Running Bear's November 2024 Coffee Shop

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I believe it's the USS United States

In other news, I definitely prefer Brit sports to US ones

America: Lets have 3-times as many minutes of commercials, as we have actual play time (clock ticking)
Brits: Let's invite the former colonies for a 6 day match...

What a difference in potential tailgate parties in the carpark outside the stadiums.
Good morning all. A dry day with a cold breeze blowing.
It is Monday. Monday means taking younger granddaughter to Brownies. A meeting afterwards regarding information about Brownies Camp in December. The meeting should really be quick as parents etc. only need to know times to drop the children off , and time to collect, plus what the children can take with them.
Always, always some parent will want their 'little darling' to take more than others. By the time the Camp Leaders explain 'No' a five minute meeting is half an hour.

Flo. A large coffee with cream please.
Going back to the ocean liners, isn't one of them after swallowing multiple millions of dollars in grants and donations towards its preservation, about to be towed away and sunk? Only heard vague rumours of this from the eastern side of the Atlantic.
All they were ever able to do with the majority of those donations was pay the dock rent, and some asbestos and lead remediation.
All they were ever able to do with the majority of those donations was pay the dock rent, and some asbestos and lead remediation.
To preserve anything, be it a locomotive, ship or whatever, needs a shed load of money and a dedicated team of volunteers, workers etc.. In a number of cases the workforce of volunteers are of the older generation who do not want to see something old disappear. Getting the younger generation involved is very difficult. They have other priorities.

Not so long ago I was a member of North East Land Sea and Air Museum (NELSAM). Amongst one of the exhibits is Krefeld 412 Tram.

I took on the responsibility of restoring the inside of it (successfully I am told). Time was arriving to work on the outside. Work I could only assist in doing. A few members agreed to start the outside restoration. Unfortunately one of the key members of the group died. I had to leave the project to look after Dawn. No further restoration has been done. Krefeld 412 sits lonely in the tram shed out of the way..
Any pictures from that time? Not the derailment of course.
At the time all I had for a camera was a Polaroid instant print black and white camera. It was great because it took really good instant pictures, but it only took black and white photos and was kind of tough to casually carry around. The pictures didn't hold up well, long-term, and would start looking like Civil-War-era pics fairly quickly. So, long story short, no surviving pictures of trains. My mother had a Kodak instamatic, and took hundreds of photos during that time, but she was not interested in trains...
Got a letter from Puttnam Hospital a few days ago saying my wife who passed on there owes them $13.500.00 for the day and one-half stay, They say if I don't get back to them within 10 days I'm responsible for the payment. So today I have to go down there and see what's up.

I've been working on my model railroad which will be much smaller now that the upper deck is gone. I will be posting some pictures soon after patching up the walls where the deck use to be located.
At the time all I had for a camera was a Polaroid instant print black and white camera. It was great because it took really good instant pictures, but it only took black and white photos and was kind of tough to casually carry around. The pictures didn't hold up well, long-term, and would start looking like Civil-War-era pics fairly quickly. So, long story short, no surviving pictures of trains. My mother had a Kodak instamatic, and took hundreds of photos during that time, but she was not interested in trains...
Those women, always worry about what's not important 😆
Morning all,

Spent some time reading all the posts.

It was a busy weekend.

Well, the wife has hearing loss, but both the DR and audiologist have said hearing aids will help, so we're waiting on the insurance company to approve.

Early Thanksgiving went without a hitch, and the grandkids liked helping wrap presents and get the house decorated for Christmas. I needed yesterday to catch up on some things that needed doing.

My Colorado had a broken lid on the armrest\middle seat. This is a problem with not only the Colorado trucks and it's sibling, but the S10 and siblings as well. The plastic broke and no longer offered any real support, so I attempted to fix it with new plastic, but that lasted less than 5 minutes. I even gave the glue and new plastic 48 hours to set. Found a metal piece that was made to repair this for less money than I had in the initial repair, so I ordered it and got the armrest fixed. It can take a little weight no, as I use it to help me slide into the seat.

Tax planning meeting with the Money manager went well. We decided to use the large tax refund we normally get to pay the taxes on the money we moved into the Roth. We felt that was a better move than holding out money from what we were moving. This will be a rinse and repeat situation until we get it all moved, so at least several more years.

Grandkids: They are special. Really funny is that the youngest granddaughter (kindergartener) is really into Frozen. Her older sister and cousin (both middle schoolers) find Frozen and the main song rather annoying. I had to remind them of the little girls that would scream that song in the backseat of our car when they were her age and younger. The grandson just leaves the room finding all three girls annoying (he's a freshman in HS). He has other interests...
Good morning from a former Frozen household. Our granddaughter absolutely loved that movie and the songs. Like I wrote previously not only can I sing the songs I know the dialogue. I never really had an issue with the movie. Now it’s Black Pink and other Girl bands of which I ignore

Wisconsin never got cold last night as the low only reached 44f degrees. We are still sitting since 3am per the weather app at 44 going to 45 in about 90 minutes at 8am. Then it starts its drop to 22 over night. The rains are being guessed at for noonish while still above freezing.

After an uninspiring GB Packer win over the 49ers Terry said it was discussion time. Are we ready to move to either a condo or apartment in this area? I said absolutely no to an apartment but would be willing to go to a condo. This place is too big for 2 especially with our (my side) small family so spread out. She finally admitted her breathing problems are getting worst, and our daily chores and the steps to the lower level are getting more interesting to do. I compiled a list of 5 cleaning services and I texted both our neighbors to see if they have any recommendations because both use a service. I also let the daughter know what’s up. We shall see

Enjoy the day
Good Morning All. Currently clear and 56°. Winds have shifted out of the North and the temperature when I looked at 0430 was 62°. Temps to drop all day to the mid-30's tonight. Our first cold snap. But it won't last long, around dawn tomorrow the winds will shift back from the South and we'll be back into the low-60's by mid-afternoon. Another cold front comes overnight Wednesday, so Thanksgiving Day will only see a high of 54°. Need to get the blue jeans on standby. No additional rain in the forecast for the next 10 days.

Nothing really new on the home front yesterday, couple of loads of laundry and some more yardwork. Grilled burgers last night to top off the day. Today's weather will be dreary, so all tasks will be indoors. Wife tells me that the Dallas/Washington NFL game was quite interesting during the last 10 minutes or so.

Time out in the train shed yesterday was short as is usual for Sunday afternoons. I dabbed some paint on a couple more figures and placed about a dozen more completed ones on the payout. I also looked at a couple of possible candidates for the next layout completion project. This process usually takes longer than the actual project takes.
How about a few random pictures from the layout archives. The Antique Shop outside of Ft Wish.


Karl - That's one good looking table of train wares that you set up. Everything labeled clearly, and an uncluttered display. Congratulations on the result.
Louis - It has been good to read that you are getting back into the Christmas trains.
Mac -
With electric operations and 90 plus models of motive power
And that 90+ models of power was part of their downfall.

Looking around, I wonder what happened to Guy from the frozen north (McLeod)??? I know that he was lurking about a month ago, but he hasn't posted since around Labor Day.

Everyone have a marvelous Monday. Here, it is turning into a winter day. Wind from the NW is around 16 mph and it has clouded over.
I got a lot of train work done this weekend. Family & friends usually get together for the Bills game, but this was their bye week. So I got my inventory entered into the spreadsheet and formatted for stickers to put on the car/lococards. Also, Saturday was annual meeting for Lakeshores Division NMRA.

Today I’m headed for my volunteer hours at our bicycle giveaway organization. Better get going.
Or Thomas...
Of course, Thomas!

Thank you, Chad, how could I neglect to mention TV shows?

I may have seen every episode of Sponge Bob. The Mickey Mouse Club, I can still see my young grandsons doing the Hotdog Dance singing "Hotdog, hotdog, hot digity dog, we got ears it's time for cheers" God has a sense of humor, I never liked that Disney mouse! But I watched his show over and over and over... And many other kids TV shows too! Thank you, God, for the wonderful memories.
Louis - It has been good to read that you are getting back into the Christmas trains.
How nice is that, thank you! 😁

It has been great doing it. I have you and others to thank, my train friends encouraged me "do a little every day" I haven't been able to do it every day, but I haven't skipped a day when I could. After Christmas I'm headed to the attic, the BGR needs to be built!
I forgot to mention Gas dropped over the weekend to $2.74. It is lower elsewhere. Did the grocery run on Friday and wife wanted 2 dozen eggs. Paid for all the groceries, but had to remortgage the house for the eggs...Then I heard a news story about how the bird flu is wreaking havoc on the egg supply.
I forgot to mention Gas dropped over the weekend to $2.74. It is lower elsewhere. Did the grocery run on Friday and wife wanted 2 dozen eggs. Paid for all the groceries, but had to remortgage the house for the eggs...Then I heard a news story about how the bird flu is wreaking havoc on the egg supply.
The price of gas just rises and lowers on its own. No rhyme or reason.
I forgot to mention Gas dropped over the weekend to $2.74. It is lower elsewhere. Did the grocery run on Friday and wife wanted 2 dozen eggs. Paid for all the groceries, but had to remortgage the house for the eggs...Then I heard a news story about how the bird flu is wreaking havoc on the egg supply.
I saw though it was related to free cage mostly organic eggs. Supposedly there is 1.2 hens per each USA resident. Terry said she paid $4.29 per dozen medium eggs on Friday.

Gas here has climbed to $2.99 most places on Saturday

Soda is anywhere from $2.99 a 6 pack of 16.9oz bottles of Pepsi to $5.99 a pack for Coke products. My diet Dr Pepper is in between but I have enough to hold off buying now. I will wait for the $3.00 six pack price or I won’t buy
With their track maintenance, I can assure you "interesting" was more like it. You haven't lived until you've experienced a standing derailment from less than ten feet away.
I was there from 2/1/68 - Fireman 7A South End Edgmoor; to 3/31/76 Psgr. Road Foreman - Philadelphia. I saw a lot and more....
Track conditions were correlated to Bevan's refusal to approve AFE's for track maintenance dating back to 1958 - PRR....The budgeted money was diverted to outside investment, while crying poverty.
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