Running Bear's December 2022 Coffee Shop

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So yesterday the local ran a switching routine for Irving Tissue....Scott's tissue andpaper towels. A paper mill that been here for eons. I didn't stay long but just snapped a video when the crossed Broadway (route 4) to the plant...

The locomotive was labeled as Canadian Pacific local #2229 GP20C DRS-20 on the cab....


I subscribed to all those who subscribed to my channel. Thanks for watching the videos. This will be kind of a neat thing to do for me and my future posting of my layout progress to create some kind of journal if you will for the layout. It will certainly be some what entertaining I hope but nonetheless it will break up the usual picture posting routine.

I am working from home today for a few hours. Then I have to run over to see my great aunt Ruth who is my grandfather's sister (he past away at 101 years old 2 years ago he served n 3 wars WWII, Korea, Vietnam). She is not doing well and her heart is getting weak. She is 100 years young. I saw her last week and she was very coherent but she is starting to go. So I will go to see how she is doing.

Ya'll have a good day. I will chck back in a bit. I want to catch up with what ya'll got for Christmas presents 🤣 😂 from Santa!
Nice first video. It seems that you have a very interesting layout.

Christian thank you. It is in the humble beginnings. I have a thread for it too. JR's UPRR here. I will be updating a lot there in the very near future as I have made some strides and progress on the layout. Postings will be more frequent there along with the videos.

James - I like the neat, clean appearance in your youtube video. I subscribed!

Here is my latest youtube, shows a bunch of new twisted wire trees, also the back of the layout and features log loads also the smooth action of my SW-1 switcher, is a Walthers model year 1992 I think, I bought it on ebay and painted it for SLCR (my local road name). The steamer is a Varney.

Good morning fellow train enthusiasts!

No time for pics, but the Christmas celebrations were quite nice, if somewhat subdued. My church changed its traditional Chr Eve worship times for 4:30 & 10:30 to 7:00 only. Change is always risky in the church-world, but all seemed to go well. No one ever complains to me, so I will wait to hear through the proverbial grapevine.

Wifeykins apparently took my flippant gift suggestion of some Digitrax servo switch machine components in more earnestness than I intended. So they are apparently coming. We have yet to celebrate Christmas with my older daughter (we fly to DC tomorrow morning early!) so I suspect that they will provide the DS78V controller. So looks like I will be getting busy this winter on automating some (at least 8) of the yard TOs. Should be fun - - - standby for the requisite thousand questions!

Took some time on Sunday to run trains for a while. Was fun. Depoted my two newest DCC equipped locos and brought out the Bowser into which I put the Digitrax decoder. Man, it runs great. No sound, of course, but that is not so bad sometimes. Ran it all round the loops with a modest string and performed beautifully. Even ran it backwards for a few laps.

Well, wrapping up some things and then we leave early tomorrow morning for Washington DC. Will spend a week there. Looking forward to it as they are predicting mid 60s this weekend!

Steve J
The big thaw has started here in Ohio today... finally getting into double digit temperatures, rising all the way up to 28F right now... The roads are finally starting to clear up now that the temperature has cooperated.

This was the first Christmas I ever remember where the weather kept us from going to a candlelight service on Christmas Eve.

I'm ready for some more college football Bowl Games!!!
Morning all! The house is quiet here too. I'm fiddling with a few things. Those Union Oil tank cars are getting the light weathering treatment, the Kadee trip pins removed, and Hazmat placards. Tichy makes a nice set of hazard placards, their set 10259, but it's for transition era, not the modern stuff. They are very small, but make a big difference IMHO. Microscale makes them too, and theirs are a little easier, as you don't have to cut them away from the film. The Tichy ones have to be cut like the old Champ sets did. There is also some repairs to do, just like the prototype I guess. The Tangent tankers are mostly handleable as long as you're reasonable, but some models are more delicate than others. I've found that some of the small etched metal parts like to go awol. Like the etched metal tank hold downs. Re-attaching those will teach you patience. Luckily I found this stray in the freight car box! Getting it back in was a bit of a challenge, about a four swearword job. 😁 I scratched the paint a little as the proper tweezer tension to make sure it didn't go zinging off to the farthest dark corner of the work room or into the carpet pile made it hard to maneuver. The scratch is almost unnoticeable when viewing normally and what little you can see will be hidden after weathering.

Tank Hold down strap.JPG
Hazard Placard.JPG

Union Oil 10232.jpg
Good afternoon everyone, realized again how much fun it is taking all of your buildings and styrofoam off of the layout in a tight spot to rearrange track. Any of you go through this….lol? Positive note, my new DCS 52 runs the Shay brilliantly and my other track can be DC for now, still a ton of work to do.
Good afternoon everyone, realized again how much fun it is taking all of your buildings and styrofoam off of the layout in a tight spot to rearrange track. Any of you go through this….lol? Positive note, my new DCS 52 runs the Shay brilliantly and my other track can be DC for now, still a ton of work to do.
Been there, done that, got the
T-shit too. 😁
Afternoon All,

Not much happening this way. My ambulance came in (same as Karl's) and I drove Dad to his TSA registration appointment. Surprise is that it only took about 10 minutes. I was expecting a long time (Fed's). Tomorrow I'll work on the accident scene while waiting on the T/O.

Hughie- Nice gift.

Chad- Enjoy your side trip.

Smudge- Nice video.

Willie- Nice Christmas haul.

James- Nice video. Best wishes for your Aunt Ruth.

Dave- Nice steam and diesel action.

Steve- Have a fun and safe trip.

Christian- Look forward to the cacti and dino's.

Alan- Nice signage and decaling.

Gary- I don't have Styrofoam but I have made numerous minor and major changes to a layout.

I hope everyone has a good night.
Afternoon All,

Not much happening this way. My ambulance came in (same as Karl's) and I drove Dad to his TSA registration appointment. Surprise is that it only took about 10 minutes. I was expecting a long time (Fed's). Tomorrow I'll work on the accident scene while waiting on the T/O.

Hughie- Nice gift.

Chad- Enjoy your side trip.

Smudge- Nice video.

Willie- Nice Christmas haul.

James- Nice video. Best wishes for your Aunt Ruth.

Dave- Nice steam and diesel action.

Steve- Have a fun and safe trip.

Christian- Look forward to the cacti and dino's.

Alan- Nice signage and decaling.

Gary- I don't have Styrofoam but I have made numerous minor and major changes to a layout.

I hope everyone has a good night.
Curt, every time I see the reference to the ambulance I am thinking someone is injured (TomO?) Then I realize its the scale model. HA

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