Running Bear's December 2021 Coffee Shop

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Mercy - You folks are a prolific bunch with the posts! 4 pages in 24 hours? :rolleyes::eek::cool:

Snow up around Cajon this morning and the ski resort in Big Bear is going strong at 23 degrees.
We received upwards of 3+ inches of water from the sky gods which has been much needed in order to re-grow all the burn areas for the next fire season!

It's 47F and we are only looking for a 53F high today with mostly sunny. Possible rain showers later tonight and tomorrow - we can handle it!

A nice Christmas Day yesterday with all the Spousal Unit's family and she fixed a beautiful dinner at the MIL's house for the family gathering yesterday afternoon ... and it's going to be a nice "kick back day" today.
She will be showing up here in a couple hours and I better try and straighten up the house a bit.

The son in Apache Junction, AZ is back home - still sounds very weak and hoarse. I suspect he is not going to snap back as quickly as he thinks!! Says he dropped 20 pounds for that week in the hospital.

Ya'll take care .. BBL
I just saw that 400 flights have been cancelled out of LAX today - seems there is a shortage of crews?
Hmmm .. Maybe I should volunteer .. I need the Benjamins!

Always tell folks that flying is easy - There has never been a case of an airplane failing to return to Earth!
Good Morning all! An overcast day here in Houston. Predicted to be in the 80's for several days, then a cool front dropping us to the upper 70"s.

Vegetarian, Native American for poor hunter.
Someone here at the diner must have been on the "naughty list" as Santa didn't leave a post. (Mel got coal)
Christian - you layout gives a new meaning to point to point.
Sherrel - It may only be Buffalo heads now, no Bennies.
Jaz - Riddle………what happens to the xmas leftovers… I kept looking for the punch line??

We had fully intended to have the entire family here for Christmas. The speed with which this latest variant is spreading made a few in the family question the wisdom of everyone being at our house, we are the elderly ones. So, we canceled the gathering. The wife and I weren't happy about it, though we did agree it was probably the right thing to do. There was a mad scramble to transport gifts to the different family homes, right down to the wire on Christmas Eve at 10 PM. A family Zoom on Christmas morning has to do.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas.

My stocking was full


Hello Happy Fellow Modelers and Merry Christmas !
I made a fatal error ! The Forum and my PC work fine. But not me :mad:WTF!
Due to my complete lack of skill in computers, I totally screwed up my previous account. Problem solved. I'm back with a new account. I hope that I never will be banned for this major crime. Only God knows...
I also deleted a few pics...:oops::rolleyes:o_O




Afternoon All,

Had a great time with family and friends yesterday. Next thing up on the family calendar is the annual family get together on New Year's Day. It's the last holiday family event spanning Thanksgiving to New Year's Day. Of course, it's at my house.

Today I started trouble shooting my diesel storage track. I believe I have found 2 issues. One of my Genesis FP7 "A" units has a visible bare wire above one of the rear trucks. When that loco is removed the shorting doesn't occur. I think that explains the randomness of the short. The second issue is my Bachmann (older units) Sharks that are hard wired together has its trucks so loose that it will randomly derail on T/O's and curved track (wheels in gauge). If the trucks can't be tightening it will become a permanent fixture in the roundhouse.

Things to fix: 1. The coaling tower. I didn't think to remove it and knocked it over knocking pieces off. The good news is that I didn't bust anything. Everything popped off at glue lines. 2. As part of my troubleshooting, I disconnected all the diesel staging feeder wires under the layout and placed in a different location on the main buss-they still need soldering, 3. And lastly, the middle storage track needs extended about 2-3 inches. It's currently a little too short to allow the 3rd track clearance past the 2nd track when the 2nd track is filled.

I almost forgot that I had the s**t scared out of me this morning. I had brought the outside trash can to the front door (cleaning bird cages) and flipped the lid open and there's a smallish racoon staring up at me! I flipped the lid closed and rolled the can into the yard and flipped it open again then got out of the way. He finally crawled out and I continued my day.

Chet- It's great to hear from you and that you're doing OK. Hopefully you can start posting regularly once you get settled.

Mikey- Nice scene.

Louis- Prayers to you on your family's loss.

Willie- I'm sorry to hear about the family COVID issues. Hopefully it will be minor in nature. That turkey fry sounds like a major endeavor.

Christian- Great launch. Hopefully it will work as advertised. Look at the issues the Hubble Telescope has had. Sad to read about the wolves escaping from a zoo in southern France.

Tom- Great photo.

Ken (IL)- Sorry to hear about the flat tire. What a great way to start the day...NOT!

Jaz- Nice animal scenes.

IB Ken- Nice gift card for model railroading.

Hughie- Nice haul.

I hope everyone has a good night.
Christmas Day was nice. In the morning the kids (almost 14 and almost 19) and the wife and I opened gifts. Kids were surprised at the generousity of Santa this year. The Mrs was too.

It was sunny and mid 40s before lunch and I wanted to go spend a few hours working on the house but git no takers. So I took a little nap instead and then everyone did their own thing for a couple hours until it was time to go to my parents. All my mom's siblings were there except for her sister who is a homesteader in Alaska. All my siblings and their families were there except my brother, who lives in Arizona. We spent a long while after dinner playing games in various groups with the cousins all enjoying each other's presence. We haven't all been together for awhile. We didn't leave until 10pm.

Today, Boxing Day (so named as it is the day you box up all your returns 🤣), was a lazy day. Our church congregation's service time was not until 1:30pm so we sat on the couch listening to some special Christmas podcasts, and eating late breakfast etc. Overnight it got colder -- 25F early this morning and had sleeted/snowed and inch or so over night. Today is overcast with occasional bouts if mild snow flurries and still only 27F. Given that earlier this week the forecast showed snow or rain/snow removal om the 22nd through 29th, and that last night was the first precipitation we've had in that period, I won't complain. Hopefully this week, which I have off, will cooperate and we'll get a ton done on the house. I do have a small amount of day job work to catch up on but this week should be good to relax and hopeful work on the house. No early meetings etc.

Today we'll play family games and the like.
I almost forgot that I had the s**t scared out of me this morning. I had brought the outside trash can to the front door (cleaning bird cages) and flipped the lid open and there's a smallish racoon staring up at me! I flipped the lid closed and rolled the can into the yard and flipped it open again then got out of the way. He finally crawled out and I continued my day.
Curt- you have to be careful of those wild critters. You are lucky the racoon didn't scold you.
Evening all,

Did run trains for a little bit. I've got to invest in a track cleaner as I have some spot where the trains want to stop, that or put a station there.

Watched a couple of movies with the boy as we hadn't seen them and the librarian daughter borrowed them from the library, so they have a due date. Also played some of my solitaire and word games on the new computer that the old one just flat out couldn't run.

Jaz: There's a train show coming in mid-February, so I'll probably spend it there.

See you all in the morning.
Good Evening! ; from a place that is -32C. Tomorrow morning, 9:00am it's supposed to hit -40C/F. It's cold enough, the dog don't even care to go outside.
There's a fella sleeping in the foyea of our local bank; down on his luck, I suppose. Plus. I believe he's an addict. If the proper authorities don't help him, he's a dead man for sure. A person can't survive in this cold without food and shelter. - If I were him, I'd steal 6 donuts and get myself thrown in jail for the winter.

I'm saying hello from the wife's PC. Mine crashed the other night, when I was trying to post some photos and a message on this forum. So, I went out today and got a new hard drive, then installed it today. Tomorrow, I'll try to install the operating system from an old Win10, USB3 stick that my son has.

Since it's so cold and I'm not going outside to play, I may as well consider what to do to start layout modeling. Perhaps I'll start on the automobile roads and parking lots. I'm fairly new at this, so it's all trial and error.
This is one of the photos I was trying to post when my PC crashed:
Layout_12-23-2021 (7).JPG

It's only one module board of layout, but, it's a start. - Now to figure out how to start!

Oh-Oh! The wife wants her PC back! See ya'll when I get mine back up and running.
Have a good one!!
First order from Hiawatha . . . . .

I bought some Caboose throw from LHS the other day. On a whim, so of course not the best for my application. I am using ME C70 TOs in my yard. I bought the 202S spring throws, and of course when drilling out to the right size, the drill broke through. Research, research and Lo and Behold, there is a kit that will adapt to ME TOs. Ordered.

Cheers all, and getting my feet back under me.
Steve J
I finally got the pictures out of my phone of the engine and cars I got from the estate of a former Wrecking Crew member. Roy was an excellent modeler and taught me much in the 12 years we were members together. I was able to purchase this 2-6-2 brass Prairie with the name of his railroad and several cars from his collection for my Christmas present.
Not every good present is shiny and new.


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Hello shop Dwellers - thanks everybody for the likes on my post from earlier this afternoon.

Well, the bug has found its way into our house: MOH has tested positive for Covid! So far nothing serious, other than a cold with some coughing and laryngitis; no fever as of yet. She had the two Pfizer shots last January, but no booster. She's been taking zinc, magnesium, vitamin D3, vitamin C and a few other things that she calls the "Covid Cocktail". This is day #4 for her, so hopefully she'll start feeling better tomorrow...

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