on as well as fogged on--high today will be 8C. And it'll be like this for awhile by the looks of things-----

Have a good'un---if'n there is anyone AWAKE IN HERE!!!!!:eek::eek::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:)
Huh? Wha? Who? Uhh....Where am I? What forum is this?....
Oh. Morning. It's 58 here this morning, warmer morning than it's been for a couple of weeks. High supposed to be 80 and sunny.
I got the N scale FP45 with sound I swapped a Walthers 2-8-4 with sound for. My Santa Fe passenger trains sure look better with two units on the front, rather than just one. Stereo sound is better than mono, too... Now I need some more passenger cars, or I can run them at the head of intermodal trains until the new Superfleet FP45's are released in N. Or both...:cool:
Good Morning All!

Steve...I was just wondering a couple of days ago what had happened to you! A fire fighter, eh? Excellent. Welcome back!

Jim...I am sorry to hear about your friend. Sounds like he was a good man. I remember the Polly Klaas murder. I actually remember praying that she would be found alive and safe. Davis will one day, have to meet his Maker. No punishment meted out here will match that one. (However, he needs to be punished here first!)

Jeffrey...My sister is a Worker's Comp exec. with the USPS. She worked an incident in AZ where a woman was driving an SUV while talking on the phone. She drove into a parking lot, hit 2 postal workers who were walking through the lot, got out of her vehicle and looked at the people she'd just hit, got back in her vehicle and said into the phone "I think I just hit a couple of people" then drove away. Witnesses got her license # and called police. One of the victims died on scene. Flippin' amazing.

Rex...Hope Alabama has a great day! I have a brother who graduated from the U of Oklahoma and one from the U of Colorado. Those are about the only college teams I know anything about. However ;) Ken Stabler is an Crimson Tide Alum and I did love the Snake. After Elway, Stabler was my favorite QB. The rivalry between Denver and Oakland was legendary. I remember my favorite sign at one of the games played in Denver was..."What's for dinner?? Orange Crush and chicken fried snake!" Loved it! :D

Hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

hey guys and gal, our last dell has died. i forced to using the wii until we can get a new computer. i will be out until this matter is resolved`.......,sorry chris
I had a really hard night last night. I finally got to bed about 1 am, woke up about 5:30 am, got my antibiotics going then went back to sleep. Woke up at noon when the Home Health nurse came knocking on the door. I still feel like I was hit by a truck - several times.
Thanks for the coldonces. The really galling part is that this guy is 100%, without a doubt, guilty. I have no problems with appeals for criminals who were convicted on circumstantial evidence, since some of those people were unjustly convicted. In Davis's case, he led us to the body. We probably would not have found Polly to this day if he didn't confess and show us where he dumped her. He should have gotten one appeal and then been executed. As you say, Sandy, he has to pay in the after life also, but he needs to pay his debt here on earth first. I guess what's really upsetting
about this is that it was December 4 is the 16th anniversary of finding Polly's body. Sixteen years is plenty long enough for this scumbag to still be alive.

Barry, that section of old US 40 is not far from where the City of San Francisco got stranded for 6 days by a giant blizzard in 1952. I haven't read the book you mentioned but I'll try to find a copy. That area of the Sierras is subject to some amazing snowfalls, with 24 hour total of seven to eight feet not being unusual.

Ken, Blue Highways is a great book. I think it was Charles Kuralt who said the great thing about the interstate highway system is that you can now drive across the entire country and not see anything. :rolleyes:

Karl, since Baltimore stole our Browns, I've had it in for the Ravens, so too bad. :)

Terry, sounds like you're having fun with the sound locos. Once you get those, it's like crack. You just have to keep buying more. :D

Sandy, the Snake was a great Oakland-style quarterback, considering the entire team was made up of thugs. What a bunch they were back in the days. I really do think that cell phones should be banned in moving vehicles. There have already been too many people injured or killed because some moron just had to make a phone call.

Chris, sorry to hear the last computer gave out. I hope you get a replacement soon. There are some great deals on netbooks out there if you can scrape up $250.

Jeffrey, sounds like something must have been troubling you to have such a bad night. I hope that it's better for you now.

It was a cloudy and dreary day here, which matches my mood. We're supposed to get some sun tomorrow so maybe I'll have the energy to get the Christmas stuff up.
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