Some Very Sad, Awful News


Active Member
Hey Forum Members,

I came across this on YouTube from watching one of my subscriptions. The message in it is well done. I know James is a member of this forum, and I thank you James for making this video.

A young boy of 13 named Alexander Frye, who was a huge UP Railfan and modelrailroader, committed suicide last week in Wyoming. His family suspects bullying at school, largely as a result of his hobby, is the underlying cause.

I couldnt find any threads on this. Just wanted to share this tragic news as it involves the hobby(ies) many of us enjoy. Sorry to share bad news, but I thought many of you would like to know. May God be with him and his family.

Unfortunately this is becoming all too frequent as a result of bullying. Decent boys and girls who choose to persue creative and artistic activities instead of being one of the crowd are unendingly harrassed for being different. I pray that the hottest room in hell is reserved for those bullys when they finally arrive.
Wow, just wow. Unbelievable. I can't believe the story's like this about bullying. I didn't know it affects kids a lot, but it does. I remember seeing the bullies pick on the "nerdy" kids when I was young.

So it's not any different than when I was a kid, it's been happening a long time. The big question is, what is it with the kids these days, that can't handle it.
Bullying has changed in a short time. Now, with things like facebook and other internet chat structures one of the truly unfortunate things people do is to say things that they would never say to someone in person. Facebook is a hotbed of social ostracism and the anonymity is a major pile on. My kids finished high school and I thought this stuff was over but it actually carries on in to college.
Kids are like chickens. Once there is blood showing it's really really bad and for the most part the parents are clueless. Wyoming has had some horrific hate crimes but it's everywhere.
What a shame. :( To bad this little fellow didn't get a chance to mature some without having to deal with so much crap first. My prayers go out to the boy's family.

It would be interesting to know why this seems to happen more now than in the past. Bullying has always been part of the social mix with kids. Maybe we just hear about it more nowadays.
I believe that social media such as Facebook, Youtube, cellphones/text, and countless chatrooms and blogs are what make it so different to 'pile it on' compared to just 10 years ago (or longer for some of us). Im not at all saying they are the cause of it or at fault, they just make it easier for bullies to perpetuate their hate.

I also believe that the Information Age we live in is also why it seems this is so more common now. In the past, events like this sadly happened. Its just that now, with a couple clicks of the mouse you are able to hear about a kid in Wyoming. 10, 20 years ago, most of us would have never heard his sad story.
its unreal how much bullying has changed. I got bullied around as kid for beeing chubby, not the cool kid, my last name was a huge reason for being bullied. But growing up in the last 80's and early 90's we didn't have any of this stuff kids are exposed to now. If it didn't happen in school you got a few prank calls at night and dad usually took care of that. But now with the internet its just impossibly to hide from something.
This is a sad story, but unfortunately all to common. What is pathetic is that the kids making fun of him were probably the ones drinking and doing drugs. They might be "cool" kids now, but will be nothings after high school. Having just graduated college and having facebook as well, you can see what has become of all the "cool kids" that went to high school with me. It is hilarious. Most of them have gotten fat, are pregnant, have kids of their own (not married mind you), are alcoholics or drug addicts, or are working at low end jobs because they never made something of themselves, or dropped out of college, and yeah they all picked on the nerdy kids or the fat kids. I bet that kid would have made something of himself. But thanks to the "cool" kids we will never know.
what makes things more bothersome to me is some of these kids who possibly made fun of him for his hobbies probably liked the same hobbies but hung around the "cool crowd" and didn't let them know he liked that stuff too. It was like that when I grew up.
my son is on this board & he is 17 he has been into trains / model railroading / railfanning since he was 3 & the kids never have givin him a hard time, hes just the train kid & he is getting the biggest kid in school slowly becoming a railfan just cause my son has railfan&railroader mags in his bag lol, i guess hes lucky that kids ask more questions then anything , but on the female front thats another story lol :eek:
It is a very unfortunate situation for sure. It just goes to show how strong the need for acceptance is within some individuals. Peer pressure of the others that bullied him are largely to blame but mainly that he didn't have someone he could turn to, I imagine?

Oddly enough this same thing can carry over into adults and most often it's due to the bullies inward feelings of insecurity in one way or another.

It's an unfortunate situation for sure when others have to belittle someone for no real reason other than to boost their own low self esteem.

That's what is so great about this forum for the most part, it more about trying to help each other rather than finding fault to ridicule.
This is indeed very sad and my sympathy goes out to the family and friends of Alexander Frye.

If there is anyone else reading this who is being bullied for who they are or what they believe in, I would advise them to stand firm, talk to other people and try to minimise the influence they have over you. This may be difficult, especially if you have to share the same class with them, but do not accept what they say about you - do not let them have this power over you. Turn instead to your (real) friends and family and try to stand firm. (Bullies will attack any insecurities, whatever they are). There are lots of people interested in railways and lots of people on this Forum to talk to as well.

Hope this helps
I was bullied way back in school for many reasons. I was a small kid {easy to pick on} and it went from there. I was bullied by older kids in the neigborhood also as an easy target mainly cuz of my size.

BUT punishments were stricter then.
Now a days you can't discipline your kid except for to sit them in a chair for a "time out" or send them to their room {where parents have given them computers, TVs and Game palyers to use} so it's no skin off the kid's back.

I am not advocating the corporal punishment or beating a child {as I was abused}, but more needs to be done to discipline a child who take things like bullying into their own hands. Now a days terachers, bus drivers and school admins. have their hands tied as to what they can do to unruly children. Time outs don't work on violent agressive teens.

And kids who break the laws adults have to abide by SHOULD be charged and tried and punished...not just "let go" cuz they are a kid "and it would ruin their permentant record". No wonder the prisons are overcrowded!

WEll, If being a MMRer is worth a bullying, I guess I'm in for it again!
My daughter was the victim of bullying in high school. I ended the problem by taking her to school a few times on the hog wearing club colors.
Funny how word gets around and the problems go away.

