Running Bear's January 2021 Coffee Shop

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Morning you bunch of sleepy rabble rousers!

Going in to Target today for a restock run. Let m know who needs an Amish Donut. I'll stop on my way.

I spackled/wall compounded the plastercloth seams and imperfections on my foam risers. No pics since that's like watching paint dry. Went to watch disk 5 of 6 from the Ken Burns Civil War series and found a manufacturing flaw. Disk won't play. Waiting on a replacement from Amazon.

And, for the gaming blog I edit, I need to take a turn writing something. So my 'armless Soviets are going to get an assembly article. A war service documentary. I'm planning on assembly and paint. These gents are 1:56 scale, but pair well with 1:48 scale due to using bases under them, and a bit of "heroic" scale creep. So, they pretty much match O scale in MRR.

I'll add some pics here as I work on them, then post a link to the piece once we publish it.

Looks like the automated Red Dot stopped dancing. I gotta push the button again, to keep Lord Fuzzbutt happy.
03:00 dark, see the dining room lights are still off, so make my own java this am. I'll come back later for some breaky.
My sister let me know yest that our folks got their first virus shots. Dad's 103 & mom is 92. They reside in an assisted living facility, & as dad says, they feel like chickens locked into the coop for the past year.
Good morning y'all. Dark and cold this morning. The sun still sleeps over the horizon and the temperature has yet to climb above freezing.

Flo- coffee please. Leave the pot.

Been a long night. sleep in my recliner last night due to an upper respiratory infection. yay. Going to pick up some antibiotics today. Hopefully they will knock it out quick.

In brighter news this morning, I finally finished pinning some track down to the foam on top of my 2x4 sheet of plywood that will serve as the beginning of my layout. Hold the applause please, celebration has been postponed until I can sort out an issue with my turnouts. After installing one, I realized it was missing a switching rail. Another one causes a complete loss of power when the rail is switched to the curved side. And at least one causes a complete derailment of everything except the locomotive when reversing through the switch. Any thoughts on a solution for this? My initial thought was that the cars are too light. I've also run a scotch brite over the tracks the try to clean them, and that fixed a few spots where power was spotty, but did nothing where it dies out completely.

I'll try to post some pics later of what I have, and I will probably start a thread in the projects section to keep everyone up the date on progress. I have resolved to actully be ablr to run trains and perform switching operations this year, even if I have to imagine the buildings my lines service, At least it's a start and more than I've had since I started this addiction all those years ago.

Y'all have a blessed day.
ACL-CSX have you thought about getting a test. My wife and I thought we simply had colds but thought, we probably should get tested and sure enough we both tested positive for Covid 19. We both lost our sense of smell and taste rather subsided a bit; but, other than both having cold like symptoms and shortness of breath, that was the extent of it for us. I would strongly urge you to get tested, Nuff said.
Morning all,

I'll play catch up later as this was written when I got to the bottom of page 24. I see at least 29 pages in the count.

I do have time for a quick cup and a cinnamon roll.

Busy 2 day weekend as I got 2 bedrooms with closets and a hallway ready for paint and completed the first coat of paint. Knees are holding up batter than I though (so far) and I will be losing this next weekend tearing out the 14'x22' shed that's falling down at the daughter's next door. They're getting a new shed built and the contractor is ready early, so we're tearing out the old one early. The stuff remaining in the shed was taken to my son's garage next door. It will move back once the new shed is in place.

I also am waiting on the bank to open this morning as I have purchased a second 1st generation Chevrolet Colorado. It's a 2012 WT model (mine is an '09 with 183,000 miles) with 8300 miles on the odometer. The less than 10,000 is not a mistake. I'll post more once the transaction is completed. Sure was different riding in seats that had 175,000 miles and no "portly" individual in them tearing down the inner foam. Reminds me I have to loose some weight.

Willie: I never considered saving those small lidded take-out containers. Thanks for the idea.

As Arnold said: I'll be bach......
Good morning gang.

Too pooped to focus on the 2-8-0 last night, work was crazy yesterday. Turned in early, woke up at 3 a.m. to pee and been awake since.

Dr. Ken, glad to hear the surgery was a success.

Jesse, Hope you feel better soon, and its not the C-bug.

Dad's 103 & mom is 92. They reside in an assisted living facility, & as dad says, they feel like chickens locked into the coop for the past year.
Wow, 103, your Dad sounds like he's still pretty sharp!

Flo, I'll take my coffee in the corner booth, if I doze, wake me if I snore.😴
ACL-CSX have you thought about getting a test. My wife and I thought we simply had colds but thought, we probably should get tested and sure enough we both tested positive for Covid 19. We both lost our sense of smell and taste rather subsided a bit; but, other than both having cold like symptoms and shortness of breath, that was the extent of it for us. I would strongly urge you to get tested, Nuff said.

I have not, but only due to the fact that I had covid back in late July-early August, Then I had the fever, the body aches, and the nausea. Right now I have pressure in my sinuses, drainage, and strep like white blotches caused by the drainage. No fever, no cough, and only the occaisional sneeze. Not to mention the foul yellow snot that clogs my head first thing in the morning. I'm going to take my antibiotics and keep my distance from people, which I usually do even when I'm not sick. Thankfully, my job is outdoors so I won't be in close proximity to people anyway, and as an added bonus; I work alone.
Good morning gang.

Too pooped to focus on the 2-8-0 last night, work was crazy yesterday. Turned in early, woke up at 3 a.m. to pee and been awake since.

Dr. Ken, glad to hear the surgery was a success.

Jesse, Hope you feel better soon, and its not the C-bug.

Wow, 103, your Dad sounds like he's still pretty sharp!

Flo, I'll take my coffee in the corner booth, if I doze, wake me if I snore.😴

Thank you. I don't believe it is. Doesn't feel like what I had before.
Here's the promised photo. The bottom left switch is the offending derailer. While the top right is my source of power loss. Bottom right is missing the rail. It ain't much, but it's taken me a lot of years to even get to this point so I'm not complaining...much. At it makes a nice loop without many hiccups.


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Good morning y'all. 30° and sunny. Sounds like a Taylor Ham ,egg, and home fries on a Portuguese Roll, from one of the bakeries on Ferry St. kind of morning. Ketchup, salt and pepper on that Florence.

Today I will continue the wiring project...I'm kind of surprised, not so much that there are now so many dead spots, but that they were once powered. I actually got away with a single feed, and use of jumpers to get around insulated frogs...for almost three years.

Brynmawr Station - Peter Kurilla.jpg

Bryn Mawr Station, along "The Main Line" Photo by Peter Kurilla

North Elizabeth Station 4-14-1978 Charlie Bowyer.jpg

Slide of Westbound Conrail Van train at North Elizabeth, NJ in 2014. Charlie Bowyer photo. It used to amuse me, when coming out from "Lane ", in the early morning hours, with my Westbound, how the sound and vibration caused by my SD40-2 would set off car and home alarms along this stretch of railroad, between North Elizabeth and down town Elizabeth.
Good Morning All. Cloudy and 50° right now. Temperature isn't going to change much over the next 48 hours, but the forecast is for nearly 70° Thursday afternoon. Even though I am somewhat skeptical of the NWS forecasts lately, they are predicting less than .1" or rain tomorrow and Friday with less than .5" on Sunday. I don't need much right now; I hope to be planting onions in two weeks, Farmer's Almanac says Feb 1. That jives well with my historical records that I have kept. Garden is ready for them.

I'll go with Mel's "everything in the kitchen but the sink omelet" this morning Flo. Throw an extra order of bacon on the side with the OJ.

Thanks for the likes and comments regarding yesterday's post; Garry, Karl, Guy, Phil, Troy, Justin, Tom O, Jerome, Chad, Hughie, Sherrel, Mo, Rick, Gary, Chet, Curt, Tom, Ken, James.

So what did I do in the train shed yesterday? Not much to write about. I did break down and start making trees, my second least favorite aspect of this hobby (after soldering). I sure wish that Tom O lived nearby, he makes excellent trees rapidly.Made about a dozen ranging from 1.5" to about 3.5".
Nothing special about them, so I'll have to bore you with more girlie pictures today.




Joe - Hope that your son tests negative, if Murphy still allows testing!
Hughie - A most excellent job on Earl's Oil.
Ash - Just below 0° huh! That puts me at least 50° warmer than your neighborhood.
Jesse - Without further info or pictures, about the only turnout that I can offer advice on is the one losing power on the diverging route. My solution would be to add feeders to that side.
Patrick -
I never considered saving those small lidded take-out containers.
I am anal about recycling stuff like that. Of course I have probably saved more than I'll ever use!

Today is National Popcorn Day. That's something that I never really got interested in, even at the movies.
Everybody have a great day, be safe and wear your masks.

Don't have much time for coffee here today; it's warm at 24°F so the wife wants to go fishing. I'm hoping she finally pulls Moby Trout from under the ice, so perhaps she'll leave me alone. I'm liking my layout module modelling so much, that I'd rather do that. On the other hand, I like my wife so much that I'll take one for the team.

I just can't stress enough how much I dislike the so called 'suitcase' connectors made by the Chinese. Talk about a recipe for failure. Instead of defacing my layout with that junk, I ordered five terminal strips with jumper bars to put under my layout. Cost me all of a 30 dollar bill off of Amazon, and were delivered one day after ordering.
Terminals_01-18-2021 (1).jpg

Just one of the strips covered my town yard layout to allow consistent power to the mainlines, and I'm using one terminal each for the storage tracks so that I can switch them on/off in the future. Just cut the jumper bar and install a remote toggle switch:
Terminals_01-18-2021 (3).jpg

Because I'm only using #18AWG solid wire, I have room enough on the strip to add more feeders if necessary; at least double what's there now.

Once got the track all wired up, I wanted to test my track and 4 switch installation. So I pulled out an old Model Power F2 test engine and a Xfmer.
After hooking it up, I gingerly began throwing the power lever.
I heard a creak, I heard a groan, I heard a squeal, but, one thing for sure; old 'Red' was on the move!
1st Try_01-18-2021.jpg

For as far as I could run her back and forth, all the switches worked perfect. Peco ElectroFrogs.

I did miss a feeder set to the first storage track after the switch insulator; that's just my inexperience in play. I solder a pair on when I get back from the lake.

Anyway, I need to have another coffee and loaded omelet on toast before I load the pickup with the toboggans.
Thanks for all the likes on yesterday's borrowed photos post!

Have a good one!
All the news that is fit to print? It was 79*F yesterday!

Tuesday: Mostly sunny. Offshore breezes, high of about 62°F.

Tuesday night: Partly cloudy. Cool and breezy. 20 percent chance of showers, low near 47°F.

Went for a drive yesterday afternoon - I think everyone who owned a vehicle was on the road!
We were going to gas up at Costco (20 cents cheaper) but there were at least 200 cars in the Q, so forget that!
Even with 20 pumps that's still a half hour - or more wait.

Love the pics everyone, congrats on the "new" truck Patrick, Get well soon, Jessie!
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Joe - Hope that your son tests negative, if Murphy still allows testing!
Thank you Willie: Me too. he lives in NC, so we can't blame Murphy for this one...He has doubled his course load for his MBA program, so he is using this quarantine, to get ahead with his work.

On a similar note, whoever is running Jersey's vaccination program has dropped the ball. The "reservation center" finally allowed us to register, and confirmed the registration, then sold us we would be notified when our "turn" came up...from news accounts, they are not even close.
Good morning from Wisconsin. It’s 22f degrees with a wind chill of 15. Not a bad morning as the sun is trying to peek out.

I popped in and out of the layout room yesterday and did the just look maybe it will come to me thing but nope nothing. I need to get out of the house and will this afternoon. Labs and Covid test are scheduled. I have been off the Lyme disease medicines for 8 days and can definitely feel the difference and not in a good way. But, if this is what it takes to get the negative Covid result it will be worth it to get back to Hawaii.

Not sure what today will be other then maybe the 15 minutes at the Clinic which is 5 minutes away.

The son says if I test negative he’ll fly up and fly us back to Austin. We can then stay a few days on the way out to the 50th state. I told him and the spouse to cool it until we get the results back. I am tired of the wrong results.

Terry asked me if we wanted to try the lottery, sure, but I asked why? At a billion and a 1/2 it’s a good reason for hope. She has never purchased any tickets, as if we did have any I was the one who went and got them. Last purchase might have been May 2020.

Be safe
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