The greenbrier logging and coal co

While waiting on this to be finished, I went onto another repair. I had 10 logging cars that were in bad shape. That jet really makes for a easy fast fix. I have the 10 logging cars 5 loaded, 5 empty and a couple of other cars fixed too. I need to touch up the paint on the logging cars and they will be done. Shots below, Smoke


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Been working on the creeks, river and moat to get them finished. I have all but the river behind the dam drying. Am getting ready for the big pour behind the dam. After it all drys i will do the acrylic pour to finish the water. Have a few shots below, Smoke


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I was pouring the water behind the dam and ran out so i had to get another bottle to finish. That water is deep behind the dam so i was thinking of a couple of rowboats and a couple of fisherman on the little lake. Sounds like a plan if i can find a couple. Have to check the sites and see if i can get lucky. Shots below, Smoke


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I was on the back side of the layout working on the lake so i picked two trees to "cut down". I got the saws in place and the men to cut the trees down. They are so small i couldn't get a really good shot. Out of the 5 i took, i have one that could pass. The camera is having a hard time focusing on the men themselves. Maybe i will get lucky later. Smoke


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Was looking at all the cars i have. Most for main line use are 40 footers. I have a mix of freight and a run of passenger cars too. I just don't have enough room to run them all at the same time so i have been looking for a area i can put a run around track in. The only place i can see is the mountain tunnel under the housing areas. Thats a good sized mountain it has lowest height of 31/2" and max of 11". More than big enough for my hands to get in there to pull out a car if needed. I am thinking a pair of #6 kato turnouts and some R15 curved track and some straight in the mix to give me a space for a 10 car train. I have engines and cars so that is no issue but there are some who think i am asking for trouble with two tracks under the mountain. Maybe i am... There isn't another place for a passing track to go. Its hidden so i can park one there and just run the other a few times or switch around for a few. Shots below. I need to clean that area out and haven't done that since i put the mountain there. I drilled holes for trees and the junk is there yet. shots below. Smoke


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I thought i might make a update to this thread. I am going with a three siding track under the housing area. I will be using #6 turnouts and it will give me three sets of tracks under that mountain. I was looking around for something a couple of weeks ago and found a old train box from Bachmann that had a passenger train in it. So, the engine is long gone but i have been looking on line and found a older F3a unit in B&O markings to match the cars i have. So thats on a order. I will have a pass around for three trains on the main. that passenger set and two other trains. Later on i may.. down the road add another piece to the layout and make a good part of the main double track. Anyway, thats whats up for the next year on the old railroad. I keep up i gonna need to kick out a wall and make this room bigger!
Well, Update. I have been working on a couple of angles. One of which is i started to make a coal mine for the layout but when i got to the second area i needed more for the logging camp so there went that. Coal mine in the box. Now the idea for the extra tracks under the town and next idea came up. I am planning to add another section to the mountain and place the coal mine there. Under all that mountain i have the room needed for three run around tracks. This means a 3 foot addition. and that is all the room i have for. the layout will be wall to wall. So as long as my hands will play nice i can build. The area i modeled the layout on was run with C&O equipment and then the local yard and logging camps running there own track and cars. From the north Norfolk and Western handled the coal from the spruce area by way of a pass that Spruce had made to reach timber. I don't have a pass to get over "Big Cut" so i will be using a tunnel to connect the coal to the rest of the layout. Not the best idea but if it works. So, i am buying more cars for coal and I am going to cheat and use C&O for the whole operation. They did run coal so it will work out ok. I would hate to see what sized layout i would have had to make to do this area like the original rr's. I am not sure my whole house is big enough for it! Anyway i have a good plan as is. More to be coming as i am getting parts together for that base and mountain and getting track laid out so i can start getting the scenery work under way. It took me two years to come up with the plan so it will be somewhat slow to make the rest. I am gonna add a run around track over at the lumber yard to allow passenger trains a place to stop and allow freights to pass by. I will have plenty of foam left over so no biggie. Thats it for now. I don't have a copy of the layout in Scarm as i didn't draw the complete layout as i don't want to buy a full copy of the software. I have one shot but its not very good. I did it on my nephews computer and printed a copy so i could put it in this computer. Maybe the maker of Scarm and other rr software will design a software for Linux. anyway Thats it for now. The holidays will slow down stuff with the mail service so things are coming together but slowly.


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Another thread I've never found. I only had time to look very briefly as I'm off to bed soon (work starts early for me) but I look forward to going through it more thoroughly soon.

Very cool 😀
Here is another shot that shows it in place with most of the rest of the track. I ran out of "Free track" for the plan so the logging track isn't shown. This is showing the run around and the coal mine on the layout. I work in Linux and no one makes a software for linux. I found one for Mac. Everyone else needs windows. I hate windows. 10 was bad enough but 11 is even worse. Telling me what i can use and not use in my own computer is not something i will put up with. So i won't be keeping windows in this machine very long at all.


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Yeah, my new passenger station came in today. I found this on an estate sale on ebay. Its about a 30-40 year old kit. Whoever owned it started with one wall putting windows in and then never went any farther. The price on that box lid gives away the age of the kit at $1.49. I paid a bit more for it. It is complete even with the paper directions! Have a couple of shots below. I know i said before i don't like plastic kits. I don't but i somehow just liked the look of the kit so i have i think three models on the layout that are plastic now.


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And a couple more of the build. I am taking the rest of the day off. my fingers are hurting me bad. The weather is nice and 73 degrees. don't know why they hurt so bad. Laters


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Its all finished but for Dull cote to dull the shine off the plastic. and the glass for the windows. I liked the kit. its hard to find these gems anymore as the company that made these went out of business in the early 80's. They sold for 1.49 back then. i paid 16 for it today so it was still a great deal. Shots below, Smoke


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I got a good start in my office moving things around so i can get the layout in the corner. The pictures look like i used a fish-eye lens on the camera. Don't know why. but i know i need to get rid of that cabinet with the entertainment center in it. I have to go out Weds so i can get that then. Need a few other things to fix the walls and touch-up paint. Its a work in progress. I also got my Christmas present coming. I got a new engine coming for my passenger service. A Kato with dcc FP7a. More on that later. I have hit every company trying to find a engine with C&O markings on it, but not having any luck, so i got one but will have to paint and mark for C&O. Shots below, Smoke


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Its all finished but for Dull cote to dull the shine off the plastic. and the glass for the windows. I liked the kit. its hard to find these gems anymore as the company that made these went out of business in the early 80's. They sold for 1.49 back then. i paid 16 for it today so it was still a great deal. Shots below, Smoke
That is a nice looking kit, and I don't know where I would be without ebay.

I am continually finding interesting items to try to fit into my layout!!!!!!

I am working on a plan to cut that brown wall off the layout when i get the track laid down. Not sure yet how to do it but i hope i can.I can only think of two places where they had multi tunnels in a single area coming out of the ground. New York and Philly. i can't remember ever seeing it done in the mountains but it could be done
I finally got my little NW-2 finished. I had started to do that little engine back before Christmas and then i got sick and everything got put on hold. I had got the paint done just not clear coated. That done and now with a dcc chip installed and new lights installed and then folded all together and #8 is alive! In the pictures one shot has #7 and #8 side by side. Those are strong pullers as they can pull 9 cars. For a NW-2 thats a lot of cars to pull.
I have started to repaint the FP7A to C&O markings Its numbered #95. I got the first coat of blue done and am using decals for the main colors on the yellow. I need to pick up some silver paint tomorrow when i go to see the doctor again.I am not up to the work on that new section yet. I have the table and thats about all for now. I want to finish the sidings in the tunnel first before i close off that area for the coal mine. Shots below, Smoke


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