Coffee Shop XXXVIII-7/20/2013

Good Morning! from Tipton IN.

It's Monday, September 9, 2013





Temperature in TIPTON IN

Mid to high 80s today.
Good Morning:

This morning it's sunny and currently 58°, which makes this morning 10° cooler than yesterday morning.

Yesterday, I actually worked on some older structures that have been on every layout attempted since the '80s. Most of these are still on the market today, but cost considerably more than what I paid for my version.

it's back to school today for the public schools.

Enjoy the day!

Not to bad for a Monday! Got the decals and clear/flat coats done on the Sante Fe northern project yesterday. Tonight I'll put the boiler back on the chassis, add the lenses for the headlight, tender light, and classification lights, and do the window glazing. Then its off to the club for a test run.
Good afternoon. It's 87° with 45% humidity. The high will be 95° but will feel like 100°.

Getting a late start today. I've been up since 6am but personal business and life have constantly been in the way. One thing was I was trying to set up a ride to and from an appointment Thursday afternoon through my insurance carrier but all the little details they wanted were things I just didn't have. In the end my personal care-giver and my step mother stepped forward and said they have that sorted out. The fifth (or is it the sixth?) metal Varney F3 will get here sometime from the 10th to the 12th (Tuesday-Thursday) and I'll be able to start working on it. I'd like to put horns and Kadee couplers on these but I don't have them. So I'll just have to proceed without them. Maybe I can get them next month. MAYBE. My fun money is pretty much shot for a while. In other news, the adventures of a mouse in the kitchen have come to an end. Last week I wedged a piece of buttered popcorn into a trap and set it on the lower shelf of the kitchen cabinet. This morning it had a customer. SNAP!! There's one less mouse in the world.

Good afternoon,

It's on the warm side, I estimate it's about 95°F, lets check WW and see what they say 98.4°F going for a high of 100°F but fortunately only 8% Humidity. Tonights low is 72°F oh great nice cool sleeping weather?? Ya sure!!

I did get a bit more done building my curved-semi 'Y' style switch last night as I had the 'V' section of the Frog in place prior and last night got both stock rails ground down half-way approximately to accept the point rails and tacked them in place. I also ran a test truck through it at the beginning and to check the gauge as well as on either side of the 'V' of the frog section. Everything works smoothly. Now to get the Point rails made as well as the 'Y' section and get that soldered in place.

I finally had to get out and water the front yard by hand so I can watch when the well production drops too low and quit for a while to let the well replenish itself.

The new soldering Station and Iron from Micro-Mark work very nicely and the Iron heats up quicker than I thought to about 400°F which is just right to work with.

Well, it's grocery shopping time again so Oh joy but I do like to eat fairly good too and no girlfriend to do the shopping for me as I split up with her.
Ah, the life of a bachelor.
I did some detail work on the F3 today. I worked on installing some metal handrails on it. Main problem I ran into was I snapped both of my smallest drill bits, 1/32" and 3/64". I had to settle for 1/16", bigger than what I wanted but it was the smallest I had. I only had to drill the top holes so that made it a bit easier. I made the handrails from .020" steel wire. I bent one end 90° and hung it in the hole hen clipped the wire where it mat the bottom of the shell then teased it into place and applied a drop of super glue to the top and let it run down to the bottom where the excess was absorbed by a piece of paper towel. I did this with each handrail (cab and side access doors only) until I had them done. I also addressed the total lack of any detail on what passed for a rear door. You have to look close to see them as they blend in with the Zamac.



Got the Santa Fe northern finished! Light lenses, window glazing, couplers, installed the bell, and did the final touchup painting. Photos this weekend as the camera & lights are a real PITA to set up!
Good Morning! from Tipton IN.

It's Tuesday, September 10, 2013





Temperature in TIPTON IN

High in the low 90s today.
Good morning. It's 70° with 89% humidity. The high will be 95° and will feel like 99°.
with a

After all the work I did on the F3 yesterday I think I'll take a break today and do a bunch of nothing. On the other hand I could do some work on the passenger cars.


Good Morning...

Sticky. And hot. 95 going to feel like 115 later on....yuck:confused:

Going to be indoors today.....going to see whether I can get a few tracks laid in my Audio workstation:rolleyes:
90's on Saturday and 50's on Sunday. Gotta love Minnesota! Great to hear the weather, and model railroad, forecasts around the nation.

Mostly planning on dreamin about my projects today. Ordered a bunch of K-D #5 to retrofit some of my ebay wins. Hope to get a good deal on used track.

Keep cool! logandsawman
Jeffrey, you want to spend a little time stating how you weathered the Cotton Belt?
Looks like a good work.
Good Morning! from Tipton IN.

It's Wednesday, September 11, 2013





Temperature in TIPTON IN

High in the mid-90s today. Rain likely later tonight.
Good Sticky Morning

Well, another sticky day for us here. 91 feeling like 108 forecast ...going to be an a/c kinda day here...yesterday it got to 95 feeling like 115 so today will seem a little!!

Today is my sister's birthday so we sent her an e-card...the weekend we will be celebrating it at her place....

And, I'm going to have a few gotta dos here before I kick back for the afternoon...

Have a good day!!
Why are you guys sending your weather over here? Not even 2 weeks into spring and we've had 93F (34C) today. At least the humidity was bearable, but our solar hot water boiled and dumped virtually all of it's contents.
Jeffrey, you want to spend a little time stating how you weathered the Cotton Belt?
Looks like a good work.

It was kind of an accident really. At that time I was using a wash of 70% alcohol and some black leather dye. Now anybody who's used alcohol to strip paint knows that 70% won't isn't up to the task. But in this case there was something about the paint that it bubbled up after the wash had been done. I scrubbed it lightly with a small brass bristle brush (about twice the size of a toothbrush) then rinsed it with water and what you saw is what I got. In this it was an Athearn car but I've had this happen to several others from Bachmann, Proto and Atlas.
Good morning. It's 81° with 76% humidity. The high will be 95° and will feel like 101°.
with a

No relief from the heat this week. The high is gonna be 95° all the way through Monday. Later today I'll probably be going to town to get a haircut. That depends on how my father feels after his eye exam today. Tomorrow I'll be going to see the doc so he can check my ears. For a month now I've been hearing my blood pulsing in my ears day and night. It's load enough I can hear it even with the TV going and it's interfering with what sleep I can get. I'm lucky if I can get five hours.

I see by my calender that today is September 11th. The morning of September 11th, 2001 I was at work on my newspaper route. I had just turned off a dirt road onto a secondary highway, hwy 464 in this case. As was my habit I was listening to Morning Edition on NPR. If I remember correctly the fall fundraiser was on when the program was interrupted by a report that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. At first it was thought it was maybe a small private plane but then the news came that it was a airliner. Not long after came another report that a second airliner had hit the other tower and there were the reports of one hitting the Pentagon. A little while later I stopped at a small store where the owner and I watched the towers fall. To say that I was upset about that would be an understatement. I was downright livid! Prime things on my mind were the lives and safety of those at the scene and a burning desire to get my hands on those responsible.


Thank you for that recollection. I will never forget that day, either. Maybe especially because of my kids' responses to it...
