Running Bear's March 2020 Coffee Shop

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Afternoon All,

Accomplished nothing today except picking up our lawnmower from Ace Hardware where it was repaired and tuned up for summer. While driving I noticed that there was only about 1/3 of normal traffic this afternoon and 1 gas station had gas for $1.99 a gallon. Tomorrow we have a guy coming over to do a wind mitigation study for the homeowners after the roof repairs.

Next week it looks like we are going to have 3 possibly 4 kids (grandkids and their houseguests) here during the week. The school district is calling the teachers in on Monday to get ready for remote learning (schools closed until 4/15 at least). After Monday teachers will do 3 hour shifts split between Morning and Afternoon. When the kids are here they will be participating in LAWN CAMP starting out with the retention wall!

Joe- Nice photo.

Patrick- Nice 1:1 photo.

Posse- Interesting photo.

Willie- Nice looking structure and coloring. I love the signage.

Chet- Nice layout shot.

Guy- That's a cold looking loco!

Chad- Hopefully things will quiet down for you.

Dave- Nice picture.

I hope everyone has a good night.
Evening fellers. We finally got our first confirmed coronavirus case here in West Virginia. To shed some light on this. West Virginia hasn't been testing for COVID-19. Well I guess that's one way to keep the number of cases down. Looking more and more like a lockdown is coming for us. Everything is getting shut down here. All I have for now. I'll stop by again later.
Evening fellers. We finally got our first confirmed coronavirus case here in West Virginia. To shed some light on this. West Virginia hasn't been testing for COVID-19. Well I guess that's one way to keep the number of cases down. Looking more and more like a lockdown is coming for us. Everything is getting shut down here. All I have for now. I'll stop by again later.
Meh. Michigan has been shut down for a couple of days. The weird thing is, cancelled vacation aside, this really doesn't look like it's going to affect the wife and me much at all. We rarely go out, and our income is almost entirely SSI and federal pension.
Meh. Michigan has been shut down for a couple of days. The weird thing is, cancelled vacation aside, this really doesn't look like it's going to affect the wife and me much at all. We rarely go out, and our income is almost entirely SSI and federal pension.
Just try not to be the second one in your area to catch it.
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A friend has a solution for the toilet paper crisis. He doesn't give a sh*t.
Several club members are working on their own oral COVID19 vaccines. It seems to involve various combinations of scotch, bourbon and vodka.

OLD SOUTHERN SAYING- Men know how to change the toilet paper, but to do so would ruin the whole game.

I'm off to test out an anti-viral formula with vodka and cranberry juice and crushed ice.
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Evening, after a few days of BS from the Town Board members trying to get their act together and realizing that if one of us test positive for China virus that the whole shop would be on 2 week quarantine. So now we're working split shifts for at least the next 30 days. Group A is working MWF group B TT and then flop the following week. Full pay for the off days no personal time or vacation will be deducted. I got lots to do with trains and yard work so my time will be put to good use.
Mikey, I have been on a regiment of fine Canadian Blended whiskey/7Up for over 50 years and have never had the flu.
truckdad- I have half a bottle of Canadian whisky and I can get a liter of 7 Up at the gas station. I sure do want to prevent getting the flu!

Hmmm! I guess I had better let my wife drive me to the gas station after testing the vodka and cranberry juice cocktail.
Strange things about today is I had ZERO motivation to do much after the after shocks died down. I kept waiting for it to happen again. That feeling is still with me. I did not get a lot of "real work" done, though I was able to buy a couple "barn door" style doors inexpensively at Costco and have my niece's husband take them home for me in his truck to my parents' basement, where we'll store them until we need them later this year. (Niece and her husband are moving back to Wyoming tonight as her student teaching has been canceled with the school hiatus due to the Wuhan Coronavirus and he has a truck so I got the doors once I learned he was leaving town with said truck). (With Costco, when you see something like that you need, you need to buy it as it will then be gone and they won't usually restock things like doors or specific furniture).

EVen now I am trying to get some "day job work" done so I have something to report tomorrow, and there is just no motivation. The experience of the earthquake this morning just makes you think it is about to happen again at any moment. We'll see how sleep works tonight. Luckily there has not been much aftershocks this afternoon -- a heavy 4.6 one at about 1:12pm (original main 5.7 quake at 7:09am) and since,, maybe a couple really faint ones you barely notice. My wife said there was a little shaking 30 minutes ago but I did not notice it and haven't noticed anything for several hours.

Anyway, enough stream of consciousness writing for now. I really need to force myself to do some work before bedtime.
I've never seen an E7, 8 or 9 with solid plates? all along on the side where grills should be. Did the queue have any steam generator cars?

the E8 would not have solid plates over the air intakes. The camera angle along with the angle of the louvers could make it look that way in a photo.

CBQ did not have steam generator cars that I am aware of.. CBQ had many E units and also they had steam generators in most of its GP7’s, GP9’s, SD7’s, and SD9’s.
've got a nasty neighbor like yours. Thinks he knows everything; calling the by-law officer on me when he don't like something I do and breaks all the rules himself. Can't hand pick you're neighbors, but, you can sure a ell ignore them. - I don't call by-law officers, and I don't stick my nose in his business; so long as he stays on his side of the fence.

We all have at least one neighbor like that, bein that I live in Jersey, I get three, the rest are decent. Unfortunately, there is less buffer space, so my tolerance as been tested. :rolleyes:

the photos we got back were of someone's backyard party!

Ah yes, the good old days...Remember the kiosks in shopping center parking lots? they were even better...never knew what to expect.:rolleyes:

Chet, thanks...some of those firefighters are sons and even grand sons of the guys I worked with...where did the time go?

Willie: Nice of the snake to pose for you. :D Everything is supposedly closed except food stores, post office, and liquor stores. Restaurants doing carry out only. Some of the neighbors referenced above, who helped clean out the fresh meat and veggies last week, are already bringing home carry out food. Guess no one offered to prepare it for them...

Young people seem to think they are immune to COVID-19, and that the requested restrictions don't apply to them. Wife and I are even leary of going to the grocery until we really have to...WTF. I did make some progress today on the module I'm working on...

CR  Rochester Fuel Pad in 1979.jpg

uel Pad in Rochester, NY in 1979. SW1500(s), RS27, RS11, and GP9 visible.

Pocahontas _Chesapeake VA_ 05_25_1969.jpg

N&W Pocahontas at Chesapeake, VA. 1969
the E8 would not have solid plates over the air intakes. The camera angle along with the angle of the louvers could make it look that way in a photo.

CBQ did not have steam generator cars that I am aware of.. CBQ had many E units and also they had steam generators in most of its GP7’s, GP9’s, SD7’s, and SD9’s.

Could have been a different style of louvers. Re-manufactured units frequently used available parts.

Chet... I can imagine the NP heater car by Rapido looks nice.

Earthquakes: ... Far western KY is at the New Madrid Fault. We did feel a minor quake a few years ago which was mostly in southern Illinois. One of the largest known earth quakes in North America was in 1812 in New Madrid, MO which shock the earth for 100’s of miles. New Madrid is in the southeast corner of MO across the Mississippi River from KY.

Social Distancing is phrase being used to encourage people to avoid contacts with other people while the virus is a problem. We are being hermits here at the lake. Yesterday was an exception when we picked up groceries. By shopping online ahead of time, the Kroger store brought our order to our car and loaded it for us. That minimised contact. While there, we filled the car at the Kroger gas station. Regular gas was $1,84.9 per gallon. Our Kroger card gave us a 20 cent discount. Therefore, regular gas was $1.64.9 per gallon.

Snakes ..... For several years we had pair of large black snakes that were good at keeping away unwanted critters. Eventually , they were killed by workers building a house next door.

Have a good night.
Thought to share these random pictures.....


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Rained most of the day today - not really hard but steady - finally stopped and sky cleared around 5 PM.
I hot footed it up to the Walmart about 2 miles away to grab some dog treats and a couple other things for the Spousal Unit. The Walmart here is in the top 10 largest in the U,S. - the shelves were almost bare ... there was not a scrap of bread, cheeze, zero breakfast meats, zero lunch meat, zero frozen veggies, and the only dairy left was milk. I grabbed the last two cheerios and one shredded wheat. I have never in my life witnessed anything like what is going on.
Good morning kids and kiddettes.
Saw where a BBQ place is giving a free roll of t.p. with every carry out or delivery order. Seems logical. Especially if you order it hot and spicy.
Work has been sloooooow. 9 technicians, yesterday we had 11 cars to service. 3 just getting oil changes. Usually there are over 30. 2 of the techs are calling it quits for the next few weeks. One has small kids and a wife that is a nurse, the other ( my Corvette tech) is 62 and really would rather just avoid the illness. We're all wearing gloves, using seat covers and steering wheel covers in addition to the standard floor mats to limit exposure to "funky" cars. (the worst ones are driven by women)
Spent a lot of yesterday watching car wreck videos on youtube. Some job huh? I'd rather stay home.
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