Those wheels will be replaced with metal ones soon, so there’s no use in doing thatI'm by far not an expert, but it looks good to me.
Maybe rust up the wheel faces some.
I just dabbled some paint on with a sponge and wiped away excess with a cloth in the direction of the roof downlooks great! only advice i have is to look at photos of trains and see what spots tend to rust first. for example on the roof the pattern of your rust looks just a bit too even to be natural
You can use those for practice.Those wheels will be replaced with metal ones soon, so there’s no use in doing that
That's easy, it's basically one color rust.Thankfully I don't have any coil cars, I'd hate to weather one to this extent.
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I thought it would be easy until I tried it a couple months ago. I wasn't happy with my results but I like yours. Do you give lessons?
You get an "A" from me !!I gave it a try, I think it’s pretty good but I’ll need advice from you guys
What do you think?