i have a dcc layout i use bachmann ez command, my question is does it matter what brand of dcc loco i use, do i have to use only bachmann locos or what do i look for, i would like to find one with dcc sound, anything special i need to lokk for thanks
i have a dcc layout with atlas code 83 track and switches what is the best way to wire the turn outs i have a separate dc generator, the switches have 3 wires red,green,black how do you wire them, i know they have dcc turnouts but i cant afford the right now, maybe down the road just want to...
I originally posted this under general information but a member suggested it would be better posted here and he is right :o
Has anyone used the HO scale Kato DCC turnout machines (29099 - R, 29098 - L)? I am thinking of using them instead of the Kato DC Turnout Machine to convert my...
Has anyone used the HO scale Kato DCC switch machines (29099 - R, 29098 - L)? I am thinking of using them but would like to find out what others have experienced.
I'm planning to buy a couple of Athearn Genesis SD60M's, DCC w/ sound but I've had several people warn me about the MRC decoders ... very limited ability to program and very poor quality control. Any thoughts?
Also, anyone have experience with replacement decoders, either SoundTraxx Tsunami...
We got started when my older son got a Bachmann EZ-track set for Christmas (officially graduating him from Thomas wood sets). My wife's grandpa then ran into a guy who was selling everything in his basement for a hundred bucks (retiring to a sailboat headed south), and grandpa convinced me to...
I recently purchased a HO scale C420 with sound and DCC. When I run it on my
Digitrax DCC layout the button F6 witch is supposed to be the doppler shift does
not operate the doppler, instead it just gives me a read out of my locomotives
speed. That is when it is running. When it is in neutral...
Who can help me ?
In our Model RR Club (N-Scale Modules) we have memebers who use DCC and those who use Selectrix. Is there a way to combine the systems and let engines of both systems run on the same layout ?
We would prefer to let the Selectrix engines run under DCC (Roco Lok Maus) since...
I've adopted CTI-Electronics computer control system integrated with my Lenz Set 100 to automate my railroad. Currently have the ability to run three trains automatically with signaling. 18 electronic blocks. Drawer was removed from layout for this rework.