Running Bear's November 2024 Coffee Shop

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Everyone has gone home, dishes done, leftovers put away, and everything else cleaned up and the house is once again quiet!

The meal went off without incident and as usual we prepared way too much food, but it was exceptional.

Hope everyone had as good of Thanksgiving as I had with family.

Time to hit the recliner!.
Watched my first game all year. The Lions almost gave the game to the Bears in the second half, and then watched the Bears not manage the clock, leaving a timeout on the table when all they needed was a field goal to avoid the loss. Hopefully the Chiefs lose.
The Lions may be the best team in the NFL. The Bears have yet to learn how to win consistently, but they are loaded with talent and have a great young quarterback. It was not the game I was hoping for, but it was interesting to watch.

The Raiders and the Chiefs, an old AFL/early NFL rivalry. Too bad most of the players don't know the history. These players weren't even born yet, and many players know nothing of history. How sad is that?
Good morning! It's 27°F in Tipton.

Good Morning All. Clear, still and 31°, our first frost of the season. Back to normal fall weather today and for most of the ten day forecast, highs in the mid-60's. Haven't put the shorts away for winter yet.

Family gathering yesterday went well. Instead of attempting to seat 45 people inside, my brother set up a 24' x 24' tent on his patio, with 4 outdoor heaters. Worked out well. Plenty of food and drink. The only glitch was when the hostess announced that kids could go first to the dessert table. Hmmmh! Seventeen unsupervised kids wiped out 5 pies before any adults could have any. I don't do desserts mostly, so it didn't affect me! There was really too much other food though.
I did something that I don't normally do, I watched a little bit of two football games, since he had a big screen set facing the open end of the tent. I stopped watching 25 years ago, when the game was taken over by prima-donnas. Anyway, I saw some really lousy clock management by the Chicago team in the last minute of a game that they could easily have tied...if you watched, you know what I mean. About 30 minutes later I was looking again and saw some Dallas defender tip a pass up and then run under it to score a touchdown. It was an impressive display of concentration. I know that the Cowboys are playing badly this year, but it looks like division rival New York is a lot worse.
After returning home, I picked 10 Tomatoes off a volunteer plant that has been growing in the compost pile. They look like the Roma variety.

I should be getting back into the train shed today. I have missed it even though it's only been one missing day and a couple of short ones before that. Besides running a few trains, I need to identify my next mini-project and get started.

Tom O - While I have noticed that some tolls on Texas roads have risen a bit, some of the express lanes in areas around larger cities, use variable congestion pricing as well. If an accident occurs on the main freebie highway lanes, the price for the express lanes can as much as double! That's why all of the toll price signs are digitally lit.
Tom (Cambria) - I think that I posted in a past year, but kudos to you and your department for keeping your equipment in such fine shape.

Everyone have a fabulous Friday.
Howdy all for NW Indiana. It feels like 16 here. It is trying to develop pond effect snow outside.

Joan can't cook so we had Thanksgiving dinner delivered. So the spirit was there. Joan is an excellent cook and she did make her cranberry sauce. I bought a bottle of Cold Duck for dinner, Joan didn't feel like a drink. I'm probably the only one on the forum that likes Cold Duck.

Too many projects in limbo on the layout...Bad habit doing that, I get so far behind, I don't know where to start...Hey; that sounds like a good New Year's Eve promise...only one iron in the fire at once
Morning all,

Currently 37° and clear, with clouds moving in and a possibility of rain this afternoon. High of 46° later.

Because I worked 2 hours longer on Monday that I was supposed to, I get off at 1:00p today. Yeah!

Saturday we're meeting with a Medicare rep as changes in my prescription plan means my wife can no longer be on my cheaper, better health insurance. She has only part A, but the Medicare rep thinks we can buy only a drug plan and not submit drugs to my health portion. It would be less if we could, but still more than we're paying now. For some reason the feds think it's better for a Medicare recipient on part A only, to overall pay more for everything, in order to possible not have to spend more at the pharmacy.

Oh well, they get you either way...

Medicare is made unnecessarily difficult to understand, because they can. It especially gets complicated when one half of a couple is eligible and another isn't, and other plans don't want to cover the one who is.

I wasn't aware that anyone could just have "Part A", which is Hospital Inpatient Care Coverage, without Part B Coverage. (Covers Doctor Visits and Tests at 80%). [Part C - is the abysmal managed care available from private insurers] and Part D is "Optional" Prescription Drug Coverage.
As I said, this is unnecessarily hard to understand. When I became eligible for medicare, "AmPlan" abruptly cancelled my wife's coverage along with mine. The New Healthcare plans under what was then called "Obama Care" were very expensive. I was able to place her in a Major Medical Plan through the Railroad Unions that was reasonable but had a big deductible. We survived! She wasn't even eligible for Medicare at the time.
Good luck with your planning. Hope your meeting Saturday is successful.
After being on a Medicare Advantage program for several years I finally found out about Part G. I wanted to change over but no can do.
I wish someone had told me about part G when I first signed up.
Possibly, because Plan G didn't exist until recently. It's a replacement for Plan F. The difference is that under G there some cost sharing in addition to the premium, while Plan F does not have the cost sharing provision. I'm grandfathered to Plan F, fortunately. It's the only one available through the Railroad Union Plan. You are right, G is the best of the supplement plans currently available.
Good morning from a chilled cloudy morning in So Central Wisconsin. 18f degrees now feeling like 12 and heading to 25! Snow is on the ground from overnight but it’s light and swirling around the streets in the winds gusting in the high teens. Accumulation is possible as the snow guessers are saying it will be localized! That’s a new weather term I guess instead of using the word scattered.

At 1 today we will be at a musical that normally we would have seen on a Thursday night on our regular theater night. But yesterday being T-Giving we switched dates. Juliet something which shows you how much interest I have in this one!

Our Thanksgiving was nice and peaceful with just Terry and myself. We did say no to a couple of offers to join with others but we were fine. The turkey didn’t go in the oven until noon and we ate at 6. It was very good and the leftovers, especially the stuffing will be great the next couple days. We watched the Packers and Dolphins in the 3rd game yesterday and only watched a couple plays of the Bear game and none of the Cowboy game

During the morning from 10-12:30 and again 1:30 to 3 I spent either spraying the underside of boxcars, reefers and a tank car or operating a train in the paper mill.

I watched Rebel Moon part 1 on Netflix from 3:30 to 5 and part 2 from 11pm to 1:15am and then hit the sack. Not a good movie but something to watch. Reminded me of Star Wars. I read this morning there are 4 more parts written to finish off the story waiting for approval $$$ from Netflix

I’ve been trying to write with little success my annual December update to my weathering clients. Terry and my health issues since July have caused lots of things to change. The house we are in now is the smallest we’ve owned since our 1st one. It’s still too big. The 14 steps to the lower level are getting tougher to manage. We do not want a chair lift! Terry’s smoking has finally caught up to her. Her breathing has steadily gotten worst. My stroke as small as it was between August and September (unknown date) had been painful and scary. Much scarier than my 1st in 2015. Recovery has been much tougher than I remember from before but I’m getting good (very weaken left side) now but it’s been very taxing on Terry. Getting sick during recovery didn’t help me. When she got sick upon our return from Texas ( a trip we should not have taken) I was scared I was going to lose her. She’s about as good as she will get breathing wise but still doesn’t qualify for the traveling oxygen tank.

So between choice and necessity we have decided to look for an easier place to live. We will not build nor do we need assisted living. We will be looking at condos after the new year. We will not leave the area nor will we move in with the daughter as she and her hubby has suggested!

Custom structure building is done after I finish the current project by the Easter promise! I have told Terry even for past structure clients I will say no. This time I really mean it. Since I have weaken strength even trying to use a Exacto knife is worrisome. Thankfully the daughter’s laser cutters are available and I still can put things together.

Weathering will continue for the folks I have done work for in 2024 with a few exceptions. My rates will probably rise (maybe 10 to 20%) but still much less than other established weathering artists. My spray booth will be moved Sunday and Monday (by 2 friends and the SIL) to the daughter’s office/studio as her’s has been sold. Sometime in December I will transition all my weathering and the final structure work to her studio. That will force me to manage my weathering schedule better and there’s tons of room. It also gives my grandson the opportunity he wants to learn how to use an air brush as he can walk over. I have had 2 helpers the past 3 years that are now at the local area college. One is a sophomore the other a freshman who both are now graphic art students that have done custom graffiti for me (always fully disclosed) and this will make it easier for them to work with me. Neither care about the weathering.

We definitely have things to be thankful for and we are. Especially thankful to still be kicking!

Be well
Good morning all!

A cold day out there this morning. Currently sitting at 21 degrees with light snow falling. Its also very windy, so wind-chill is probably single digits.

Today starts the Christmas cookie baking for the wife. I will stay out of the kitchen as much as possible. I will only get summoned when there are dishes to be done, which is fine with me. I believe 16 varieties of cookies and candy will be made this year down from the 19 we did last year for cookie/candy trays.

Christmas tree will go up today as well.

Have a safe day all!
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