Here are a few pics of our trip to Sweden, Norway, and Denmark in 2016
We landed at Arlanda airport near Stockholm. It's an older airport that was upgraded and made into the main international airport in the early 90s. Prior to that is was local and domestic traffic, though also had been international traffice in the 70s etc. I don't understand the whole story. The other Stockholm Airport was more in the city and called Bromma.
Arlanda was built outside the city. The wife looked out and just saw trees and open land and wondered what sort of city Stockholm was. I assured her it was a real city and the airport was just out in the boonies. My friend Max, who lives near Uppsala, picked us up and took us to his house for dinner and some socializing and sight seeing. We then took a train into Stockholm and our hotel.
The Stockholm airport:
Burial mounds near Uppsala. Uppsala was the traditional seat of power in Sweden before and during the Viking age. There are a ton of burial mounds there reaching back into the Vendel age (pre Viking age).
Cathedral of Uppsala if I'm not mistaken
We took a train from Stockholm to Göteborg (Gothenburg). I thought I had pics of the train and scenery but they're not in my photos...
Here is the Hotel we stayed in in Göteborg.
After picking up our car at the Volvo factory we drive to Norway. This was a rest stop in Sweden on the way to Norway. The've found a lot of bronze age and pre-bronze age (IIRC_ rock engravings and stuff in this area and they had displays of it at the rest stop. But the scneery is what moved me.
We got to Norway and went to the Viking Ship museum. I uploaded too many photos and the forum didn't allow them so I'll put them in a separate reply.
We also walked around Oslo and shopped and looked at stuff. This is the National Theater in Oslo
And the Parliament. Called Stor Ting / Storting which literally means "the Big Thing" where "Thing" is not the English word thing but the scandinavian word for an assembly. For example the Icelandic one since the Viking times was called Althing. This is the big Thing since it is the national assembly or parliament, and not a local, regional, provincial, or other small one...
After left Oslo we drove back to Göteborg and left the car at Volvo so they could ship it to our local dealer for delivery to us in the US. We then took a train to Copenhagen in Denmark. It was not a fancy train, and I thought I had pics but can't find them. At one point we stopped and had to get off and get on busses to drive to another train station to continue the journey (and it was all not very well organized with not much help for poor foreigners and which busses we should get on was a mystery -- luckily a Swedish guy helped us get on the right transfer bus). The problem was that some of the tracks were snowed under and the train couldn't get through. It was early November, and from what I understand the railroads are privatized from the 1990s and the owners of the tracks were not the same as the various operators of the trains and they were not well coordinated with each other -- at least in 2016 -- which had been long enough that they'd have had the chance to work things out. That was how it was explained to me by a Swedish guy later.
Anyway, we eventually got to the new train station, got on a train, and ended up in Copenhagen about 4 hours late. We spent a full day in Copenhagen, two nights, and then flew home out of Copenhagen. No pics from Copenhagen except for this City Hall square pic
And this Copenhagen main train station pic (I think that is what this is)
The Copenhagen main train station was not that well organized. We had to take a train on Sunday morning out to the airport and we got there and went to the track but then there were announcements and everyone started moving so we followed and it seems the track was changed for our train at the last minute. We had to walk up a long flight of stairs, cross a public road, and go back down another flight of stairs to some outlying peripheral track. Not at all organized in my book like the German train stations I've been in as well as the excellent ones in Japan.
I'm sure I took a lot more pics but I am not sure what happened to them.