Running Bear's November 2024 Coffee Shop

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I have a dual action air brush that has been giving me fits. It’s a Paasche VLS that I was using mainly for spraying Clear matte or gloss finishes. I have gone back about 3 months ago to using an old Badger single action air brush for matte and clear finishes.

When I press the trigger for air only on the Paasche I get whatever would be being sprayed immediately just pressing straight down. I have disassembled and cleaned the unit a few times since this started and that’s not helping.

I hate for tools not to be used so I would like to get this brush back into use. Any suggestions would be helpful

Thanks and this is also posted in the Continuous weathering thread

Some light hearted humor

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Sounds like you need a new seal and/or needle.
Louis - Slow and easy is the right pace for me these days. Your layout plan: Four feet width around the attic walls seems a little deep to me. Maybe you're taller than I think. Make it sturdy if you're planning on leaning on it.
Slow, take a break, slower, I'm done. That's how I do it. How long I can go at each speed varies and sometimes I can keep going with additional breaks.

My first permanent layout was 7' wide up against the wall. I can only easily reach 4.5'. I built it so I could crawl on top of it, my knees didn't like that. That is why I'm going around the walls. My arms are 33" long. I'm 6'8" if I can stand up straight. Even if I tell people how tall I am they usually don't realize it until they stand near me.

Strong and sturdy is necessary; I wobble when I get tired, and I need to be able to lean on it.
Good morning all!

It was cold running errands this morning. Not sure what the actual temp was this morning, but I knew it had to be cold because the low tire light was on in the car.

My daughters basketball game for regionals did not go well for them. They fought hard and stayed close, but were ultimately out gunned.
Basketball is now officially over, and volleyball practice will start up 3rd week of December,.

Stay warm everyone!

I know it is an old picture, but my granddaughters' still love the film.

Anyone ever been in a jam like this before? 🤣

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If your wife loves you, anything close to a situation like this must be avoided.

Fortunately for me, my wife still looks more like the lady looking out the window.

I got this from It’s actually an interesting read that lead to an interesting thought exercise. What is the legal basis for sending the Japanese Self Defense Force (their military) to fight against an attack by Godzilla.

That was interesting, to me at least. I love everything about Godzilla!
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