Good evening. It's mostly clear and 80.
I've been having problems with my teeth for many years. I went to a dentist today after a recent bout. This dentist went pretty in-depth as far as what was going on, and what do do going forward. Basically, my teeth are all completely worn out. We both speculated this may be a family trait, as both parents and my brother had lost all their teeth well before they reached my age. That didn't really change his prognosis, though, which was, there was nothing he could do. The only three options he could provide were to just let things fall apart (not recommended, for obvious reasons), have all teeth removed and get full dentures. He said this was an option, though because of all the issues people have with dentures, he wouldn't recommend it), or remove all teeth and get full implants (which he recommended). The figure he casually dropped about that option nearly gave me a coronary. It's more than my home cost new, and double what my new expensive car just cost.
It seems I have some difficult decisions to make. I know my parents had problems with their dentures, and implants weren't a thing when they (and my brother) had to make this decision. I wonder how much of the fifty thousand dollars the dentist gets as a kickback for the referral... I'd be naive to think he had no incentive.