Running Bear's November 2024 Coffee Shop

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Don't do that again.

Coming and going.

Don't forget the Twisted Tea.


That is fast! I hope all is well. On the bright side, young people heal quickly.

I'd say that is an understatement.

One of my favorites.
Louis I said the same thing last night. I asked who they knew. Turns out one of the coaches is an Orthopedic Doctor and one of the others is a Cardio PA. The daughter says there are 2 other doctors kids playing on this team. Not bad 4 medical professionals on a team of 14. Good odds

He is 11 and felt great this morning after the MRI and doctors visit. The knee is a deep bruise and the ankle is sore. He missed skating at the 1pm practice today but he was there to support the team. Doctors told his mom but not him that he’s ok to skate when he tells her. Then wait a day and then let him skate. That was all great to hear after everything we heard last night. ER scared the crap out of his parents
Well, howdy there internet peeps and those on Medicare or VA health plans.

It's Troy again.

Wife let me take her to our little hole in the wall tex-mex (midwest style) place. I'm sure some of you food connousieurs will complain that this isn't real Mexican food. But it's what I like. And I got a cup of the queso blanco cheese dip sauce. Wife got a frozen margarita with her taco.


We'll have a quiet thanksgiving day tomorrow. I'll probably word some words. Wife will watch her K-dramas all day.

In the morning, I'll make some Pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing. Then whatever we feel like for lunch. Frozen Motor City Pizza and cheesy breadsticks for dinner. We're living large. ;)
Good morning, all! Much like Willie, it's warm today with a cold front moving in tomorrow. Predictions are we will stay cool for a few days. I got the yard mowed, trimmed and edged yesterday, even sweeping the street in front of the house. The turkeys are smoked, pies will be baking today. Most of the family will be here for Thanksgiving, a couple opted to wait for Christmas.

Not a lot going on with the trains. I did run a few for about 45 minutes on Monday.

Since I'm not sure if I'll make into the diner tomorrow, I'd like to wish each and every one a Happy Thanksgiving from the hobo camp.
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Hughie. Please tell more about this hobo scene.
Well, howdy there internet peeps and those on Medicare or VA health plans.

It's Troy again.

Wife let me take her to our little hole in the wall tex-mex (midwest style) place. I'm sure some of you food connousieurs will complain that this isn't real Mexican food. But it's what I like. And I got a cup of the queso blanco cheese dip sauce. Wife got a frozen margarita with her taco.

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We'll have a quiet thanksgiving day tomorrow. I'll probably word some words. Wife will watch her K-dramas all day.

In the morning, I'll make some Pillsbury cinnamon rolls with cream cheese icing. Then whatever we feel like for lunch. Frozen Motor City Pizza and cheesy breadsticks for dinner. We're living large. ;)
I’d take your Midwest style Tex mex any day. Looks good.

Who cares if it’s real Mexican food. Tex mex and its variations are a cuisine in and of themselves.

I have been to Mexican restaurants run by families from Mexico and heard from others that it’s pretty authentic and it usually is great. It that does not diminish good US style “Mexican”.

(One of the better places I’ve been a few times is called Tommy’s in San Fran. Have not been there kn a decade as I only go when I get a chance to go to Apple WWDC but the family that runs it is from the Yucatán and it’s awesome. )
Looking around, I wonder what happened to Guy from the frozen north (McLeod)??? I know that he was lurking about a month ago, but he hasn't posted since around Labor Day.

Hi, Willie! Never actually thought anyone would miss a hillbilly from the frozen north. Thanks for that.

Everything is great with me here, except that I have not been modelling. The only trains I've done, is to run a small train around my layout with the grand-kids. - I do expect that to change when we hit the -40F come January.

Other than that, life is cherries.

I do pop in often without signing in. On those occasions, I do read and enjoy the excellent layout work you and others have committed to. Just don't have much interest in saying much if I'm not actively engaged in the hobby myself.

I'll leave you with one more genuine thanks, and a photo of train business, as has been my custom.
MacKay, Alberta; summer 2024:
CN 3136_ES44AC_MacKay_05-27-2024.JPG

Have a good one!
Good morning all. A cold and frosty start to the day.
Bought a new television last week. Cable company has installed new equipment today; at last. Company has been fobbing us of in renewing the old router etc.. Dawn is now learning her way around the controls.

Youngest grandson is visiting after school.
Dawn wants me to cook an Italian meal tonight. Yeah!

Back later
The Sauerkraut, with John Martin Pepper Bacon and Johnsonville Polish Kielbasa has been in the crockpot for more than ten hours.

The turkey was taken out of the brine and has been roasting in the oven at 250 degrees since 11 PM last night.

The brining pot is clean and drying on the rack, and the potatoes are peeled.

Aside from removing the turkey from the oven and carving it, my contribution to the Thanksgiving meal is complete.

My only tasks now are to relax on the couch, take naps until needed, and enjoy watching football!

Another Holiday season is in full swing, thank God.

Happy Holidays Everybody - God Bless Us Everyone!
Good Morning All. Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of my fellow Americans. Hazy and 41° out there right now. Might warm up into the 50's later on, but we're expecting this 15 mph north wind all day. Low tonight is now forecast to be 29°. Colder weather until next Tuesday when it returns to the 60's & 70's.

Even though yesterday was a great day outside, domestic chores were the order of the day. I peeled a pound of pearl onions for the creamed onion dish for today, and made that. Then I prepared 36 deviled eggs, except for stuffing them. Thanks to my wife for boiling and peeling those 18 eggs. In the midst of all this, she decided that we needed to do a load of chore! I noticed that it remains unfolded...her chore!
Today is the big feast at brother #2's home, with 45 folks attending. Lucky him, as 17 others were invited but won't be attending. All are offspring/spouses/grandchildren/etc. of my parents. A big happy Irish Catholic family. While it is traditional to have a sit-down dinner, I am not quite sure that he can fit all of us in the combined living/dining area. Some might be relegated to the kitchen or the den. He borrows tables and chairs from the church's event hall.
Otherwise, I let the fire go out and emptied the ashes from the wood-burning heater. Not that it was really needed, but take advantage of days when I can let the fire go completely out instead of cleaning embers along with the ashes.
This morning will be mainly devoted to gathering up stuff to take. I'll be bringing in extra firewood since it will be dark when we return and cold tomorrow morning. I can bring it in when it is dark, as I have floodlights out there; I just don't want to.

There was nothing happening out in the train shed yesterday. All townspeople were enjoying life. Engineers/Conductors and all railroad employees had the day off.

Patrick - We probably come out even on our prescription drug plan when considering the premiums. There were some heavy use months when my wife used antibiotics following her replacement knee replacement (2nd) surgery. But we have also had some lean years. Believe me though, the provider is still making money.
Troy - You're correct that Tex-Mex is not real Mexican food, but it is a good genre itself. I like it better than true Mexican food. Mexican food has more beans, rice and chilies; and it generally always has corn as well. Tex-Mex has more meat and cheese, and usually no corn and less veggies.
Guy - Glad that you could drop in, great seeing you again.

Once again, Happy Thanksgiving to all; be safe and have a great day.
Happy Thanksgiving all,

Brats, potato salad and baked beans for "dinner". We had our big dinner on Saturday, so it's just us and the boy as he's single. I just finished the last of the leftovers 2 days ago.

We've known about part G for Medicare since we first enrolled the wife in part A only, as my work insurance was better coverage until it isn't.

Guy: don't be a stranger.

Have a good day!
Hi, Willie! Never actually thought anyone would miss a hillbilly from the frozen north. Thanks for that.

Everything is great with me here, except that I have not been modelling. The only trains I've done, is to run a small train around my layout with the grand-kids. - I do expect that to change when we hit the -40F come January.

Other than that, life is cherries.

I do pop in often without signing in. On those occasions, I do read and enjoy the excellent layout work you and others have committed to. Just don't have much interest in saying much if I'm not actively engaged in the hobby myself.

I'll leave you with one more genuine thanks, and a photo of train business, as has been my custom.
MacKay, Alberta; summer 2024:
View attachment 205540

Have a good one!
Guy we miss your words but I also miss your excellent pictures. Be well and keep the life at the Cherry level or greater
Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

46° and raining right now. The rain has been falling most of the night and is expected to taper off in the next hour or so. Then the wind picks up and gets gusty until this evening.

Wifey has been like the energizer bunny in the kitchen since yesterday. She got up at 5:30 and started cleaning. I awoke to the smell of bleach wafting down the hall from the big bathroom. Gotta have a sterile poopin stool for the guests! Soon this smell will pass and the smell of the food will overpower all else!

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