Running Bear's December 2024 Coffee Shop

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You got that right James 90% of women come with lots of baggage. Something I'm not interested with dealing with. Getting back together with the first girl I was going to marry is fine, but I hate to take on one of her kid's problems. Baggage as you would call it.
When my wife died and I was looking around, ran into a swell woman and we did a couple things together. Thought it was going well and I asked her out again, only to have her tell me she thought about it and couldn't possibly wish all her families baggage on me. She said, I should "run" not walk away from her.
When my wife died and I was looking around, ran into a swell woman and we did a couple things together. Thought it was going well and I asked her out again, only to have her tell me she thought about it and couldn't possibly wish all her families baggage on me. She said, I should "run" not walk away from her.
At least she was honest and upfront with you, most wouldn't!
made me realise that I had some baggage too. We all do in one form or another. It accumulates on us as we go through life.
When it comes to baggage I agree with Karl. He is not only our resident comedian, but he also has lots of life experience.

We all have "a cross to bear" It's how you carry it that matters.

God knows "I'm a Problem Child"
Riding with my late sister, Theresa, in her SUV she surprised me by playing this CD. I asked, "you bought this?" She said "yes I heard this song on the radio, and it reminded me of you"
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When my wife died and I was looking around, ran into a swell woman and we did a couple things together. Thought it was going well and I asked her out again, only to have her tell me she thought about it and couldn't possibly wish all her families baggage on me. She said, I should "run" not walk away from her.
Obviously she new her situation may have been toxic. As Krieg said, she did you a favor. Blessings come in many forms, many we don't understand.
Happy New Year Everybody!

I never make it to midnight. We celebrated with Angels's sister on the phone in Hungary at 6pm our time, midnight in Hungary.

In accordance with Angela's New Years tradition we had hotdogs after midnight.

Be safe and don't forget.

See Dick drink, see Dick drive, see Dick die.
Don't be a Dick, don't drink and drive!

Wife is having a not fun night.

Seems her mother was um.... blocked up in the lower GI ... she normally has quite a time moving stuff. But this time it was STUCK... so three heavy duty laxatives over two days.

Wife had to help her mother change her blood sugar sensor tonight. Happens every week.

Walked in on her mother scrubbing the wall in the bathroom.

Eventually wife returned here and requested two 5 gallon buckets to soak clothes and the bath rug...

Once I was released from bucket duty, I retreated to the basement. I'll see if wife needs a rum drink in a bit.
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