CoffeeShop XXXVII-5/1/2013

The rain returned with a vengeance last night. Thunder and a heavy downpour woke me at about 3:30 a.m. It's still raining now but not nearly as hard. Hopefully it will clear where I can get some grass cut this evening. Maybe I should just rent some goats to take care of the yard - they work in all kinds of weather. ;)


Don't know how much yall got there in Prattville, but in places up here, over 5" fell in less than an hour. For the first time ever, US 280 was closed due to flooding! This is the main highway out of the 'Ham going southeast. It also is the most traveled highway in the state, due to all the business & housing developments that have been built in north Shelby county. There was a lot of damage done to some of the suburbs NW of the main city as well due to the straight line winds that came with the storms.

The thunder and lightning was continuous for over 2 hours and was very close and very loud. Strangest part was the rain, at my house my rain gauge had less than 1/4", but less than 4 miles away in all directions, those folks were getting anywhere from 4-7".

According to the NWS here, none of these storms were severe. They didn't meet the criteria for a severe classification. I don't see how! They also said that at this time the last two years, we were almost 10" below normal in rainfall amounts. This year we're already 12" above.
Good morning. Cloudy with rain and 69. I'll be swimming to work shortly.

Boy, what's up with all that rain? Usually we're getting inundated with it here and we are getting hardly any.


Good morning. It's 74° with 98% humidity. The high will be 92°.

Not much planned for today. I may mow the grass if I feel up to it. I got some new flypaper strips yesterday and they've already hauled in a good harvest. I hung up four and I can see about a dozen little black flies stuck to each one. The flies were stupid enough to land on them so they're stuck with that problem now. Yesterday I saw a pair of adhesive backed disk drive identification labels (DRIVE 1 and DRIVE 2) online. They look good but the seller wants around $20 for them. I didn't agree with that price so I quickly printed my own and glued them to the fronts of my two main drives. They look good enough to me.

For those wondering what the book on the top drive is, the Starfleet Officers Manual, Volume 1.

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Good Morning:

I'm going to try and get the lawn cut this morning, before the rain returns.

Have a great day.
Good Morning

Sunny with a high near 74F today

Got some...ermm...'interesting' yesterday. :eek: Doctor appointment on Monday morning for the possibility of getting something like a 'tummy tuck'. :-S..ermmm...well, due to the huge weight loss I now have some extra baggy skin around the ol' is most bizarre. ???...:chuckgrudenface:

Today I'm heading to the LHS to find some Lionel Boxcars for the Xmas layout... :)
Wow....I remember having to reset the 360K floppy drives for the IBM and clones in the early 80's...Come a long way since then.
Hope your leg surgery goes as expected Jeffrey.

Yeah, that old stuff makes you thankful for modern technology doesn't it? Or maybe makes you wish you could take a few steps back to a simpler time? I hope the surgery goes well but with all the meds I take you never know what problem may crop up. The last surgery I had there was some problem with the antithetic about halfway through and I was conscious and very aware of everything going on. Fortunately the nerves in my legs are so badly damaged all I could feel was a little pressure as the doc removed some bones from my foot. It felt rather like what you'd feel if someone gave you a firm grip handshake.
Jeffrey, seeing your vintage Apple computer equipment brings back memories. I worked at a Radio Shack in the early 80's, selling the old TRS ("Trash") 80's, Model I's, Model III's, Color Computers and the early Tandy PC clones. Tape drives, 8 inch and 5 1/4 inch floppies, external disk drives were all the norm back then. The Apple II was pretty much top of the line back then and very popular in schools - all three of my kids used them. The first hard drive we carried (a $1000+ option, by the way) was an eye-popping 20 meg. Yep, that's megabyte. I think my watch has more memory than that. :rolleyes: My phone has more processing power than the entire Tandy line of 1983. Good times. I learned a lot back then and often feel nostalgic for the old computers (until I remember how long they took to boot up, load the operating system, etc.)

Grass finally cut - four acres done (and so am I :p). Thank the Lord and John Deere. Clouds moving in again - looks like more rain this afternoon.

Happy Friday, y'all!
The rain has stopped for close to two days now. The guys are trying to get our RC buggy race track dried out for tomorrow. They say it will be ready if weather stays dry as predicted.
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Jeffrey, seeing your vintage Apple computer equipment brings back memories. I worked at a Radio Shack in the early 80's, selling the old TRS ("Trash") 80's, Model I's, Model III's, Color Computers and the early Tandy PC clones. Tape drives, 8 inch and 5 1/4 inch floppies, external disk drives were all the norm back then. The Apple II was pretty much top of the line back then and very popular in schools - all three of my kids used them. The first hard drive we carried (a $1000+ option, by the way) was an eye-popping 20 meg. Yep, that's megabyte. I think my watch has more memory than that. :rolleyes: My phone has more processing power than the entire Tandy line of 1983. Good times. I learned a lot back then and often feel nostalgic for the old computers (until I remember how long they took to boot up, load the operating system, etc.)

Same here. I worked at a military post exchange selling Apple Computers. The IIe, IIc and IIe Platinum were the best sellers. The IIGS didn't move as well. One thing they didn't have a lot of software just for it. Why buy IIe and IIc software for the new IIGS when the IIe and IIc would run it just as well? The Apple II's and the Macintosh and Lisa started up fast while the IBM's and their compatibles did a slow RAM count that took the better part of 90 seconds then took more time to load their DOS. The one that had an advantage in that regard was one of the Tandy's that did a fast count and had it's ROM and DOS 3.1 on a chip and didn't require a boot disk. The Commodores weren't too bad but what a learning curve. The Amiga was a bit better.
Got the grass cut. Now I feel like I've been run over by the tractor, several times. The grass was high and took about six hours to cut. I worked a lunch of beef stew and cornbread in there somewhere. Now I'm sore and stiff and I'm sure I'll be somewhat antisocial for a few days.
Been raining all day here, I can forget cutting the grass. :( Maybe if the rain stops tomorrow I can spend a few hours circling with the Cub. 800 lbs should not sink so far. The Deere at 3,000 lbs is probably garage bound for the weekend.
Good Really Early Morning

Interesting night tonight...played with a few other musos in a pick up band...had a good turn out..might make this one stick, if at all possible ...heeheehee

Well better turn in myself..need the sleep...
Been raining all day here, I can forget cutting the grass. :( Maybe if the rain stops tomorrow I can spend a few hours circling with the Cub. 800 lbs should not sink so far.
Mine didn't dig any ruts in the yard, hopefully you'll do okay, as well.
mmmmm....welb...good morning....I think.....mmmmmmm

Well...we are having sun and a high of 84F today, going to get way hotter in the next couple of days here...back to the ol' heat and stick...

Today have a bit of a rest then off to the club tonight for a couple more live sets with the new band ...hope this one sticks together...

Have a good one!!
