The 30th Coffee Shoppe Dec 4th

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Went to my parents place to take their mail to them. My mother was unhappy with the way the new couch is sitting. Not anything that requires a move, just raise on end. Here's the problem. The room was at one time a two car garage. Drainage was handled by sloping the floor to the front left corner. In 1972 my father and I poured a new concrete footing under the front of the foundation then closed the garage in and built it into a private library. It's my mothers favorite room in the entire house. Sixteen rooms and she likes that one best. OK. The floor tilt thing is fine for a garage, not for a room as it makes the furniture slightly higher at one end. Under each leg of the couch is a three inch high concrete block with a brick on top. The bricks were laid flat. There are seven such block/brick stacks as this is a sectional. L-shaped couch for those who aren't familiar with what a sectional is. I had to squeeze into a fifteen inch space at the low end (a real trick for someone who weighs 245 pounds) on my left side, plant my left elbow against the floor and lift that darned heavy beast with my left hand until I had my arm vertical. Using my right hand I turned the front brick onto it's side. Now came the fun part. Getting to the brick at the back! I tried to reach around my left arm but that wasn't working. I had to push my right arm in between my face and my left arm to reach the back brick. I had my fingertips just an inch away and couldn't go any farther. OK. Now I had to pull my right arm back then try to crawl a little further into that narrow gap. That was putting a bind on my left shoulder so I pushed my left elbow ahead a little farther. This caused the couch to start going the other way as my arm is now at an angle. So now I had get my right arm against the bottom of the big red monster (couch) and push it up so I could move my left hand and get my arm vertical again. It was at this moment that a garden spider decided I bore investigation and proceeded to crawl up the side of my face! Well hell! Here I have both arms involved, a spider is crawling up my face and I have no way to get rid of the dang thing. It's now up under my nose tickling my mustache when the need to get rid of the spider took care of itself. I sneezed! The spider was blown somewhere into the middle of next week and the end of the couch jumped up two inches and came crashing back down onto my left hand. Great! Now my wrist hurts! Being I can only feel a little heat, some pressure and bone pain in both my hands I knew something was going on bone-wise. Now I tried the between the face and arm reach again and was able to grab the brick and turn it on it's side. OK. That was done! Now I had to extricate myself from the tight space. Did I ever mention I'm claustrophobic? I got out of there and sitting up I checked out the damage to my wrist. It was just a case of two bones being forced against each other at the extreme edge of the joint and no permanent damage was done. I had just started the involved process of getting back to a standing position when my mother said she wanted the couch centered with the windows. I told her very flatly no. I then left before she could think of something else for me to do.

In other news, my Accurail DT&I covered hopper came in. I picked it up for $10 on Ebay. It's nice when somebody else is paying for that as long as I keep it within reason. The car has three damage points. One stirrup is bent, one stirrup is gone, the ladders and railings at one end are gone. Exactly as it was pictured on Ebay. A photo of it is below:
Did some more work on some junk cars today. I painted them with some nice flat latex colors then touched up the chrome with some satin nickel. After they've had a while to dry I'll start on the job of rusting them up.


Well I have the cars banged up and rusted up a bit with some 'Rusted Earth' latex paint. Tomorrow I'll add some 'Rusty Rail' latex color to them.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.


Now that I have teased you, time to get to work. :eek:
Gotta remotor a GP9, add decoder,(Athearn drive+Kato motor= NWSL driveshafts):cool:
Open up my Proto E8 and figure out why the headlight quit.(decoder issue or bad LED) Woulnt be the 1st LED that failed on me. :(
Then maybe I can add a decoder to another consolidation today, or sound in a Proto GP9.
So many projects, so few Saturdays!!!:D
Good morning. It's 53° and cloudy. The high will be 72°. It will be partly cloudy this afternoon the mostly cloudy tonight. There's a 10% chance of rain today.

The rusting and weathering on the junk vehicles is done and they look convincing enough that I checked to be sure my tetanus shot was up to date. I even rusted out the floorboards in the convertibles! But I'm not finished yet! There's still a junkyard scene with vehicles from the thirties and forties to be painted. All this is intended for a small 'U-Pick n Pull' antique car parts junk yard. They look pretty good close up so they should be real eye-catchers toward the back of the layout.

No real plans for today but I'm fairly certain one of both of my parents will think of something I need to do for them.


Good Morning Guys.
Hello Flo & ooh Francine, aren't you looking nice! I'll have the Trainman's breakfast and if you would have the cook add some green Bell Peppers and have him scramble the eggs if you would. I think I'd like some Rye toast too and let me have some of the sausage links for a change along with a large glass of orange juice. Thanks!

Two days ago after posting the shot of my upper section that I was describing to Jeffrey I got to taking a look at the way I had just a straight run leading over to a West/North curve leading over to a Mine area and realized that was not at all what I had envisioned so last night I corrected it and will take a shot and post it shortly. I guess I should be putting this in with my layout posts under track planning.

Talk with you all later.
Gotta remotor a GP9, add decoder,(Athearn drive+Kato motor= NWSL driveshafts):cool:
Open up my Proto E8 and figure out why the headlight quit.(decoder issue or bad LED) Woulnt be the 1st LED that failed on me. :(
Then maybe I can add a decoder to another consolidation today, or sound in a Proto GP9.
So many projects, so few Saturdays!!!:D

Forget all that stuff. got the GP9 almost all done, and while drilling the frame, the frame broke in half!!!:eek::eek::eek:
Luckily I had a spare frame, but it was the old style, black motor,1960 sumthin frame. It'll work, after much grinding.
As it stands right now, Its all together, just waiting on the silicon holding the motor to cure before I apply power,,,,,tomorrow.:cool:

I don't think I'll touch the workbench again today.:(
Went grocery shopping today. Wal-Mart has ticked me off again. Their Great Value brand link beef sausage is my favorite. At $10 and change a package for thirteen links it was a good value. No longer! The price is still $10 and change but there's only seven links to a package now. I'm not paying the thirteen link price for seven links. No way! Richard's sausage costs a little more but there's a lot of sausage in the box. Food prices keep going up while gas prices are slowly going down. That seems wrong.
Had some kind of blue UFO come flying through this evening. It was spinning and making quite an oscillating screeching sound.

Here, I got a photo of it!


Looked to be on it's way west.
Happy New Year!:)

sorry, I can't enjoy the festivities! I have a bad case of Bronchitis that I received from working out in the elements this past week. One of the parks I help out twice a week has a Huge High School La Cross tournament this weekend. I got to work friday of it, People/Teams/Collage Talent Scouts from as far west as Colorado to as far north as Maine!:eek: On Friday park had an easy 2000 people and more were due in on Saturday and Sunday:eek:. I never knew La Cross was so popular! Well got to drug up and try to get better....Have a Happy and Safe New Year everyone!:)
Say Jeffrey,
A bit old, being it's about your dealing with the couch issue, but wouldn't drilling a large hole for a large size T-Nut to be set in the base of the legs with a Carriage Bolt, with a second hex locking nut, screwed into them so you'd have complete adjustment of the legs independently and infinitely for as long as the carriage bold is. That would seem to be the perfect way to level the couch and you could just lay the couch on it's back while making the adjustments so you wouldn't have to crawl around any more.
Say Jeffrey,
A bit old, being it's about your dealing with the couch issue, but wouldn't drilling a large hole for a large size T-Nut to be set in the base of the legs with a Carriage Bolt, with a second hex locking nut, screwed into them so you'd have complete adjustment of the legs independently and infinitely for as long as the carriage bold is. That would seem to be the perfect way to level the couch and you could just lay the couch on it's back while making the adjustments so you wouldn't have to crawl around any more.
The legs are hollow plastic.
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