Running Bear's December 2021 Coffee Shop

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Show the shop mention the details you would like let’s see if we can cobble some appropriate kit up free from things about the house.

The shops in question are in the Merchant's Row kit I shared a couple of weeks back. I need office details for my newspaper, my pizzeria, and the curiosities shop. The problem is that I model in N scale, so there aren't many household items that will work for what I need. I found the parts I need online, I have just blown through this months budget buying buildings. LOL My MIL is giving the kids cash for Christmas, so I just have to be patient and wait for the money.
Good Morning All. Currently clear and 31° here on the plains of North Central Texas. Fall may be arriving here now. With the exception of Tuesday and Wednesday when the high is supposed to be near 80°, there are no other days with a high above 70° in the ten day forecast. Matter of fact, the high next Saturday is forecast to be only 44°. Rain is also in the forecast for Thursday through the following Monday, with thunderstorms Friday.

I finally had success in being able to download pictures from the new camera to the computer. After an hour of repeating the instructions over and over, I tried to load directly into the computer instead of going through the router wifi. I entered the computer name instead of the router name during the setup. It worked! I don't know why though? However the process of downloading, which would be the same regardless, is quite cumbersome and I will mainly just stick with removing the SD card and transferring that way.

Thanks for the likes and comments regarding the bakery detailing project; OB Ken, Karl, Guy, Sherrel, Joe, Christian, Tom, Jerry, Tom O, Jaz, Curt, Troy, Hughie, Dave, Steve J.

Let's make it Eggs Benedict this morning Flo. A nice tall OJ to go with it.

Another short day out in the train shed yesterday. I added steps to the pedestrian crossover platform and decided that it wasn't tall enough to require OHSA mandated handrails. Then I painted it.

I resolved the potential issue of paint clogging the grating by dry-brushing the paint. I did a bit more touch up on the frame after this picture was taken. Then it was installed in it's somewhat hidden location.

After that I did some more painting on the concrete walk where the paint had come out unevenly, probably due to painting on plywood. I added some crushed stone between the track ballast and the flour unloading pipes.

You can partially see the ground cover added as well, still glistening with the wet glue.

Ken (D&J) -
I have a sister who lives in Minneapolis whose attitude about injured servicemen, they knew what they were getting into when they joined the military. Let them pay for their own care.
Although it probably won't do any good, remind her of all of our friends, relatives, acquaintances who were subject to the draft when we were younger. They had no choice except desertion.
Jerry - Congratulations on the upcoming retirement. Best thing that I ever did. I retired at 63 but waited until 66 to start drawing SS.
Guy - That structure that you posted yesterday would be a great candidate for one's first scratchbuild. I am looking forward to seeing what you can do with it.
OB Ken - I looked up the cost recently of possibly replacing our 67 year old propane tank and I was just floored by the cost. I don't need a new one, but the gauge was not working and I just wanted to see what they cost. I paid $100 for it used 41 years ago, a 150 gallon tank, which are now selling for over $900! In the end, my propane supplier found and replaced the gauge at no cost to me. They showed me on the tank the manufacture date.
Joe -
..It could be worse, back in the '60s, Santa showed up at a Philadelphia Eagles football game, and was pelted with snow balls.
Same game that they pelted Tom Landry, with batteries inside the snowballs. Classy folks!

Everybody have a great Sunday, the Third Sunday of Advent. Stay safe especially from the unsettled weather.
I feel the opposite. If they served their country by providing military service whether they saw combat or not, I believe:

free health care for life and that does not need to be provided only at VA Center Medical facilities

food allowances for life, serve your country but can’t feed your family, so WRONG

I don’t even want to know what she thinks of the police

Anyway, we still are a free country and she is entitled to her views which makes the USA so great. I happen to disagree with her on this view


Anybody ever READ Robert Heinlein's "Starship Troopers." Not the campy movie, but read the book. He depicted a USA (although it may have been a world govt.) in which ONLY veterans of military service had the right to vote. It has been a while, but the theory was something to the effect that only those willing to fight and die for the Govt. should have a voice in that govt.

My own personal theory? Anyone who has receives 50% or more of their income from 'public' source should NOT have the right to vote. How can you truly vote disinterested if it might cut off your income?

And yes, BTW, Navy vet - - 10 years active commissioned service, 1 year reserves.
Good Morning!
It's cool at 13F and it's supposed to be windy, but, that's a-lot better than having to suffer through those horrific tornados. I feel very sad for those poor souls caught up in that terrifying weather pattern. - I hear that there will be more snow shoveling before days end.

I feel like starting a scratch build structure today, but, know darn well that if I do, those annoying smaller details on the current project will suffer for time. So, I've decided to continue on with said small details; like the figure and chimney painting, and completing the roof and floor:
12-12-2021 (1).jpg
I took that photo a few moments ago, just for this post. The fact is though, I'm changing that roofing material on the right after watching that Jensen video that Garry directed us to the other day. Suppose I have to try as best I can.

I bought 2 packages of JTT plastic pattern sheets as shown in the following photo. It was purchased mail-order for scratch-build material.
12-12-2021 (2).jpg
This material is very thin and wobbly. Lucky I've got an immense quantity of 1/16 balsa sheet to back it up onto when I use it for wall material.
Admittedly, I'm a bit sad that the boards are so wide. Probably meant for 1/72 projects.
One of the problems with where I live, is that I'm too far away from the action. It's not like I can just drive down to the store to pick-up something. More like I need to drive 2.5hrs to get to the nearest store that has specific hobby materials. So, I depend on mail-order. That means I must wait until I open a package before I can see what I bought, and it's not always exactly what I wanted.

I wrote a-bit about the modern day police, but, I erased it, thinking it was too political. I have very hard feelings toward the tax-collectors, so I'd better just leave it alone.

Anyway, now I'm just blabbering. So, I'd better get on with the day.
Have a good one!
Same game that they pelted Tom Landry, with batteries inside the snowballs. Classy folks!
Only in Philadelphia...Back in the late 70s and early 80s, I was a STH of the Eagles. Once saw a Washington fan assaulted for wearing a 'skins jacket at the Vet...They actually had a Police Court with a Standing Judge in the stadium during games...Took Broad Street Bullies moniker literally.

Anyone who has receives 50% or more of their income from 'public' source should NOT have the right to vote. How can you truly vote disinterested if it might cut off your income?
Most people, regardless of income source, vote for self interest, rather than the greater good.
Secondly, how do you define "public source"? The annuity payment, we receive each month comes from a "public source", sourced from 42 years worth of contributions (payroll taxes). Would that disenfranchise me by your definition? There are politicians who have proposed reducing these annuities, to provide funding for something they favored. Should I be prohibited from voting against them? Keep in mind...there are no opt outs for payroll taxes....and I still pay income taxes on this already source taxed income.
We live in a Constitutional Republic, and like to call ourselves a "Democracy". We have a large evolving population, with diverse views based on many different factors, and all of us, are entitled to express ourselves, no matter what others may think of our opinion. The very thought of stifiling a segment of thought, because someone finds it offensive, is scary, regardless what side of the spectrum the stifling comes from.

Concerning Police, and Law enforcement, our collective, public fear and insistence on new laws, to cover every possible perceived offense, and our over reaction to terrorism, have resulted in what we have today...Doesn't help when one considers the high percentage of law enforcement / anti-terrorism / drug enforcement / crime and punishment programing on TV etc., keeping this subject in the forefront of our thinking.

Politicians tend to sell their souls to which ever faction the pollsters tell them will be a they follow that path...Then the Patriot act and "Homeland Security" came along, and militarized a group pf public employees who were initially hired to enforce ordinances and issue summons, that generated additional revenue to our communities into armored platoons of paranoid people who have been taught to think that everyone is out to get them and that they are the last line of defense against anarchy.

This too shall pass, but remember, while the activist representing each extreme get most of the news exposure, the majority of the country is Centrist, and is growing increasingly intolerant of the extremes.
The shops in question are in the Merchant's Row kit I shared a couple of weeks back. I need office details for my newspaper, my pizzeria, and the curiosities shop. The problem is that I model in N scale, so there aren't many household items that will work for what I need. I found the parts I need online, I have just blown through this months budget buying buildings. LOL My MIL is giving the kids cash for Christmas, so I just have to be patient and wait for the money.
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Ok true n gauge is harder but not impossible, do you have a printer? These are modern but print and glue on a small piece of plastic,plenty. Of food comes in plastic eg bacon and can be cut to size, in fact if you have the right type of store you can make sheets of glass and then layer them as a product

plastercine is wonderful for sacks,either coal bags, or stacks with potatoes, or sacks open with apples, size might make it harder but not impossible, then press sack into a cheesecloth for sack like material press in a dip and add round apple shapes painted red and green, or oranges….ooh hang on market stalls, or stalls in front of shops, books is easy,fruit plastercine I added the green cloth using tissue paper, coffee stirrers can be cut for the wood, and if the wife has a serrated pair of scissors…hang on another post for those


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Well, howdy there, internet people constantly in awe of how fast Christian builds a new layout.

It's Troy again.

Today, lets talk about the queen, and a tiger.

First up, the tiger.

I printed this yesterday.

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The Soviet Woman was printed and primed earlier in the year. She's at 1:56 scale. The Tiger is at 1:100

I know, neither is really a MRR scale. But they are popular gaming scales. I had to downsize the lady just a bit to match my current Soviet army figures from a major manufacture.

The Tiger is going to adorn a trophy base for a WWII gaming tourney I'm running next month.

But that got me thinking. How much fun could Christian have if he had a 3D printer? Think of all the dragons, pixies, and whatnots he could resize and print for his box of ever-changing scenery?

As for the Queen: RIP Anne Rice, grand dame of Vampire fiction. Much of the resurgence in things undead moving far, far beyond the old Hammer Horror films and Christopher Lee is because Anne Rice broke through the literary barriers that kept the undead in the Pulp stacks. Her Interview with a Vampire was far from the first, but it was the first to gain international recognition as a literary work and showcase her characters, with all their flaws, as more than just a prop to place the "good guys" against.

Even the witchy-fun-mystery stuff I write now is tied to Ms. Rice's groundbreaking work. She wrote extremely well, and many authors were also able to go mainstream with similar ideas because of her talent and notoriety.

Here's what Anne's son Christopher (an accomplished author in his own right) posted to her page. I've added some paragraph breaks for easier reading:
Thanks Troy for bringing up Ann Rice. I was unaware of her passing. I spent so much enjoyable time reading her books over the years. Her books and Tom Clancy’s are the only ones that I couldn’t wait for the paperbacks to come out, so I purchased the hardcovers.

Have you tried printing out any HO or other scale Railroad workers.

Good Morning all! A cool 51 degrees here in H-Town. It is however, sunny so it doesn't feel to bad to be outside.
Flo, biscuits and gravy please with lots of coffee.
The daughters and a grandson came by yesterday and put up the Christmas tree. We are planning to have the entire family here for Christmas, the first since 2019.
No real railroad news other than I ran a few trains, mostly just to sit and watch them chug through their little world.

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