The greenbrier logging and coal co

Lynnb, i am using 10 Kato #4's and 2 #6's the one in question is a #4. This is the first time i have ever had any issue with that turnout. You hit on a point. why won't jumping the track allow it to run the train through the turnout? The shorter the engine is the faster it stops. My 43 tonner stops right at the edge of the spot thats dead. The rs-3 almost goes through it. the s-2 and nw-2 goes into the middle of the turnout before it stops. all but the 43 tonner will go through at fast speeds. none with normal slow speeds. I looks like a three inch section of the turnout is bad. Its just plain weird. the voltage is right on depending the way the turnout is aligned. I get 14.70 vac across the turnout when its on the main and the same if i turn it into the logging siding. the internal switch in the turnout isn't shorting or open in circuit. I compaired it to another turnout. they both act the same way. the readings are the same. I am not pulling that turnout out till i can figure this one out. I don't see any reason to at this time. answers..
ctclibby, I am using mint/cinnamon right now. i started with ubuntu. Been thinking about manjaro kde. just haven't tried it yet.
Lynnb, i am using 10 Kato #4's and 2 #6's the one in question is a #4. This is the first time i have ever had any issue with that turnout. You hit on a point. why won't jumping the track allow it to run the train through the turnout? The shorter the engine is the faster it stops. My 43 tonner stops right at the edge of the spot thats dead. The rs-3 almost goes through it. the s-2 and nw-2 goes into the middle of the turnout before it stops. all but the 43 tonner will go through at fast speeds. none with normal slow speeds. I looks like a three inch section of the turnout is bad. Its just plain weird. the voltage is right on depending the way the turnout is aligned. I get 14.70 vac across the turnout when its on the main and the same if i turn it into the logging siding. the internal switch in the turnout isn't shorting or open in circuit. I compaired it to another turnout. they both act the same way. the readings are the same. I am not pulling that turnout out till i can figure this one out. I don't see any reason to at this time. answers..

I had an issue like that. My turnouts are power routing, and the point rails carry electricity based on how they are thrown. Turns out the electrical connection of the point rail making contact with the stock rail was becoming "insulated" with debris. If I used a toothpick to "force" the point rail onto the stock rail, the problem would go away.

I ended up using a small bit of micro fiber towel wrapped over the edge of a business card, and used that thin combination to clean the rails where they touch. The problem was resolved.
ctclibby, I am using mint/cinnamon right now. i started with ubuntu. Been thinking about manjaro kde. just haven't tried it yet.
Probably a great choice. I don't know about Manjaro although tried Mint a few years ago and realized that stuff was not where I was used to it and just stuck with Fedora. I do like KDE vs GNOME/others as ( to me ) it seems a better desktop environment. When I upgraded all my stuff to Fedora36, I decided to give the Fedora Workstation ( NetInstall ) spin a go on one of my workstations. I do like it so far, but don't try that if you have a Nvidia video card as the support/ documentation is a PITA and can take you down multiple rabbit holes ending up going nowhere.

Have fun!

I had an issue like that. My turnouts are power routing, and the point rails carry electricity based on how they are thrown. Turns out the electrical connection of the point rail making contact with the stock rail was becoming "insulated" with debris. If I used a toothpick to "force" the point rail onto the stock rail, the problem would go away.

I ended up using a small bit of micro fiber towel wrapped over the edge of a business card, and used that thin combination to clean the rails where they touch. The problem was resolved.
I will try that Thanks
Probably a great choice. I don't know about Manjaro although tried Mint a few years ago and realized that stuff was not where I was used to it and just stuck with Fedora. I do like KDE vs GNOME/others as ( to me ) it seems a better desktop environment. When I upgraded all my stuff to Fedora36, I decided to give the Fedora Workstation ( NetInstall ) spin a go on one of my workstations. I do like it so far, but don't try that if you have a Nvidia video card as the support/ documentation is a PITA and can take you down multiple rabbit holes ending up going nowhere.

Have fun!

I am ussing both KDE and GNOME in mint. I put KDE in it and it came with GNOME. I don't have the Nvideia in this computer. Its aa AMD model but off the top of my head i can't remember but i think its a rx 570. I used the older model as it worked better with that then what the newer one was.
just a quick note. That did not work. Was a nice try. i am out of ideas and i think you all are too, But still up for ideas if any out there.
So to me reading your notes it really sounds like when the power off the rear wheels gets onto the 3” portion of the switch that it’s shorting when going slow but if you go fast enough it may be shorting but not long enough to shutdown the system. Is it possible to say run a short sheet of paper on the outside rail ( opposite the frog ) and run the engine over with the one side of the engine wheel being on the rail and the opposite over the paper so there’s no electrical contact?
I can try that but i was using a small piece of painters tape and covering one rail for to check that. I can redo that and will come back in awhile
Nothing changed when i tried that with paper. Something made me want to check voltages on the turnout both ways 14.70 a/c on the main rails but between the frog and the rail it dropped to 1.47 volts both readings are a/c. don't know why it didn't read that way the first time i did that.
Lynnb, i am using 10 Kato #4's and 2 #6's the one in question is a #4. This is the first time i have ever had any issue with that turnout. You hit on a point. why won't jumping the track allow it to run the train through the turnout? The shorter the engine is the faster it stops. My 43 tonner stops right at the edge of the spot thats dead. The rs-3 almost goes through it. the s-2 and nw-2 goes into the middle of the turnout before it stops. all but the 43 tonner will go through at fast speeds. none with normal slow speeds. I looks like a three inch section of the turnout is bad. Its just plain weird. the voltage is right on depending the way the turnout is aligned. I get 14.70 vac across the turnout when its on the main and the same if i turn it into the logging siding. the internal switch in the turnout isn't shorting or open in circuit. I compaired it to another turnout. they both act the same way. the readings are the same. I am not pulling that turnout out till i can figure this one out. I don't see any reason to at this time. answers..
I have heard about some problems with #4s so i did not get any for my layout (I worked around them) aparently they have 2 modes, routing and non routing and due to some level difference between certain parts it can cause derailment.
I am totally smitten with my Kato stuff so far, but have heard a lot of bad things about the #4s

Maybe something in this vid can help (afer the 11:00 minute part tells you how the frog power works)
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Thanks, I didn't ever see this one. I don't have any issues with derails with them,(so far), but this power routing is on that one screw he used for power routing. I am wondering if that screw came loose? That could kill the power through the frog. I like how he supported the turnout points in the middle. I have had small issues with that. I too have wished i had used #5's instead of # 4's. I would have had a shorter yard or a longer layout. but may have stopped any issues with the turnouts. Gonna have to smoke this one out.
Maybe not, Not sure yet. I have two of the four engines able to run slow across that turnout. The other two if i am a bit faster. All i did was to clean the turnout track with alcohol again and dried the turnout out and its somewhat better. Not perfect but better than it was. My S-2 runs the best over it even at slow speeds. Now if i could get the others to do that. Am wondering if the contacts inside the turnout are dirty or corroded?
Maybe not, Not sure yet. I have two of the four engines able to run slow across that turnout. The other two if i am a bit faster. All i did was to clean the turnout track with alcohol and dried the turnout out and its somewhat better. Not perfect but better than it was. My SS-2 runs the best over it even at slow speeds. Now if i could get the others to do that...
Did you clean the engine wheels as well? Sometimes they are worse than they look.
i use that Woodsland scenic engine wheel cleaner. it does a real good job of cleaning the wheels. There clean and free of dust as well. i don't think its the engines. the run everywhere else just fine. they have no issues with the other turnouts.
well, summers almost gone but for the high temps in Texas! Anyway, looking at the layout its showing a rather large dust issue wherever there is trees and grass, buildings track, well, just all over! so its time to break out the air compressor and vacuum and clean it all up. so that really is so much fun. Next year i think i willl cover it with a plastic tarp to keep the dust off. After painting the house i know that somewhere i have one of those clear plastic tarps floating around here somewhere. And whats next? well its a bit late in the summer but i think its time to grow some corn. plow the corn field up and plant lots of corn. that way they can feed the cows and with the sweet corn themself's at home. I already have ran some trains around the main so i know i fixed that bad turnout. a couple of shots below. hope you all had a safe and fun summer wherever you be! Smoke


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I had some family business and a pluming issue in the kitchen so i hadn't done anything to the layout, but i did get a bit done this evening. first rows are planted. there is three sets of rows to plant the crop. Shot below, Smoke


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