The Coffee Shop is now open. Come on in and say hello.

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Darn Willis, you need to pack up and come on down to Alabama. We can teach you to say "ya'll come!" in little time.
LOL Rex, I spent three weeks on a course in Greenville SC. and when I got back here I had to learn Nova Scotian all over again :D I really enjoyed my time there, real nice folks, you never know we just might might visit that way some time when we see how the RV works out for us.
Well the way I see it Mother nature is changing, the seals usualy give birth on the ice, however this year there is no ice so they came in on the beaches. Young seal pups can't swim but the seal heard is in no danger at this time.

CBCNSfan said:
Well the way I see it Mother nature is changing, the seals usualy give birth on the ice, however this year there is no ice so they came in on the beaches. Young seal pups can't swim but the seal heard is in no danger at this time.


Did ten weeks in the Arctic last summer and there was little if any ice in the Northwest Passage. I've done 6 trips up there and it's changing rapidly. Scientists who study the region are very concerned. As for the seal pups they say the Nor'Easter swept 75% of the new borns that were on Pictou Is. out to sea and drowned. I don't know what that translates into numbers but it would be a fairly high number I suspect.

Well off to the LHS this morning!

Storm surge sweeps about 1,500 pups off Pictou Island for anyone interested
Quiet today, limbs a bit sore from the workout, think I'll just vegetate today. A nice hot coffee with a wee drop of surprise in it would be a nice way to start this day.
Did ten weeks in the Arctic last summer and there was little if any ice in the Northwest Passage. I've done 6 trips up there and it's changing rapidly.
Fergie, that's not surprising considering the mild winters we've been having, good lord snow in the Southern States and deserts and decreased occurances of it here. This has been the first year there has been no ice in the Northumberland St. The scientests have every right to be concerned and our politicians should be listening to them and at least considering some sort of action. Anyway if the ice cap melts, sea level will rise 21 ft.
Well anyway Y'All have a great day
Hello all,
today i got to grips with the dust in the garage, got lots of track clean and washed off the structures there is just all the fine dust under the benchwork now to sort out, it's everywhere.

Careyhope the gums are getting better.

Fergie they recon the gulf stream has slowed by as much as 90% recently and the conveyor effect could stop soon, i doubt if there is anything anyone can do now to stop it, the change is to far advanced. Things are changing quickly, Great whites have been spotted up the coast of Portugal which is a new occurance, they have been seen in the Med for a while but not further up the coast
Flo, I'd like a medium-sized "Wild Cherry" Pepsi in a spill-proof container so I can take it with me for the commute home...

Good evening gang,

This has been a somewhat lackluster week for me, trying to bring more of my mothballed structures out and place them on the layout and discovering that a lot of cutting and repainting is necessary to make them fit. Garage looks like a junkyard [1:1 scale] again with all the tools, clutter and debris - its starting to affect my attitude. I'll have a break from it tomorrow though as I'll be at the train show in Timonium - hoping to meet a few fellow forum members there from "across the tracks."

Steve I hope other people also start using that Skype VoIP software, I'd love to start seeing coffee shop conference calls!:cool:

Well time's a-wastin', better jump into my car and join the Battle Of The Lanes! C-ya.
Great whites have been spotted up the coast of Portugal
Great Whites have been spotted off Cape Breton NS and a whopper of a great white was caught and landed off Yarmouth NS last year. Theres a photo of it some where on the hard drives, darnned if I can find it tonight. Was caught by a fellow that I served with in France back in the old days.
Steve B said:
Fergie they recon the gulf stream has slowed by as much as 90% recently and the conveyor effect could stop soon, i doubt if there is anything anyone can do now to stop it, the change is to far advanced. Things are changing quickly, Great whites have been spotted up the coast of Portugal which is a new occurance, they have been seen in the Med for a while but not further up the coast

I am very curious as to this statement, though I am not a marine biologist or scientiest if this statement is correct then we would be looking at the next ice age. One theory being all the cold water would cascade out of the Arctic down the Labrador Coast and deflect the Gulf Stream further south. This in turn would cause Europe to cool and your winters/springs would be very, dare I say it, Canadian! Our ice breaker fleet is tied to the docks right now as there is no ice in the Gulf of St Lawrence. 10 years ago we would be struggling to keep the shipping lanes open and ships moving.

Bottom line is the jury is still out on Global Climate Change and will not be able to provide a decision until it is all too late.

I am Sorry

Good Morning All,

Hope this finds you all (pronounced ya'll) fine. I want to offer an apology for my sudden withdrawl of my posts and participation in this forum. While I was recovering from my little year end incident, I encountered a rather large plate of things that were just too overwhelming. Many here expressed to me their concerns via PM and for that I am endlessly thankful. In short, I had a short circuit. But the medical examiner thinks I'll survive. I hope I didn't offend ANYONE and if I have I'm truly sorry.

enjineerbill said:
Good Morning All,

I hope I didn't offend ANYONE and if I have I'm truly sorry.

No offence at all, Johnny. We're glad to see you're back though! :cool: I hope things are going your way a little more now. :)
Good morning.

My 2 cents worth. The current weather patterns experience in the north are mostly due to the northern Artic air mass remaining over Russia instead of migrating to northern Canada as it usually does in late December/early January. This happens every 60 to 75 years according to records.

This has many repercussions through the Northern hemisphere including above normal snow precipitation in Europe and Asia, warmer than normal temperature in North America and most northerly currents have shown a speed increase as a result of warmer water, including the gulf stream.

This phenomenon is indeed rare and is usually preceded by a very active hurricane season and this last season was one of the most active ever.

The current models indicate that on the very long range next year will return to normal weather patterns and a less active hurricane season than last year. But please remember that this is based on a variety of computer generated models and, though the predictions are getting better as we learn more and improve these models, sometimes differ greatly from reality.

Now you'll ask how I know this? In my previous life as a military naval person, I studied oceanography and still keep up with it and its effect on weather patterns.

Way off topic I know... But I needed to present some facts.

Hope you all have a great day.

Happy MRRing
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Good Morning All, welcome home Johnny, glad to see you're doing ok. Raining here today, with periods of sunshine, Wow! and it's Feb. sure beats last year at this time. I believe Luc has hit the nail on the head with his synopsis, something cyclic like the high water levels in the Great lakes regions every 20 years and dry riverbeds flooding every so often.
Way off topic I know... But I needed to present some facts.
uH! well no problem, this is sort of an off topic forum, facts are nice :D

Willis - A couple of years ago CFO and I went to an open house at the Annapolis Valley Model Railroad club. Is there a slight possibility we might have met you at that event?

Happy MRRing
Hi Luc, afraid not. The only model events I've been to was at the sportsplex in Dartmouth years ago and pretty well every year at Truro. However that is about to change this year as we will be able to travel again.

Hello All,
Fergie If i remember it goes something like this...the slowing of the gulf stream is down to the decrease in salinity due to ice melting at a faster rate, (the gravity of saltwater is different from fresswater as you know) this slows down the speed at which cold water sinks and is drawn south into very deep water which in turn drives the warm surface water back north, something like a conveyor belt with the COLD stuff at the bottom and the warm stuff on top. if i remember it right there used to be 15 or so main columns of cold sinking water off the ice fields, because they are shrinking there are now only five or so main columns of cold sinking water to drive the conveyor hence the possibility of the gulf stream stopping, as said, the temps in Europe would get pretty darn cold in winter with temps similar to Canada and Russia minus the polar bears i hope
hope this makes some sense, don't shoot me if it a bit off course.

Ken and anyone else interested looking forward to conferense Coffee Club Calls on if anyone else fancys some fun download this free software for free internet talk, you will require a mike and speaker, or headphones.
Gee whiz, guys, I go away for a couple of days, and it takes two hours to catch up on all the new posts!

Fascinating discussion on the changing weather patterns! Thanks everyone.

I'm "working on the railroad" again, so expect questions. ;)
Good evening gents and Claudia,

Finally I have a few moments of "my own" time. I spent the morning thru early afternoon at the Great Scale Model Train Show in Timonium, and I must say this was one of the better ones I've been to! Met two friends from the coffee shop in the Other Forum, one of whom had never been to a train show before. I found most of everything I hoped to find, including a hot-knife/engraver for extruded foam [much better than the WS tool] and a six-pak of BethGons - not CSX, but at the low price I paid, I don't mind repainting them.

Of course, immediately after I got home I had to take the whole family over to the In-Laws for our monthly supper visit - nothing ever comes without a price, eh?;)

enjineerbill said:
In short, I had a short circuit. But the medical examiner thinks I'll survive. I hope I didn't offend ANYONE and if I have I'm truly sorry.
Hiya Johnny! Offended, nah; worried, yes! We're just glad to see you back. BTW I haven't seen Deano around these parts for awhile, have you 'talked' with him lately?

Steve B said:
Ken and anyone else interested looking forward to conferense Coffee Club Calls on if anyone else fancys some fun download this free software for free internet talk, you will require a mike and speaker, or headphones.
Steve - I got on my home 'puter this morning trying to test that Skype thing, but either the microphone I bought is defective or the sound card input doesn't work - I spent nearly an hour trying different things, but to no avail. So I may end up having to place a tech support call to Dell and wait several more days before I ever get a working mic....!:( I really do want to start using Skype though, this is just a heads-up as to why I'll be unreachable there for awhile.

. . .
Well, if you'll excuse me, I need to upload some more layout progress pics and post an update on the "Iron Belt" blog. Toodles!
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Just a quick hi to everyone! Thanks for the interesting thoughts on global weather. I have always found that to be an interesting subject.

Had a lot of honey-do's for my Mother today so couldn't do to much in MR. I did spend some time working on my first cast metal kit: the 'Industrial Pillar Crane' from JL Innovative. This will be used at my Sawmill for unloading logs. Dang! I have CA glue all over my fingers. Glue a tiny part and you STICK!:eek: :D .

Johnny: Glad you are feeling better. Welcome Back!
REX Hello to you.
Well i got to grips with the mountain of soil in my garden today, it was the top soil from where the new house extension is, it took some spreading out but its all done now, thank the lord.
Ken and the crew just done the first Skype call to a friend in Illinois and it worked a treat, Ken i hope you can get the PC sorted out with Dell
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