Running Bear's December 2023 Coffee Shop

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Yes indeed, it gets that dark out here in the country! But don't be skeered, we don't bite much!
At 4 am, only minutes from PA, it was dark!

No worries, I feel right home in the dark. I do some of my best work in the dark. ;) Although it is more fun with the lights on. :cool:

According to my grandson, Ayden, there is no need to be afraid of the dark because as he says, "You are the scariest thing in the dark Poppy." I told him that so he would feel safe and not worry about going to bed when he was little. He still remembers and thinks so.

At one time that may have been true. I'm getting old, fast! My grandson overestimates his old Poppy. At least somebody still believes in me, besides me that is. 😁 But I'm delusional! 🤪
Hello Darkness, my old friend...
Speaking as a retired photographer, who spent a lot of hours in the darkrooms, developing film and making prints:

Hang out with a photographer and watch things develop. We do our best work in the darkroom.
I run Euro passenger wagons as well as Shinkansen and longer car EMU on smaller radius (Largest radius with Unitrack in N without mixing or using the large radius 15 deg pieces, ie only using 30 or 45 deg pieces, is 13" I think, or maybe 15"). Not the most realistic but for many of these realistic would require much greater radius than we can do in models...
nice :)
For all Kato shinkansens the minimum -passing- rad is 315mm ( sorry i am from the UK but dropped imperial long ago so forgive me :D)
However they -work- on as low as the 249mm (not tried below that, as it is the tightest before getting into "pocket line compact"), but they have no problem with that curve at a slow speed (would not want to try at a high speed because i love them too much), but if you have poles, tunnel portals or a double track then you have to add the difference to the spacing.
I think i read somewhere that the Tomix shinkansens are ok at 282mm for passing though (but don't take my word for it)

So far the non-coof is behaving just like what my wife had a couple of weeks ago. One 24 hour of SORE throat, then it becomes a minor annoyance for about a week. Still negative on C19.

By lunch time I felt fine except for a slight scratch in my throat. Yesterday to last night was the not fun day for me.

So, we headed to pizza hut, knowing we'd not be doing much for family dinners until next weekend. And they have a "Chicago style" deep dish pizza.


Now, before I give our appraisal of said pie, please remember that we have a Giordano's here in The Fort. It's a mere 20 minute drive away (Pizza Hut is about 7 min away, and no interstate to travel). So, we didn't really expect it to be a good comparison.

Would I eat this again? Sure. If someone else paid for it. The price we paid, we should have spent the extra 10 min on the interstate and headed to Giordanos.

It wasn't a bad pie by any stretch. If I lived somewhere that I could not get Chicago-style Deep Dish, this one could fill the void. But, I'd always be remembering that totally awesome pie at Giordano's.

For Sherrel, head up to Long Beach and find Rance's pizza. Rance deep dish is at least a triple, maybe a homer on the ball diamond if Giordano's is a bases loaded homer. Rance is a a good California take on a Chicago pizza. Pizza Hut's take, is single, and maybe a steal second if the cook watches what they're doing. But not a triple

For those of you who have to fold your pizza, well, this one doesn't fold well.
Evening all,

Been a busy 24 hours. 6 pies, 5 batches of chex mix, 4 batches of spicy pretzels, grocery shopping done, 3 loads of laundry, and had to assist the daughter prep for their other side Christmas as the son in law popped his bad back and ended in in the errant for several hours. Still more tomorrow.

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