Running Bear's April 2024 Coffee Shop

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Well, howdy there internet peeps and those who don't have to bleach their hair to be grey! (Me! I'm in that club and have been for about 15 years)

It's Troy again. Happy to still have hair.

Please Pardon a rant. I need to vent, and it's safer here, than to deliver it to the cause of the rant.

Went to see Mom today. DR follow up from last week's trip to the ER because she was getting over the tummy bug that was sweeping the senior complex where she lives. Fortunately, she was just weak from the virus, and her heart and lungs need oxygen, and she's not real good with getting her O bottles connected. They tend to leak.

Anyway, mom called me at 8:30 this morning when I was showering. I didn't check my phone for messages right away. Seems she was "out of her panties" (Depends). Could I bring her some before Noon. She could probably make it til then.

When I saw the message and listened to the voice mail, I did the mental math, and yes, I could get there about Noon, with a stop at WalMart for her supplies.

Told the wife, and took off. Called Mom from the car, told her I'd be there about Noon. That was fine with her.

Realized as I was driving the 1.5 hours to her place that she really wanted to go get lunch. OK, if she's ready when I'm there, we'll go get a burger or whatever before the 1:30 Dr Appt.

I got there, and she wasn't around. Showed up 5 minutes later, with the parts of her cafeteria lunch (the parts she didn't eat, saving for later, like the fruit cup and little milk carton).

We chatted, no mention of food, other than the Chicken and Rice soup my wife made, and sent a couple servings up for her. I made sure she had those.

Dr. Check up went fine. She even said my niece, the stylist, was coming over to cut her bangs tonight. "Oh, good, you get to see the new great grandbaby again!" (Niece just had one about a month ago).

Mom then got grumpy when I dropped her off and didn't offer to take her out for an early dinner.

Remember? Today is the weekly day my wife has to help her mother put on the new blood glucose sensor. I need to be back early for dropping my wife off. I told you that when I came in today...

I'm grumpy at Mom, because she has to make an excuse to go out to lunch, rather than just ask, "Can you show up early and take me out for a burger?" and then gets mad at me for not dropping everything last minute to make the unspoken request happen.

I don't want to be made to feel guilty about not helping her with what she wants, BUT I feel like there's manipulation behind some of her "emergencies". Just tell me you want a jailbreak for a real burger or taco. We'll make it happen. Don't hide your last bag of Depends, and then tell me you're out hoping I'll show up in time.

/End of Rant....

We now return to your regular grumps, groans, and wondering where Jaz is this week.
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Well, howdy there internet peeps and those who don't have to bleach their hair to be grey! (Me! I'm in that club and have been for about 15 years)

It's Troy again. Happy to still have hair.

Please Pardon a rant. I need to vent, and it's safer here, than to deliver it to the cause of the rant.

Went to see Mom today. DR follow up from last week's trip to the ER because she was getting over the tummy bug that was sweeping the senior complex where she lives. Fortunately, she was just weak from the virus, and her heart and lungs need oxygen, and she's not real good with getting her O bottles connected. They tend to leak.


I'm grumpy at Mom, because she has to make an excuse to go out to lunch, rather than just ask, "Can you show up early and take me out for a burger?" and then gets mad at me for not dropping everything last minute to make the unspoken request happen.

I don't want to be made to feel guilty about not helping her with what she wants, BUT I feel like there's manipulation behind some of her "emergencies". Just tell me you want a jailbreak for a real burger or taco. We'll make it happen. Don't hide your last bag of Depends, and then tell me you're out hoping I'll show up in time.

/End of Rant....

just remember, she's a woman. She expects you to just know what she needs and to fulfill those unspoken requests unquestioningly.
Good Morning All. Cloudy and 69° here this morning. A bit cooler today at 76° due to the heavy cloud cover. Rain is still in the forecast for Friday through Sunday, but with temperatures in the low 80's. More of the same for the foreseeable future. Pool opening is still 2-3 weeks away.
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Mowed a lot yesterday, 2-45 minute sessions got all of the East side done, with a small area on the North between the house and the train shed. Growth was thick and heavy and it took longer than usual. I didn't get the South side done as hoped, but I will get that this afternoon. I did have to make a 90 minute trip to the county motor vehicle place yesterday to re-register the Lexus in the right county. Despite informing the dealer when we bought it, that our address is in one county since our mailbox is in that county, we actually live in a different county 1.25 miles North of the damn mailbox; they registered it in the wrong county to begin with. It makes a difference in where our tax money is spent, but more importantly, the county that our mailbox is in has to have a $51 emission inspection since they're caught up in the high pollution Dallas-Ft Worth area.

Otherwise, today is the weekly grocery trek into Denton this morning. So far that's the only destination on the trek, but if my wife goes along, that could change.

Out in the train shed yesterday, I did continue with the structure cleaning/maintenance. Here's that Fix-It Shop that I added figures to on Tuesday.

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I did some upgrading on the bank also. I added a sign; the original one had been gnawed on a lot by a rodent in the old lean-to train room on the backside of my barn.
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A couple more figures were added to the sidewalk that just seemed a bit too bare.
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Then there was the Hardware Store that never got any figures either.
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Hughie - Sometimes these layered wood kits have some surprisingly good details.
Troy -

My bad, an unfortunate typo there. I understood what you were posting.
I am not a medical person, but based on what you have described lately, I think that the uptick in the tinnitus is mainly based on stress. And that is compounded by the additional angst involved. It won't go away, stressing about it seems to amplify the condition. No pun intended.
EDIT - I see by your additional post that you are now including diet in your diagnosis, which I fully agree with.
Tom O - Afterlife or not, my neighbor is in a better place now. My belief in afterlife has waned somewhat in the last few years.
Safe travels today.
Karl - Yes, the late neighbor was like family to me and two other neighbors who have been here just as long. The original 75 acre farm was split into 7 properties and four of us original buyers are still here, now 3 but his son was alive when they moved out here.

Today is National Lingerie Day, so celebrate. I won't be wearing any, but celebrate in any way that you wish.
Everyone have a great day today.
My mistake, I thought the very top picture showing the man to the bottom right looked right out of the streets of San Francisco, to me, it looked like he was getting reading to take a dump on the error
Good evening as we all should enjoy that orgazmic muffin, just saying…

No stop at Hiawatha Hobbies today as they had a death in the family last week and the celebration was today. Walthers was open and I picked up the pre-orders.

Enjoyed a fantastic meal for lunch at St Paul Fish Company at Milwaukee’s Public Market.

I am sitting on the deck over looking Geneva Lake in Lake Geneva, Wi. This used to be the place to come if you were the elite from Chicago, now it’s just a big $$$ money place that is ok for everyone. I’m still stuffed from lunch but the girls are trying to figure where to order from. I can’t believe they are even thinking of food let alone being hungry. I suggested a pizza and why do I open my mouth sometimes?! I know better but, never learn…

While there is no current internet connection here in Terry’s friend’s condo I found the condo association’s WiFi for the TV’s in the community areas. I tried a few guesses and got in. So, I am on my IPadPro bouncing between the NFL draft on the NFL Network as I cannot stand the ESPN talking heads show. I’m also watching the Tampa Bay/ Florida and Carolina/ New York Islander NHL games. No buffering so I think this will work.
Good morning from Lake Geneva, Wi! I am about 65 miles southeast of home. The girls are out riding and I’m ready to go home! Sleep was intermittent last night and I actually tried to sleep a bit before 11. Normal for me is 11:30 to 12:15 but all the fresh air and food yesterday must have zapped me until I laid down…

It’s 42f degrees here and going to the high 50’s. At home it’s 43 going to the low 60’s. I was thinking of running down to Lombard Hobby today as I’m about 40 minutes closer but I really don’t need anything.

Terry did say I could go home and come back Tuesday night. We would drive home Wednesday morning and I like that idea. They are going furniture shopping and if there is one shopping trip I dislike, it’s the hunt for furniture. Let’s see, widower in a new Condo! How much could she need? Turns out she is going to dump everything and start over. Says she hasn’t had new furniture in forever and a fresh start would be good. Terry loves this furniture hunting thing so I really need to get out of here!

Enjoy the day
Good Morning All. Mostly cloudy and 71°, relative humidity is higher than at at 89%. The ever-flexible NWS cannot decide if or when it's going to rain around here. Last evening, they were predicting overnight thunderstorms...not quite. In the last hour, a significant storm moved west to east, but it stayed north of the Red River about 20 miles away and soaked Oklahoma all of the way up to OKC. Conditions here are right for thunderstorms and tornadoes for the next few hours and will be again overnight Saturday. Typical Spring weather for us.
Never really warmed up yesterday, temperature ranged from only 68° to 76°; might be warmer today despite the clouds, but today's humidity will be the real killer. Reminds me of Houston.

Yesterday's weekly grocery trek went as planned, wife stayed home so I got done a little quicker. No real change in grocery prices or gasoline prices down in the big city. Filled up the gas tank with my 70¢/gal fuel points, thus saving $10.50. Can't complain about that. Of course that $2.63/gal discounted price is still a lot more than the undiscounted price that I paid 3 years ago.

I did manage to finish up the mowing of the yard as planned yesterday, just in time for more rain. I had to trim back the Oregano plant yesterday, I hung up a considerable quantity to dry, but I do wonder when I will use the dried stash when I have an almost unlimited supply growing right outside the kitchen door. It's a perennial here so I can even use fresh herb all Winter.

Yesterday was just a short adventure out in the train shed, due to shopping, mowing, etc. While I continued to clean structures, I only made minor detail additions to one of them.

This 30 year old Model Power kit needed a business sign and another customer.


Almost finished with the structure cleaning in this section, vehicles are next.

David - Have a safe holiday. Are you going somewhere where it doesn't rain every day???
Swal - Even though I am a lover of warmer weather, I don't always consider 35° too cold to work outside, unless the wind is biting.
Guy -
National Grey Haired, Grumpy Old Man Day
That mostly fits me except the "Grumpy" part! ;) Continue to take care after the surgery and don't attempt to jump ahead. Having it done again would be no fun.
Grizzled - I deal with the hay field more as a convenience than as a source of income. It's there more as a buffer between me and the neighbors. Jimmy always did all of the work and I allowed him to keep all of the hay for his goats and now sheep. Some years I would split the cost of seed and fertilizer and he would pay me half the going rate for the hay. But mostly he just mowed/baled (and maintained) it and I get the agricultural exemption on the property taxes. I get a spoiled bale whenever I need one for use as mulch in the garden...the bale lasts 3-4 years.
Sherrel - Whenever me or Arlene screw up apps, it just takes our oldest grandson only a couple of minutes to fix them. When he was in middle school, his teachers came to him for the same thing.
John - Looking back at it, I agree that it was a bad camera angle.

Everybody have a great day today. It's National Arbor Day today, go plant a tree.
Good morning everyone!

Happy Friday. Looks like a pretty sizable batch of rain is heading our way. looks like maybe some thunder with it. The dog is doing per pacing routine, so its a good indication some thunderstorms are going to hit the area. I halfway planned on mowing later, as to not have to worry about it this weekend, but that doesn't look likely to happen. Other than the Friday household chores, not much else going on here.

Have a safe day all!
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