Good Morning All. Currently 38° and clear skies, headed up to 69° again today. No rain (or snow) in the ten day forecast.
Once again, my day today starts with the dishwasher. I'll run a load of laundry while I'm at it. I'm still under the direct sunlight restriction for my skin treatment, but I will fudge a bit with a broad-brimmed hat to take advantage of the weather. It's the second to last day anyway, so what the heck.
I did a bunch more work on the structure build out in the train shed yesterday. I once again left the camera outside. I'm getting forgetful since my birthday! Ground throw project is on stand-by; just 8 left to go.
One of the treats this time at the TNMRC layout on the day that I visited, was that a member opened up one of the operating pits nestled deep within the layout. There is a secondary staging yard in there, but most of all, it gives several different views of some of the layout areas. These first few are from the backside of their extensive downtown that I showed from the other side last week.
Then there is a small town scene that is visible from the aisle quite afar from your viewing point. Here it is from inside.
Patrick - We had the same Kroger egg sale here when I went Thursday. I specifically looked after
Tom O posted what he saw in Wisconsin. They're still too expensive. Same eggs were under a dollar 4 years ago.
Len - Good news regarding the safe trip.
Lee - I have been intrigued by that terrace on the roof of that restaurant on the TNMRC layout ever since I first saw it. Seriously thinking of copying it in the future. I already have the same structure and I modeled a restaurant on the second floor.
Everyone have a good Saturday.