1/87th Vehicles

Josh, If you can find a new box of the Nascar vehicles, you will find 12 different cars & 12 diff. car numbers. Some of the boxes have 13 diff. cars.
jbaakko said:
Woha, there's 13 Nascar cars!? And ALL I could find was 4?? Hummm...

The numbers are all of the winners in the races this & last year. Someone needs to make a speedway on their layout. I would, but don't have the room.
I've been wanting to do a lake out of the cardboard baloons that I saw in MRR last month, but don't have the room for that either. I'm going to have to stop building structures one day & concentrate on the layout.(TRAINS);)

Sweet, thanks for the info Larry! As for the speedway, I'm not going to do that, BUT maybe a car on display, say at a dealership...
jbaakko said:
Can someone post a picture of the HO scale cars still in the packaging so I can pick it out easier?

Oh hey there, there's Red & Blue cabs too! I've only found brown, white & yellow so far, and the red one looks like one I don't have (as in type of cab). Looking good thanks. Liking that VW bus in red too.
Been seeing threads about these beauties but no pics.So when I found a source for them (Wal-Mart Super stores in my part of Michigan) I took some pics and posted them.There are at least two more versions available but I haven't found them yet.
Here are pics of some of the Wal-Mart semi tractors.






All three have this kind of detail :D



HO scale and $3.97 each.Has anyone seen any different ones??

To answer my own question,I found a white one.I will post pics soon.They also come in yellow? Well We are going back to the Greenville (MI.) store again this friday.

The ONLY place I've found these is the Wal-Mart Super Stores.:D
I've bought 3 yellow, 3 white, & 3 brown, have yet to see the blue & red ones, but I have to go to Wal*mart for an inteview tomorrow, hopefully they'll have some. ;)

I'm hoping to find the larger collection of Nascar cars too.
If anyone is interested, the local Dollar Tree store has (for $1 naturally) "Turbo Wheels" 1/87th scale trucks. The trailers are throwaway but the tractors are good enough to use as background fill - or to fill spaces at a loading facility/truck stop.



JeffShultz said:
...The trailers are throwaway but the tractors are good enough to use as background fill - or to fill spaces at a loading facility/truck stop.
Throw some A-Line wheels at those tractors and they'd probably look pretty good! Course, that would also double the cost :rolleyes:

I just got a great deal on a whole bunch of Athearn tractor, container chassis, and container kits, so I'm set with vehicles for awhile :D

I haven't checked the Wal-Mart here since sometime back in the spring...now you guys have me curious as to what all they have. It is kind of convenient and economical to buy 1:87 stuff at a major retailer, but I personally hope Wal-Mart never gets any further into the model train field. That would certainly do a number on LHS's, and businesses like mine...
Wal*mart won't beyond the train sets around this time of year, and the vehicles, I'd doubt they'd EVER venture into Model RRing fully, I mean look they sell models, but hobby stores STILL hold out on models because Wal*mart doesn't stock nearly as much.

As for finding the trucks myself, 2/3 "normal haunt" Wal*Marts down w/o one in stock.
Since all the Walmarts are doing away w/the Layaway dept. Nov.18th they will be getting a lot of the new Christmas stuff in a little bit earlier this year.
In our GM truck tonite there was some new 1/87th stuff that came in. I don't go back to work until sunday, so, I probably won't find out what came in till then.
I know for sure that they are going to get in some other train sets besides the John Deere set that they had last year. I think there is going to be a train set for Blitz this year. WM just bought a mfg. company not to long ago that makes metal vehicles(in China) & I'm sure they will be marketing some new stuff pretty soon.
I'll try to keep you-all posted as soon as I find out something for sure.
I wish they would get the new 1/87th pickup truck line on the shelves soooon. It's been in the works for over a year.

My wife wants to go back to the Greenville (MI.) Wal-Mart Super store for groceries tomorrow evening.She asked if I would like to go along.

My answer? "Hell Yeah!!" :D :D (That's where I got most of mine from) The regular stores don't seem to have them here in West Michigan.:(
Was walking thru toys today & noticed that their is a bunch of new Nascar cars. The new box has 24 different numbers, where the old box had only 12 or 13 numbers. Better check it out.

You can make that SEVEN trucks now. I was wandering "my" Wal*Mart today at lunch, and ran into a Blue, Lavender & Orange cab in the Model asile!!
No Oil Change....

Shopping with the wife and my son! I'm going back this morning to see if I can find those cars. I think I may have seen them there when I was there once before.

