Here's a little bit of the story of how my layout came to be. I've been into model trains since I was a little kid, Lionel sets and Thomas the Tank Engine got that ball rolling, but I didn't have any place to set anything up and kind of walked away from it for a little while. Eventually, I...
Hello all.
I've mentioned here are there that I might have an opportunity to construct a new HO layout beginning sometime after Christmas. If I do get that opportunity, this layout would be my first non-8x4 layout, which is exciting!
However, that also means I'm pretty new to designing track...
Hello all :)
A new website was launched this week, intended to collect and show model train track plans and layouts in all scales and sizes, build with SCARM software. Here is it:
SCARM – Model Train Layouts & Track Plans
Most of the content in the site is created by SCARM users and...