n scale

  1. C

    3D Printing for n-scale EMD F and E Unit pilot covers

    If any members have a 3D printer, or know of someone with one, I would like to engage your services to buy from you several n- scale pilot covers for EMD F and E units for the streamlined passenger trains of the 1940s and 1950s. At this time there doesn’t appear to be any available in...
  2. designfenix

    N Scale Building 'The Bridgeport'

    Hi everyone, I have been 3D Modelling and printing buildings since 2022. This exclusive design is historically accurate and based on drawings from the 'Scientific American Magazine - 1891'. The model comes in four pieces, the 1st floor, 2nd floor, Roof and Pillars. The model also comes with...
  3. D

    Power just for DCC locomotive lights.

    Hi, I'm new to the hobby and have yet to even own a piece of track. I'm planning on getting a DCC N scale train. However I don't have the space in my current room for a layout. So mostlikely I want just a straight peace of track for displaying the train. Is there a way I can get power to...
  4. EP04: HUGE UPDATE from the N Scale Layout!

    EP04: HUGE UPDATE from the N Scale Layout!

    Lets build the @noch_miniature Easy-Track "Albulabahn" from start to finish. i will show you how i build this layout with all the ups and downs and tweaks....
  5. R

    Returning to model railroads after 40+ year hiatus

    I used to be in HO and the old Lionel (3-rail not sure what gauge) trains when I was in high school. I have gotten involved with Virtual Railfan and really got my love of trains back. I am looking at getting into N scale for the size and limitations I have on where to set it up. The Amtrak N...
  6. C

    Pilot covers for N Scale EMD F units

    Does anyone know if an N Scale diesel locomotive pilot cover is available to give the lead unit in the streamlined passenger trains a streamlined look by covering the connectors ?
  7. F

    Introducing a Detailed and Modular N-Scale Road System - Your Thoughts?

    Hello fellow model railroading enthusiasts! I'm excited to share with you a project that's been in the making – a modular N-scale road system that aims to bring an unprecedented level of detail and realism to your layouts. We're currently in the development phase and are seeking feedback and...
  8. S

    Bachmann n scale 0-6-0 steam wobble.

    Hello everyone, I am new on here and would like to see if anyone could give me some help. I have a bachmann 0-6-0 switcher that I bought earlier this year off of ebay. I tested it on a small section of track and seemed to run ok. Once I got my new layout started, I ran it on some longer track...
  9. BunkerTheHusky

    I 3D designed an N Scale Boxcab

    Having just recently finished assembling my Maintenance of Way train, I now have been faced with a new conundrum. What locomotive do I use to pull it? I'm the type of railfan that likes the obscure, ugly relics of the distant past. Horrendously outdated machines that have no right existing on...
  10. BunkerTheHusky

    Like a phoenix from the ashes, I have returned!

    Hello everyone! I would like to do a bit of a quick re-introduction of myself. My name is Bunker! I am an N-scaler, scratchbuilder / painter, and 3D modeler who have had the model railroad bug since a child back in the 90s. I became a member of this forum back in mid-2020, and was starting to...
  11. GuilfordRailman

    Techniques for Weathering Gravel Parking Lots

    I’m currently working on some gravel parking lots using Woodland Scenics fine gravel. I’d like to weather these lots as the gravel is just too “clean”. What are some recommended methods for doing this?
  12. GuilfordRailman

    Kato Unitrack Turnout - Electrical Issue or Mechanical Blockage?

    So….two months ago I ballasted my track, including the turnouts. I was EXTREMELY careful and all seemed well until now. I haven’t run trains since then but wanted to test my electrical connections again as I was planning on running trains soon. Upon testing one of the DIY DPDT toggle switches I...
  13. GuilfordRailman

    Pre-order for N scale Atlas GP40-2W

    I’ve been searching for an Atlas GP40-2W for Guilford Rail and noticed that they are listed as pre-order for “sometime” second quarter 2022 on micromark.com Does anybody know of a more specific release date for these...
  14. GuilfordRailman

    Suggestions for Creating Light Assembly for N Scale Crossing Signals

    I’ve decided to scratch build a pair of N Scale Crossing signals with gates. I found some gates at the Amherst Train Show earlier this year and I already had several crossing buck signs from a previous layout. The part I need to construct somehow is the assembly circled in the photo below. Any...
  15. Alexander

    Hello (N scale Europe I&II Eras)

    Hi everyone, my name is Alex, on the internet, I go as Sandro. I have been collecting model trains from my school time. Started with a 12mm gauge but then quickly switched to the N scale and stayed there for decades. My collection focus on Europe I and II Eras. Since now I am retired, in...
  16. GuilfordRailman

    Evergreen Styrene or Plaster of Paris for Sidewalks Surrounding Structures?

    Question says it all. I will be preparing to construct the roads and sidewalks on my layout and have come across two methods other modelers have been using. Is there an advantage to one over the other?
  17. GuilfordRailman

    Feedback on the wiring setup for my micro-layout

    I posted this on the thread I started about my micro layout but I figured posting it here would allow others to chime in who haven’t been following the build. Wiring and electrical work is my weakness and therefore I could use feedback on if I’ve designed the wiring setup correctly. I am using...
  18. GuilfordRailman

    Anybody familiar with the Kato Analog Sound Box?

    Is anybody familiar with this product? I’m looking to find a way in which to add sound to my DC micro layout. https://www.katousa.com/N/Unitrack/ASB.html
  19. GuilfordRailman

    60’ Cars With Body-Mounted Couplers On N Scale 8.5” Kato Radius

    I’m currently finalizing plans for my 20” x 33” micro layout which uses Kato Unitracks 8.5” and 9.8” radius curves. My track plan is the same as the 17” x 30” micro layout from Steve’s Trains only slightly larger obviously. He utilizes 7.5” radius curves and states rolling stock with...
  20. GuilfordRailman

    1st “fully completed” N scale layout

    This layout was the test layout, the one I knew wouldn’t be my best work. However, it was a great experience and fun to build. I can’t wait to get started on my new layout.
