Hello all 
A new website was launched this week, intended to collect and show model train track plans and layouts in all scales and sizes, build with SCARM software. Here is it:
SCARM – Model Train Layouts & Track Plans
Most of the content in the site is created by SCARM users and sent by e-mail. Some of the layouts are already presented in SCARM blog, but there are new projects and more will come soon. At the moment, I am editing and uploading all stuff, but in the near future I plan to add support for user registrations, so everybody to be able to create an account and to upload projects in the site.
Everybody can browse the projects in the site or to search and filter the track plans by several criteria, such as “scale”, “size”, “trackage” and so on. I.e. the following link will show all railroad layouts and track plans in HO gauge, listed in the site for now. Every project has its own page, where it is presented with more pictures, described with many parameters (such as minimum radius, maximum grade, suitable traffic, etc.) and sometimes explained by me or by its author. All (or almost all) published layouts will have corresponding SCARM files ready to be downloaded from the links at bottom in the layout’s page. There is also an option for each project to be rated with rating stars from 1 to 5 – this is located below the description. Voting system works without registration, but is limited by only one vote per project from a visitor in order to make ratings relevant and correct.
The site is also optimized for smartphones and tables, so you can browse it almost anywhere and anytime. However, some pictures may not look very detailed on small phone screens, but in overall you can get a good impression even from 320×480 sized cell phones.
At the moment, there is no option for commenting below the layouts, but such feature may appear in the future. The site is now in beta state and needs to be used for some period in real environment to see how it performs, is it easy and useful, etc. So please, try it and comment here what do you think about it.
And if you have some cool SCARM layout or track plan that you want to share with others, just send your .scarm project file to me at
with a couple of lines, explaining your idea.
Hope you will like the site and will get many other ideas from it even if you don’t use SCARM
Author of SCARM
A new website was launched this week, intended to collect and show model train track plans and layouts in all scales and sizes, build with SCARM software. Here is it:
SCARM – Model Train Layouts & Track Plans
Most of the content in the site is created by SCARM users and sent by e-mail. Some of the layouts are already presented in SCARM blog, but there are new projects and more will come soon. At the moment, I am editing and uploading all stuff, but in the near future I plan to add support for user registrations, so everybody to be able to create an account and to upload projects in the site.
Everybody can browse the projects in the site or to search and filter the track plans by several criteria, such as “scale”, “size”, “trackage” and so on. I.e. the following link will show all railroad layouts and track plans in HO gauge, listed in the site for now. Every project has its own page, where it is presented with more pictures, described with many parameters (such as minimum radius, maximum grade, suitable traffic, etc.) and sometimes explained by me or by its author. All (or almost all) published layouts will have corresponding SCARM files ready to be downloaded from the links at bottom in the layout’s page. There is also an option for each project to be rated with rating stars from 1 to 5 – this is located below the description. Voting system works without registration, but is limited by only one vote per project from a visitor in order to make ratings relevant and correct.
The site is also optimized for smartphones and tables, so you can browse it almost anywhere and anytime. However, some pictures may not look very detailed on small phone screens, but in overall you can get a good impression even from 320×480 sized cell phones.
At the moment, there is no option for commenting below the layouts, but such feature may appear in the future. The site is now in beta state and needs to be used for some period in real environment to see how it performs, is it easy and useful, etc. So please, try it and comment here what do you think about it.
And if you have some cool SCARM layout or track plan that you want to share with others, just send your .scarm project file to me at

Hope you will like the site and will get many other ideas from it even if you don’t use SCARM
Author of SCARM