My nephew just turned 10 years old and is getting interested in model railroading. His father (my brother) and I have been
modeling for 25+ years on and off so we think this is a good thing to spend time with him on. Space is limited to a 4x6 area
and it has to be portable since they are renting the house they are in and will be moving to a new home in the future. Below
is what I came up with over the past two days. I tried to work in function along with the ability to try out modeling many
different things and styles. It will be simple DC since we are trying to keep it on the cheap and we already have the
transformer and a couple Bachman 2-8-0's to run.
Please let me know what you think and I am open to any suggestions for improving on this design.

modeling for 25+ years on and off so we think this is a good thing to spend time with him on. Space is limited to a 4x6 area
and it has to be portable since they are renting the house they are in and will be moving to a new home in the future. Below
is what I came up with over the past two days. I tried to work in function along with the ability to try out modeling many
different things and styles. It will be simple DC since we are trying to keep it on the cheap and we already have the
transformer and a couple Bachman 2-8-0's to run.
Please let me know what you think and I am open to any suggestions for improving on this design.