#1 Item for Christmas?


Diesel Detail Freak
Whats #1 on your list for Christmas?

Train, or otherwise?

#1 for me is a T55 ES44DC in BNSF New Image.
I wanted to get some box cars for my little fleet, I couldn't find anything within my budget and now its too late to order anyway :S. So now I won't have anything for Xmas, Santa is gonna leave me a lump of coal :(
I wanted to get some box cars for my little fleet, I couldn't find anything within my budget and now its too late to order anyway :S. So now I won't have anything for Xmas, Santa is gonna leave me a lump of coal :(
Why are you sad about a lump of coal, you should be loving it. Call yourself a railroader, psh...

:eek: :rolleyes: :p
Yeah Max, a lump of coal to keep you warm:rolleyes: . Better than switches (the bush type)!:D

After all I have spent on the layout this year I feel guilty asking Saint Nick for anything, but hope to get an air purifier for the Depot.
I would like somebody to (1) clear all the clutter out of my garage [a.k.a. the Trainroom], (2) get the dust off all the structures, and (3) clean my track; in short, all the stuff I don't like to do but must do in order to operate my trains.
I've got 12 decoders coming so I've already got my Christmas present...as well as winter's work ahead of me. I'll also join Steve in wishing for a little peace, good health, and happiness for all of us.
Why are you sad about a lump of coal, you should be loving it. Call yourself a railroader, psh...

Well the way you say it, its like having a gift, so I might answer that my sock will be left empty :(. A lump of coal would be something precious too for a railroader :p to feed his locos :)
Even though I'm not a US citizen, I wish they pulled them out years ago not now or later :S leaving them there is nonsence.
Peace to all those of Good Will! I want for nothing.

I try to be like the real St. Nicholas, Bishop of Smyrna. "Practice randoms acts of kindness".
Canon XT camera. Sorry I'm so gready.

If I wasn't converting mine to infrard i'de offer it up for sale. But you can get the XT very cheap nowadays. maybe $300ish, try this place www.bhphoto.com great store in NYC to shop at. Its the equivalent of us going to hobby shops.

I'm asking for a gift card to home depot so I can finally start my benchwork. I'm am very very excited.
Excellent gift idea. Hopefully i'll get a few visa/amex gift cards so I can do the same and also buy more train stuff.
Well, I too have already received my Christmas gifts along with a fairly good order of lumber to complete my table and road bed work and waiting on a few other things to come in so I'm very happy as is, just need to get the track plan down to incorporate all the various industries I'm planning on having and possibly a couple of new ones if I think of any? Actually I did pick up a new kit for an early Iron Work company which will make for an interesting small business and spur.

So Santa has been very good to me and hope he is to all of you too! God Bless You All and have a Safe and Wonderful Holiday Season!!

Take care.
I wish we could pull our troops out of Iraq !!

May sound alittle crazy, but I hope my assignment orders take me back to Iraq instead of Korea so I can stay with my current unit next year. And maxitrains, instead of being sad about that lump of coal, why do you ask Santa for the car that it came in on....LOL!

