CoffeeShop XXXVII-5/1/2013

Jeffrey: Above ankle amputation? I hope you get a 2nd and 3rd opinion!

No second or third opinion needed. This is something that has been needing to be done for at least three years now. Amputation at the ankle doesn't leave a good point for prosthetic attachment. It also doesn't guarantee that all the effected bone is cleared away. Any remaining trace of bone that has the Charcot or osteomyelitis that is still present in my foot will allow either or both to spread upward. An amputation point between the ankle and knee gets rid of any affected bone and provides a much better attachment point for a prosthesis.
Good Morning! from Tipton IN.

It's Wednesday, July 10, 2013





Temperature in TIPTON IN
Good Morning

All kind of dull and very humid out today...currently sitting at 74F feeling like 94F...about 95% humidity...yuck...:eek:

Getting a few things done chorewise and then off to the mall to meet the gang...and then train time....;)
Can you put her off a few decades?? Case in point. When my parents built their house in 1970, the wood trim was just clear, knot free white pine, with clear shellac... fast forward 1990,, was a gorgeous light honey forward again to 2011 when the house was sold....the color had deepened further, to a deeper rich amber.......I can imagine what it will look like in another 20 years. :eek:

Just trying to help a brother out ya know!:rolleyes:
What is really funny is the reaction we get from some of our family that we would want the dark wood in the first place. They're pretty sure we're taking this 1995 house back to the late seventies/ early eighties. You know what? I think we are!:D
Good morning. It's 79° with 91% humidity. The high will be 98°.

I was very tired yesterday and went to bed early. Woke up around 1am and realized I had the computer on. Went through the usual tabs and made a reply here and there then shut it down and went back to bed. Woke up at 7 and started my day. I'm feeling OK after yesterdays little KFC adventure. No pain anywhere. No plans for today. I may just watch some movies.

Found this interesting photo.....some of the first search engines used on the internet in the early 1990's.
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Nothing happened today except a trip to town with my father. First to Market Basket, then the bank then to Wal-Mart where I picked up some sandwich fixings and a loaf of Texas Garlic Toast. An order of some stick-on rubber feet that were made to be used on computer cases came in today and I wasted no time in applying some to the bottoms of the assorted disk drives of my IIe and the Quentin disk drives that were provided by my neighbors father. My van backfired through the exhaust this morning and scared one of the neighborhood dogs so badly the poor thing ran into a fence post and a tree.
Not much happened today. Just a quick shopping trip with my father this morning. This afternoon my Apple IIe computer and it's disk drives got their rubber feet. Many of the original feet were missing do I removed the remaining ones before applying the new ones. Now all the feet are the same size and nothing is sitting cockeyed. Hopefully tomorrow or Friday the new power supply for my mothers old IIe will come in and I can install it. The one in it works but makes a clicking sound like a stove burner heating up. Something in there is getting hot.

I may get some layout work done this week. Problem is I don't really feel like working on it. I think it's time to step back and take a break from it for a while.

Time for me to call it a night. See y'all tomorrow.

Good morning. It's 76° with 96% humidity. The high will be 95°.

Looks like it could be a wet one today. I thought about working on the layout today and almost immediately realized I wanted nothing to do with it. Time to do something else for a while I guess. Anyway I have more important things to worry about. I guess today I'll watch some movies.

Good Morning

Much cooler out this morning then it has been for the past several days...or was it weeks...mmmmm...right now we are at 62F...going for a high of 72F......the rain we had over the past three days tripled the amount the amount we had all summer last year...

Today I actually might get a chance to get the hay..I mean grass cut...then off to the mall to meet the gang and see what types of things happened...
The rain returned with a vengeance last night. Thunder and a heavy downpour woke me at about 3:30 a.m. It's still raining now but not nearly as hard. Hopefully it will clear where I can get some grass cut this evening. Maybe I should just rent some goats to take care of the yard - they work in all kinds of weather. ;)
Good Morning.

This morning's rain gets me out of cutting the lawn and getting the car inspected, today. That gives me more time to enjoy my baby grand daughter who is making her first visit East. All things considered, not a bad prospect.

My model railroad activities have been nil for several weeks, maybe, I can get some inspiration.

Discovered who was picking the blossoms off my tomato and pepper plants, yesterday......the local Cardinals......need something to spook them, or I wont get any produce.

Have a good day
......the rain we had over the past three days tripled the amount the amount we had all summer last year...
That is exactly what it seems like here. The river is usually like a big creek. Today it looks like the ocean. Ponds have appeared all over town. We are close to flood stage. Hopefully the predictions of a short dry spell are correct.
I'm working on one of my Franklin disk drives today. It has a slight tracking problem and when you're working with16 sectors per track on 35 tracks (360k) you want to be as precise as possible. The adjustment is simple enough but must be done very carefully and the outer shell of the drive must be removed to do this. The drives are second generation Apple II compatibles and are nearly all metal in construction so are quite heavy. Feels like somewhere between six and eight pounds. You'd have no problem busting a windshield with one of these things. Now it's adjusted and working perfectly.

The little blue square with the white dot is the piece I to turn to make the adjustment.
An Apple 1. There were many of those sold as electronics projects but not many survived. Most had a miserable 8k of RAM memory but could be expanded to 48k RAM. However they had no ROM and were limited to cassette tape saving and loading which was slow and undependable. It was impossible to use with any kind of disk drive. The programs couldn't call up other programs as the tape drive was very limited. Any entries added to the program had to be saved to the tape with the program as random or sequential access entries. I have some of those early programs, mostly address books and phone listings that random and/or sequential access for the entries. However mine were modified to be used with a disk drive on the Apple 1's successor, the Apple II, II+, IIe and IIc. For all it's advanced technology of it's time the Apple 1 was just a glorified calculator that could spell. It did however kick open the door for the personal computer revolution.
Good morning. Stayed up waaay too late, not the least bit sleepy - must be having a mania attack? I've been struggling to learn how to use JMRI Operations software, and at ~10pm the "light bulb" finally came on, and I just couldn't wait to try and build yet another manifest! Very time consuming and and mouse-click intensive, though; but at least its better than using those pesky handwritten car-cards.
