
  1. G

    Old Rivarossi motor and DCC

    I have an Rivarossi "Blue Goose", i'm not sure about the year. I've been doing research about Dcc affected on older models. The only problem I for see is the motor draws higher amps than new motors, but that would be as simple as get a high amp chip. Is there any other consideration that need to...
  2. U

    Alternating Between DC and DCC

    Hey all, Long time listener, first time poster here. I recently took the dive into DCC with the NCE Power Cab, but I would like to alternate between DC and DCC for a while, as suggested here. I wouldn't be running both DC and DCC simultaneously, but I would like to operate a session in DC...
  3. R

    An Arduino as 16x function- and 6x servo-decoder

    An Arduino can be used as a combined function- plus servo decoder. This has a price tag under €5,- (including a fast opto-coupler). Thanks to the people behind mynabay who made available the code for decoding the DCC commands. I added the software to control the outputs and the servos...
  4. W

    Intermountain HO SD40-2 help

    I have acquired some of the recent Intermountain HO SD40-2's with the ESU sound decoders. When I have them in consist running as a pair or trio they seem to surge which in turn creates an accordion effect in the train. It does it a lot at slower speeds and I don't notice it as much at higher...
  5. D

    DCC wiring info for Atlas ho Berkshire Route #35

    I would like to convert my dc Berkshire valley layout to DCC and have been unable to find much guidance or a diagram to do this. Any help would be appreciated. I really appreciate all the replies I have received. Thanks Dan
  6. F

    Auto-Reversing a yard that enters the mainline in a WYE using DCC

    I'm having some troubles coming up with a solution for this and hope that someone can help. I'm modeling the Central Midland, which is an Atlas track plan. The yard is attached to the double mainline using a WYE. Control is coming from a Digitrax Super Empire Builder. I've read about...
  7. C

    What is a good DCC Transformer for beginners?

    Hello, I am looking for a simple DCC transformer that allows me to get the most out of a DCC equipped locomotive. I've looked at the NCE Powercab and find it might be too complex for my experience level. I've also looked at the Ez command transformer from Bachmann. However, I am looking for...
  8. L

    Headlights come on for opposite direction?! Please Help ASAP

    I just installed a DCC Decoder in my GP-38, that I took from another GP-38. It runs fine, and the headlights come on, but when I'm going forward, the back comes on, and when going backwards the front comes on! How do I stop this from happening and fix it to how it should be? Any help would be...
  9. DCC Equipment drawer Redux version 6

    DCC Equipment drawer Redux version 6

    My DCC Equipment continues to evolve in selection and type of equipment I use. Version 6 highlights my current Digitrax installation using two DCS100 Command stations. The one on the left serves as a power booster. Both boosters feed into PSX circuit breakers which give near instant power off...
  10. DCC Equipment drawer Redux version 6

    DCC Equipment drawer Redux version 6

    My DCC Equipment continues to evolve in selection and type of equipment I use. Version 6 highlights my current Digitrax installation using two DCS100 Command stations. The one on the left serves as a power booster. Both boosters feed into PSX circuit breakers which give near instant power off...
  11. C

    Shortcut or dead end?

    I'm planning my first DCC-layout. It will be N scale, Peco c55 with electrofrog turnouts. I'll be using Lenz Set 100 to run it. I'm preparing to build a flipped left-to-right version of Granite Gorge and Northern. One of my locomotives is too long to be able to turn on a turntable. Would it...
  12. R

    DCC wiring help

    I've been searching for quite some time now and am now thoroughly confused. It's almost time for me to begin wiring the my layout (which is only 6x10) but I am completely lost on how to do so. The system I have is an NCE Power Cab - which looks/sounds easy enough to set up - but then I start...
  13. J

    Convert Bachmann Non-DCC Turnouts To DCC Control

    Hello All, I am new to this forum and have re-entered model railroading after a several decade hiatus. For my first setup I have tried to go the most inexpensive route and purchased the Bachmann "Your First Railroad" EZ Track Set along with a Bachmann SD40-2 DCC equipped Loco and the NCE Power...
  14. R

    The Savage Railroad

    Good Morning Everyone, My kids and I are building our dream layout in the basement of our 1912 home. We live next to the only known Bowman Truss Bridge in existence. The layout will be DCC with manual throws in addition to the DCC controlled turnouts. When done we should have a fully functing...
  15. H

    Install a decoder in a Spectrum K4

    My son's mother took him to a train show where he convinced her to buy a used Spectrum PRR K4 (5404). From what I've found out online, this engine was released in 1994. I took the shell off the locomotive, and discovered that the rear pickup leads are not connected. The tender is hollow...
  16. R

    Replacement LEDs for Proto 2000 models

    I am in the process of installing DCC and replacing the light bulbs in my Proto 2000 engines. I have and want to use my LED lights for this. I know I need to use resisters, but I don't know if the ones I have are good enough as I bought them on eBay to be used with 9V batteries. I am assuming...
  17. B

    Is it necessary to run a power bus?

    I have a small 8x8 HO Layout that I am running with a Zephyr. I have the Zephyr connected directly to Kato Unitrack. In all my DCC research, there is only mention of DCC Power Bus use with layouts and I am wondering if I am going about this wrong. Should I connect my Zephyr to a power bus and...
  18. tnolan55

    Adjusting start speed

    I have an Sd70mac from athearn genesisand i would like to change the speed step it starts moving at to step 1. I do not know how to do this so I would like some help.
  19. X

    Need help Installing decoder in proto (walters) GP38-2

    Being new to DCC I'm seeking some advice. I have two proto (walthers) GP38-2's #920-75008. Both run excellent and are DCC ready but there do not appear to be drop in decoders available for them. The only ones I can find that are suggested are the digitrax dz143 or the dz125. Both of these...
  20. A

    Best Power Booster for Bachmann DCC

    My son received a Bachmann Digital Command train set for Christmas this year. Included were two DCC trains. He also received another Bachmann set with an analog engine. Loving trains as he does, he spent some Christmas cash on a fourth engine, another DCC. We combined the track from the two sets...
