Running Bear's January 2023 Coffee Shop

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Sherrel - Thanks for noticing the rail color. Wow!!! $78 for breakfast! You need to find an IHOP or Waffle House!
I would have punched someone in the nose if they tore up my car title.
In defence of that, WILLIE, There was several 'Bloody Mary's' and New York steaks involved.
We basically had two meals from that with a later addition of a few Golden, LOL, eggs!

The CA-DMV, as TODD noted is akin to the Gestapo! I made sure that he and a host of others heard me call him a SOB - and I did not use abbreviations.

CHAD - wow ; On the house project ... just does not seem to me to be construction weather? Has to be somewhat uncomfortable trying to work outside that way.
Yeah, and who actually penned it we may never really know. The 2 egos in the Eagles never really paid homage to their mentors.

Many of their songs were given to them by others, and the Eagles never really did what I would call a stand-up job of giving others credit.

JD Souther, Linda Rondstadt, Jackson Browne, and Jack Tempchin, all helped them get their start, and co-wrote a lot of their songs.

Even one of Don Henley's top solo hits was more Bruce Hornsby than Don.

Sorry... I have a chip on my shoulder about Henley and Frey. It shows, doesn't it? :oops:
Morning folks and afternoon for our European fans!
35f and looking for 70f with clear bright sunny skies - tomorrow is planned to be a little cooler and very windy (they predict).
I'm going to do something "train" related today - I'm so bored here lately! The Spousal Unit is yelling at me when I turn the heat up past 70 - and I am freezing below that. Beginning to think that it is because of the huge blood thinner pills that I am taking twice a day. Anyway, her body is like an oven - she just gets tired of me trying to hug her all the time! I keep saying - me or the furnace - what's it going to be ... LOL

I'm just yaking and glad to still be on the top of the grass. I wish I could attend that "show" that you all are talking about? When I was working and on layovers in different cities all over - I always found hobby shops and, if lucky, a club to visit?

Sheeze, TERRY, I think you trade autos more often that I change my shorts? :eek: :):):D
We are too tight to blow cash on cars, we have had any number of demonstrators sometimes with little more mileage than a new. thee is less warranty so you have to factor that as well.
We have bought several second hand cars, which we have sold or traded for more than we paid. the Tesla is our only new car. Tesla are chasing us over the way we keep putting the order back because when we ordered it, there was decent cameras and sonar as on our 3. But the Y initially did this and plans to do it again but by the time we got to the front of the queue those components were not included to the level we want. after chasing us end of last year (ooh I wonder why…big price drop if we had bought it then..faints) anyway they have offered our deposit back, and said we can order again when the components are available (well they were when we ordered last time Doh) But anyway I think we are taking the deposit and waiting….at this speed the Cybertruck which we pre ordered when it was first available might be here sooner than the Y!
Still we love the Tesla 3 we’re never planning to trade it in. and I have told the other half if he wants a fancy wrap and the 1500 speed upgrade all good. …
Hmmm maybe I could design the wrap……giggles.

We have had some super 🚘 cars.
Range Rover vogue although 15 miles to a gallon of petrol is obscenely expensive…thank god for Company Car allowance. red cream leather
BMW 4 series coupe, black red leather, beautiful car had the M upgrade look, before we had the Tesla 3 everyone agreed it went like a bat out of hell.
Ford Scorpio dark silver metallic grey exterior black leather loved it until some a hole keyed the side, reason unknown. Traded it as the cost to refusing it was scary.
My Triumph spitfire red chrome black seats plastic I think was a stunner, unfortunately some other a hole smacked into the back of it near a roundabout pushing the triumph forward and they escaped, incoming traffic meant husband could not reverse and give chase,
Audi CD soft cloth, nice ride BUT one and a half on a motorway and it would stop running, 2 garages could not sort it, had to be hot engine causing fumes but nobody vcould fix it, we had to ensure if travelling we pulled over every hour to avoid pulling over on inertia - pretty scary.
Motorbikes another story although I was a passenger not a driver.
Other cars some worth a mention most not.
A car should be fun, fast enough to avoid an accident, big enough for 2, although 2+2 is fine, should be able to squeeze in one or two dogs. My dobermann loved the Spitfire I would unzip the back window and she would hang her head out on the motorway, I used to get loads of waves and thumbs up on that car. It was a total chat up line. drove the other half mad lol.


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Yeah, and who actually penned it we may never really know. The 2 egos in the Eagles never really paid homage to their mentors.

Many of their songs were given to them by others, and the Eagles never really did what I would call a stand-up job of giving others credit.

JD Souther, Linda Rondstadt, Jackson Browne, and Jack Tempchin, all helped them get their start, and co-wrote a lot of their songs.

Even one of Don Henley's top solo hits was more Bruce Hornsby than Don.

Sorry... I have a chip on my shoulder about Henley and Frey. It shows, doesn't it? :oops:
the truth tells out
OK - Here is my story of the CA DMV! I have lived in 7 states and had "zero" problems with any State until here. I purchased that 98 Dakota P/U new after moving here from MO.
In the early 2000's we sold our home here and moved to Laughlin, NV as I wanted away from CA for tax reasons. Our vehicles were lien free and when I went to the NV DMV to register them, the nice lady said to me, "There is no reason to transfer the title to NV and spend the extra - you just need to register for license plates." Wasn't but an extra $28.00, but $28 is $28.
FAST Forward a few years ---

The Spousal Unit decided that she couldn't take the heat in Laughlin (never below 90f for about 6 months of the year even at night) and she thought she was too far away from kids, G kids and family so she decided to live with her mom and "visit" me in Laughlin. This went on for 6=8 months, had a friend who had friends looking for a place to live, so I rented the house to them and came back to CA where we bought again.
I was happy maintaining my NV residence, but eventually a policeman living a couple houses down stopped by one day and told me that he was not saying anything, but I could be stopped for having the NV plates if other LE's caught on to seeing the truck continuously.
Long story shortened a little - I went to the DMV to register the truck in CA again. I had the title (CA) and the registration (NV) in the same envelope that I handed to him. He looked at the title and tore it up saying that he had no way of knowing that I had not changed the title in NV and I would have to do a title search to prove that the truck was mine.
I tried to argue with him, but to no avail. I said. Fckit, I have no intent to sell the truck, and let it slide. Now comes along a couple years back when I rear-ended someone and the insurance company "totaled" the truck and asked me for the title. I told them the DMV story and they laughed about it as the truck had been insured from them ever since new - and they said forget we asked - we will take care of it.
I am NOT a fan of the DMV here and the last time I had to have my license renewed, I drove to NEEDLES, CA, (4 hours each way) for a walk in renewal with written and eye test. While there I visited and spent the night with a former neighbor.

Sherill: Sounds like he was a real arrogant SOB (Sour Old Barrister) to me !
Good morning, all! Awoke to a very cool 45 degree morning. Sunny and windy.
Yesterday the cold front that brought Willie his snow blew through my area dropping 2 inches of rain. Just to our north are the communities of Pasadena and Deer Park. About 25 to 30 miles as the crow flies. An F2, possibly F3 tornado struck those 2 towns as well as Baytown. There was a lot of destruction to homes and businesses. Even a string of closed hoppers, maybe 15 or so, blown over, laying on their sides. For the first time ever, a "Tornado Emergency" was issued for the area by the National Weather Service. On the plus side, a few minor injuries were reported and no fatalities.

Jaz - Some nice paintings. I only do landscapes, as 3 year olds can do better faces than I.
Terry - Just looked, my 2013 Tacoma has a separate "audio" book, 66 pages.
Sherrell - seems like you might be a mean motor scooter and a bad go getter. (Ally Oop, the Argiles)
Willie - Nice train photos. Been quite a few years since we have seen any snow here.

Drug and side effects - I pretty much leave it up to my doctor. I do however remind him of the maintenance drugs I'm on, just in case.

DMV - I our area, you can plan on wasting at least half a day, appointment or not.

Trains - I did get a little switching in yesterday. Also found my switch list needs updating, as new structures were added and a couple old ones were removed.

As Guy would say, "a throw down photo"

Good Morning All. Cloudy and 33°, inclement weather seems to have moved on. Snow depth at it's fullest was about 2"; it's disappearing as fast as it appeared. Overall yesterday and overnight, the rain gauge collected 1.25". Gradual warm-up is in store.

The doctor visit yesterday was inconclusive. The blood tests and breathing test that I went through a month ago came back completely normal, and he has no idea why I am short of breath and wheezing. More tests and another visit next month.
I'm taking my wife to Dallas this afternoon for a two day stay with the grandsons. Daughter and SIL are both going to be out of town on business related trips. My other daughter and her husband are also both out of pocket. While the two boys aged 15 & 13 can take care of themselves, the oldest cannot legally drive them to various practices and events. School is just two blocks away and they walk there anyway; and they are adept at using the kitchen. Grandma is needed to be a taxi driver. Daughter will bring her back home Friday.

Drivers licenses and license plates here are in two separate buildings located about two blocks apart. license plates/registrations are easy and normally don't take over 10 minutes. Over at the drivers license place, we now have to go online and schedule an appointment, but there are usually same day appointments available. The next county over (with four offices) is more crowded and you might wait a week or more. Fortunately no one has told those people that they can go to any county in the state.

Thanks for the comments and reactions regarding the "clean" structures shown yesterday.

I did venture out to the train shed yesterday and did some more structure cleaning. I did these four which are just temporarily stored in a 72" x 16" undeveloped space. Three of these will eventually go here, maybe even the fourth.
View attachment 160631
In order to break the monotony, I started the build on the first of the P2K covered hoppers. These are very complex kits, but I really enjoy building them. Here are a few highlights.
The train line is a separately applied part and is quite delicate and takes some time cutting it loose.
View attachment 160632
I went in steps.
View attachment 160633
Here it is with part of the brake gear.
View attachment 160634
I managed to get all of them without breaking anything. So far no other lost or broken parts.
The train line loops and threads it's way around the frame. Here it is with the two brake levers, hatches, shaker brackets and bolsters installed.
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View attachment 160636
At this stage, I have installed 26 parts including much of the B-end brake stuff (not shown).

Tom O - I do the soft drinks, sugar-free A&W Root Beer and Caffeine-Free Diet Coke in the 12 ox cans. Used to be 4-12 packs for $10, now, 18 months later, a sale is 4-12 packs for $14, a 40% increase!!! Only eggs have gone up more and at least there is a legitimate reason for eggs. The soda stash is down to 4-5 weeks. Beer stash is remaining around 6-7 weeks in case of a severe snowstorm. Best estimate of the wife's wine stash is a little over two weeks.
I also never went to train shows looking for sales, just layouts and home tours. Most of the ones locally just had the same old stores bringing in a few tables of their shelf inventory to sell to the visitors to the show. I just patronized their brick & mortar places as there was always more choice. But in the last five or six years prior to Covid, more and more "estate sellers" began to show up and would sell stuff more cheaply and still make a profit. They are also (mostly) willing to barter if you purchase multiple items.
All shows are now in the Dallas suburb of Plano now, since the venue in Ft Worth started charging for parking in 2015.
Sherrel - Thanks for noticing the rail color. Wow!!! $78 for breakfast! You need to find an IHOP or Waffle House!
I would have punched someone in the nose if they tore up my car title.

Everybody have a great day.
Never thought I would meet someone else who measures the soda stash in weeks.

Terry’s Diet Pepsi caffiene free is out 4 weeks, she barely drinks one a day. Her coffee cabinet has 8 cans ready for use. Coffee is her drink. When my sister or her best friend are here they have coffee all day till 7pm and that stash really dwindles!

My 16.9 oz bottles of Diet Dr Pepper are out 5 weeks this morning. The A&W root beer sugarless is out 3 weeks as is the Sugarless diet Ginger Ale and Sugarless diet 7up. I do have a backup for the diet Dr Pepper caffeinated in diet Cherry Pepsi. 24 cans of 12oz is there when the Pepper gets low or we have company. I drink 1 caffeine drink in the morning in the morning. After 10am it’s one of the caffeine free drinks.

Plus I drink at least 32oz. of filtered water daily. Often I will hit that recommended 64oz. of water. My nutritionist says though I may count the diet sugar free stuff as part of the 64oz but not caffeinated drinks.

The beer is 5 bottles of Spotted Cow from the New Glarus brewery in Wisconsin. Without company Terry may drink 1 bottle a week. When company comes I head to the store for beer.
Be grateful, many Boksburg just do NOT d-lang, or give a box dh crystal ball to help you work it out
Thank you for those who liked it….even I struggle to understand what it said! Laughs.

be grateful, many books just do NOT explain properly, or give a crystal ball to help you work it out…..l

you probably do need one to understand my not proof read comment though lol. does explain the laugh emote
and it could just be a bad Chinese translation…l
Never thought I would meet someone else who measures the soda stash in weeks.

Terry’s Diet Pepsi caffiene free is out 4 weeks, she barely drinks one a day. Her coffee cabinet has 8 cans ready for use. Coffee is her drink. When my sister or her best friend are here they have coffee all day till 7pm and that stash really dwindles!

My 16.9 oz bottles of Diet Dr Pepper are out 5 weeks this morning. The A&W root beer sugarless is out 3 weeks as is the Sugarless diet Ginger Ale and Sugarless diet 7up. I do have a backup for the diet Dr Pepper caffeinated in diet Cherry Pepsi. 24 cans of 12oz is there when the Pepper gets low or we have company. I drink 1 caffeine drink in the morning in the morning. After 10am it’s one of the caffeine free drinks.

Plus I drink at least 32oz. of filtered water daily. Often I will hit that recommended 64oz. of water. My nutritionist says though I may count the diet sugar free stuff as part of the 64oz but not caffeinated drinks.

The beer is 5 bottles of Spotted Cow from the New Glarus brewery in Wisconsin. Without company Terry may drink 1 bottle a week. When company comes I head to the store for beer.
I have a back up for soda water…..tap 💧 water…..although filtered tap water is my usual go to.
IfPeps has a production issue….do you tie each other to a chair until the shakes stops. :D

FY~I prior to being pregnant I drank like a 🐠 🐟 fish, once I knew I was pregnant 🤰 I had no issues stopping, and as I stopped for the pregnancy the other half stopped. a majorr saving once not buying alcohol in pubs or at restaurants.

We once threw a load of alcohol away, because it had been there years and we thought it might be off, my dad almost fainted when he opened the bin. the other half said ugh it is not going back in the house, my dad took a split second before finding sone shopping bags and walking off with whisky, vodka, brandy etc. We still sonetimes go ages before the drinks cabinet is touched, but we do not throw it away…although I do double check milk based items.

Plus I think I mentioned recently, sugar soda drinks makes me burp, really loudly, fizzy water doesn’t…do not ask me why.
Good Morning All. Cloudy and 33°, inclement weather seems to have moved on. Snow depth at it's fullest was about 2"; it's disappearing as fast as it appeared. Overall yesterday and overnight, the rain gauge collected 1.25". Gradual warm-up is in store.

The doctor visit yesterday was inconclusive. The blood tests and breathing test that I went through a month ago came back completely normal, and he has no idea why I am short of breath and wheezing. More tests and another visit next month.
I'm taking my wife to Dallas this afternoon for a two day stay with the grandsons. Daughter and SIL are both going to be out of town on business related trips. My other daughter and her husband are also both out of pocket. While the two boys aged 15 & 13 can take care of themselves, the oldest cannot legally drive them to various practices and events. School is just two blocks away and they walk there anyway; and they are adept at using the kitchen. Grandma is needed to be a taxi driver. Daughter will bring her back home Friday.

Drivers licenses and license plates here are in two separate buildings located about two blocks apart. license plates/registrations are easy and normally don't take over 10 minutes. Over at the drivers license place, we now have to go online and schedule an appointment, but there are usually same day appointments available. The next county over (with four offices) is more crowded and you might wait a week or more. Fortunately no one has told those people that they can go to any county in the state.

Thanks for the comments and reactions regarding the "clean" structures shown yesterday.

I did venture out to the train shed yesterday and did some more structure cleaning. I did these four which are just temporarily stored in a 72" x 16" undeveloped space. Three of these will eventually go here, maybe even the fourth.
View attachment 160631
In order to break the monotony, I started the build on the first of the P2K covered hoppers. These are very complex kits, but I really enjoy building them. Here are a few highlights.
The train line is a separately applied part and is quite delicate and takes some time cutting it loose.
View attachment 160632
I went in steps.
View attachment 160633
Here it is with part of the brake gear.
View attachment 160634
I managed to get all of them without breaking anything. So far no other lost or broken parts.
The train line loops and threads it's way around the frame. Here it is with the two brake levers, hatches, shaker brackets and bolsters installed.
View attachment 160635
View attachment 160636
At this stage, I have installed 26 parts including much of the B-end brake stuff (not shown).

Tom O - I do the soft drinks, sugar-free A&W Root Beer and Caffeine-Free Diet Coke in the 12 ox cans. Used to be 4-12 packs for $10, now, 18 months later, a sale is 4-12 packs for $14, a 40% increase!!! Only eggs have gone up more and at least there is a legitimate reason for eggs. The soda stash is down to 4-5 weeks. Beer stash is remaining around 6-7 weeks in case of a severe snowstorm. Best estimate of the wife's wine stash is a little over two weeks.
I also never went to train shows looking for sales, just layouts and home tours. Most of the ones locally just had the same old stores bringing in a few tables of their shelf inventory to sell to the visitors to the show. I just patronized their brick & mortar places as there was always more choice. But in the last five or six years prior to Covid, more and more "estate sellers" began to show up and would sell stuff more cheaply and still make a profit. They are also (mostly) willing to barter if you purchase multiple items.
All shows are now in the Dallas suburb of Plano now, since the venue in Ft Worth started charging for parking in 2015.
Sherrel - Thanks for noticing the rail color. Wow!!! $78 for breakfast! You need to find an IHOP or Waffle House!
I would have punched someone in the nose if they tore up my car title.

Everybody have a great day.

Willie: "Your Dr. has no idea why I am short of breath and wheezing. More tests and another visit next month."
Your Short of Breath and Wheezing and the Dr wants you to wait another month !? WTF ? Find a different Dr. !

What I've done to increase my lung capacity, which may hurt the first few times, is to inhale as much air as you can and hold it in your lungs for about 10 seconds then exhale. Do that your Oxygenral times a day and that should expand the aviola sacks to help you get more Oxygen in your blood stream. Another good thing to help your blood stream Oxygen level is Nitric Oxide capsules.

That's sure delicate casting cutting alright ! Nice job, maybe paint the piping and break riging a light grey to stand out.
I've been wrapped up this morning trying to learn about different TV/Computer services - of which I am grossly inefficient in electronics. The Spousal Unit is morde on topp of it all than I am - and the local SonIL is my go2 guy.
Direct TV dropped NEWSMAX last evening and I am about to drop DIRECT TV. This country is getting in sad shape with the war against anything of a conservative nature. Take that as a political statement - I don't care - I am just getting fed up with everything. If my health was better and I was somewhat a lot younger, I would be on a nice chunk of land about 10 miles from the nearest neighbor. I remember a friend in Silverton (1973) who owned the local newspaper and spouse #1 and I walked by the office one night -- His linotype machine had broken down and he was sitting in the front window giving everyone who walked by the BIRD!
Sometimes, I can relate to him!
I've been wrapped up this morning trying to learn about different TV/Computer services - of which I am grossly inefficient in electronics. The Spousal Unit is morde on topp of it all than I am - and the local SonIL is my go2 guy.
Direct TV dropped NEWSMAX last evening and I am about to drop DIRECT TV. This country is getting in sad shape with the war against anything of a conservative nature. Take that as a political statement - I don't care - I am just getting fed up with everything. If my health was better and I was somewhat a lot younger, I would be on a nice chunk of land about 10 miles from the nearest neighbor. I remember a friend in Silverton (1973) who owned the local newspaper and spouse #1 and I walked by the office one night -- His linotype machine had broken down and he was sitting in the front window giving everyone who walked by the BIRD!
Sometimes, I can relate to him!
Sherrel: We dropped DirecTV a couple of years ago. Got tired of things changing and being removed, on top of that, if raining or snowing fairly hard - no reception. It *never* rains or snows here! Our Internet speed was 50M/Sec then so we went to streaming stuff. Amazon has a free dongle if you are a Prime member, else you can buy something that plugs into your smart TV. Then we had to get one of the streaming services that carried Fox, so went with Sling. All in all, our bill went from $120 to $35 per month. I am thinking about MGM+ and/or Paramount - haven't decided yet as I haven't done the 30 day test drives.

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