MRC stereo decoder 1902
The warnings about MRC sound decoders are well founded. They not only have very poor quality control, they also don't sound very good. I personally like the QSI Revolution but you won't go wrong getting a Tsunami either. The Athearn engines themselves are very good, just get the DCC ready version and stick in your own sound decoder.
I have heard numerous such comments about MRC decoders for a few years now,...and in particular about their motor control functions.
You made this posting of yours back in 2009, and I'm wondering if you had the opportunity to re-evaluate it at all over the years?? I see where MRC is still very much in the decoder market still (2013), and i wonder how that might be if their decoders were so poor? Have they made significant improvements over the years?
More specifically does anyone have experience with this new 'stereo' decoder they are offering??
Drop In Stereo Sound Decoder:
Adjustable back EMF load control w/ Ultra Slow Speed Control
16 Bit Sound Control w/ 16 Levels of sound volume
Dual out of snych EMD 567B Prime Movers for realistic operation
1.5 amp capacity
2 Different Prime Mover Sounds; EMD 567B/Alco 539T
Probrammable for either 2 digit (1-127) or 4 digit (1-9999) addresses
Programmable start voltage & top voltage
Programmable acceleration & deceleration rates
Progammable 14,28/128 speed steps
Programmable user selectable 22 types of horns & 6 types of bells