Running Bear's April 2022 Coffee Shop

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I would not be caught dead eating a fish head…..oh yeah but I would sardines, my mum cooked them whole in batter. I suppose it is just the scale. There is a whole lot worst stuff to do than eat a fish head. now finding a chicken foot or head in a stew creeps me out, and I once ate the most gorgeous paprika homemade sausage to be to;d they were made of pig brain, until that moment they were absolutely fantastic tasting, but could I bring myself to eat another, no,nope,no way. but I bet a lot of the sausages I do eat have stuff in them I do not want to know about…..and I don’t eat raw or bloody meat either, ok well I break that rule too raw fish Japanese style is totally yummy.
I bet most people here consume sonething sone one else would gag at.
Jaz- for me, the food that others would gag at would be scrapple. Have to get it shipped from out east because grocery stores up here in North Central Wisconsin look at you like you have three heads when you describe it or porkroll.
Afternoon All,

Started out doing things around the house then glued down the fake switch machines then re-arranged the mining village a different way. I'll let that percolate in my brain for a while. I also drilled holes in the bottom of the buildings that I wasn't smart enough to do when I was building them for lighting access.

Thank you for the photo likes yesterday.

On the subject of urine testing. In subs the type commander (in this case COMSUBPAC) would select a random last digit of a persons SSN (I believe it was by computer) usually twice a week. On a individual command a Chief (E7) or above was designated the collector. He (all male at that time) had to physically watch the pee leave the body of the testee and take charge of the sample until everyone with that number was tested. Fun times.

Jaz- Nice scenes and figures.

Hughie- Nice lighting effects.

Mike- I shut down my FB account 18 months ago and don't miss it at all. This and another MRR site is my social media.

Todd- That tower looks like a lot of MRR kits.

Marco- Welcome.

Guy- Your work looks good. I would suggest you wait on the ballasting until you do a lot of testing/operating. Problems can crop up when least expected. I have had to remove ballast a bunch of times because I rushed putting it in.

TomO- Very nice work on your scratch build, I love ginger cookies and bread.

Willie- Nice landscape photos. I haven't seen a longhorn in ages.

Steve- That really blows. To sever family ties because of politics is unbelievable to me. Our family is split about 50/50 but we get along.

I everyone has a good night.
My brother and I have very different views, my husband states that in your heart most people have liberal leanings, but in your mind you know that some people will always climb to the top and stomp on people on the way. My sister in law has mostly very lefty leanings with some odd not left, we tend to avoid discussions with her on politics as she gets very upset when you counter her beliefs with facts that she cannot counter. she is a wonderful woman though, my brother is also a great person and very intelligent but his brain stutters when his heart cannot equate his belief with stark facts either.
We can and do have robust political discussions with others (not that we go out of our way to do so, it is usually fruitless) and if someone can back their beliefs with a decent set of facts then I will concede a point of view. But mindless adhesion to rhetoric when the facts clearly show otherwise is either indoctrination, laziness,ignorance or down right stupidity.
In my personal experience people are capable of doing truly horrible stuff if they think they can get away with it. And unfortunately no good turn goes unpunished in far too many cases. people justify the truly shit stuff they do with too much ease.
Luckily for me, my husband has a decent honesty, is a hard worker, and has a forgiving nature (something which I do lack on the odd occasion, this has consigned the odd ex ‘friend’ who I believe has crossed the line to history) plus on the odd occasion we can have a difference of opinion without it turning into a war, although I have been known to walk off in a sulk - especially if I cannot counter his argument, hell I hate it when he’s right. unlike the females in my family I do not throw things, and despite his size and muscles he has never used them to intimidate me, and when one of us is having a bad time the other has given support. finding someone you can trust is in my opinion a key factor to happiness, and if they are honest total bonus. Not saying the little bugger does not try to manipulate me, puppy dog eyes, “‘I’m not feeling too good would you make me a cup of tea?” not exactly a serial killer, in fact if he has to end the occasion injured duck or too Randy male he cannot eat it on the day, it needs to hit the freezer otherwise he chokes,and tears have been noticed. our food bill for unnecessary male birds is not cheap, the total softie.Yeah ok I am not too keen to end them either have you seen them looking back at you…mum have you got a little tasty morsel.

ok ramble over…grins


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Welp, compared to the tornado areas, my day didn't begin badly. But I woke up to a mess...

Never mind how BookOfFaces screwed up their code, and the add-on (Social fixer - useful only on PC, not mobile) is junked for now, and FB won't work in google-Chrome right now...

But that was last night. This morning, I woke with a minor headache and muscle soreness. Figures... I had my Tom Sawyer (aka Mark Twain's character, not the Rush song - But, I should have put that channel on the music app) going all day yesterday afternoon.

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I spent yesterday painting the fence around our patio. Funny thing about condos... wife and I don't own that fence, but we have to maintain its appearance. HOA (which also includes us, and 200 other families) pays for replacement and repair. But cosmetics are our problem...

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I pre-selected a few colors, had the wife suggest her favorite... ("farm eggs" is the color name) but we didn't go out and hold the chip card up to the fence in the outside light. This one came out waaaaaaay too yellow (I'm not a fan of yellow, and my mother always had to have a yellow kitchen... ugh... greens and blues are my colors).

Here's how far the one (and only gallon) of nasty yellow got us. Here's the grilling side of the patio:
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And here's the soon-to-be vegetable garden side... (wife has planter boxes ready to roll in Mid May)

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Yep... One gallon of nasty yellow now serving as "primer". I'll go get a better and greener shade tomorrow and work on finishing the rest this next week if the weather cooperates.

But that wasn't the reason my day got off to a bad start. As I said above, I woke up stiff and sore, thinking about coffee... I got out of bed because I smelled coffee.

Yes, my coffee maker has a timer, and I do prep my coffee the night before. But I don't use the timer. Since my coffee maker is now one with a stainless steel thermal carafe, I fill the carafe with hot tap water the night before to pre-warm it. Dump the water in the morning, put the carafe in the coffee maker, and push the go-button.

But, I hit the timer last night and did not realize I had done so

Fortunately, the counter in that area is well caulked and contained the mess, but the coffee maker had a gasket come loose around the warming element...

I should have just cut the protruding rubber piece... but, 10 screws later I had the bottom off, the warming plate and element loosened... and still couldn't get the gasket reseated. Looked like another 15 screws to get to that part of the maker...

Swiss army knife scissors to the rescue... You see... I didn't have coffee in my cup yet. The stuff on the counter wasn't drinkable. And my patience was thin after cleaning the mess up.


So, FLO, I need a pot of coffee and a mess of bacon this morning.
Good morning all! Overcast and 62 on the way to rain and 78. Extra coffee please, Flo.

Heading out soon for our nephew's 4th birthday party.He's such a cute little guy and I can't wait to see him. Hoping the rain holds off till after the party since it's at a park.

Nothing else to report. Hope you all have a great day!
Morning all,

Some of the family still with us. Electricity was out and when that happens, they can't get back in the house. They left last night through their garages without unlocking a storm door first. Been out and checked the fences, no damage there. Picture I posted of the tornado was the top 1/3. It's path was about 10 miles west. While relatively narrow in width, it was pretty strong. No deaths reported as of this morning. Hit the City of Andover, KS which had a huge F5 tornado 31 years and 2 days earlier. Path last night nearly paralleled that earlier stom, but 1/4 to 1/2 mile east.

Supposed to be a much milder day today with a high of 74°.
Morning all,

Some of the family still with us. Electricity was out and when that happens, they can't get back in the house. They left last night through their garages without unlocking a storm door first. Been out and checked the fences, no damage there. Picture I posted of the tornado was the top 1/3. It's path was about 10 miles west. While relatively narrow in width, it was pretty strong. No deaths reported as of this morning. Hit the City of Andover, KS which had a huge F5 tornado 31 years and 2 days earlier. Path last night nearly paralleled that earlier stom, but 1/4 to 1/2 mile east.

Supposed to be a much milder day today with a high of 74°.
I find storms and tornadoes so interesting in theory but have no desire to be that close to an actual tornado. Glad you're all safe!
I would not be caught dead eating a fish head…..oh yeah but I would sardines, my mum cooked them whole in batter. I suppose it is just the scale. There is a whole lot worst stuff to do than eat a fish head. now finding a chicken foot or head in a stew creeps me out, and I once ate the most gorgeous paprika homemade sausage to be to;d they were made of pig brain, until that moment they were absolutely fantastic tasting, but could I bring myself to eat another, no,nope,no way. but I bet a lot of the sausages I do eat have stuff in them I do not want to know about…..and I don’t eat raw or bloody meat either, ok well I break that rule too raw fish Japanese style is totally yummy.
I bet most people here consume sonething sone one else would gag at.
We had the grandson and his squeeze for a week or so a few months back. Dinner one night was steak and his squeeze was pounding it down. Well until I asked her if she was enjoying that piece of Bambi. She pretty much turned green, quit chewing and looked for some where to spit it out. Wife and I almost fell outa our chairs laughing. Poor girl. Afterwards she admitted that it was indeed good; guess it was just the thought of it all. Decided not to tell her that the bacon and sausage was from Henri the pig we grew from a baby that she also put away. Oh, she lived to see another day, imagine that!
After much internal debate with myself, I copied and am pasting the text I wrote on that social media place that many of you don't belong to:

Life is a journey. If you are fortunate, you will meet someone special to share your journey, or at least a significant portion of it. I was very fortunate to have found someone to share over a quarter century with. Over mountains, through valleys, and quite a few unpaved roads, I wouldn't want to have shared the journey with anyone else. You were truly special, always putting others before you. I know in recent years, you'd been experiencing the trials of old age and poor health, but you still managed to keep a good attitude and positive outlook.
Marie Weston, I will miss you more than words can express.
Spoken from the heart.
Politics. Big big can of worms there.
One story in this mornings news, concerns a woman, who was giving a political speech while in labor. Not for nothing, but I do not understand the person's priorities.

My own political beliefs change with the wind. Depends on how program or platform affect my personal life or that of my family. I am getting tired of my choices being limited to a hack vs. a lunatic. To draw a line in the sand over a belief (political, religious, or economic), is to me a bit extreme.
Good Morning All. Cloudy here and 72°; lower 80's again today. Current forecast has four days of rain beginning Monday, inevitable after so many days of south winds bringing in moisture from the Gulf. Current humidity is 82%, but that usually drops after the sun warms things up a bit. No real temperature changes for the next week and a half.
Under the cover, the pool temperature was 68° yesterday. I project removing the cover and getting things going next Friday or Saturday. It takes about ten days after that to completely warm up; chemicals and cleaning usually in 4-5 days. We are looking forward to the first dip. I'll go before my wife as I can tolerate 78° but she won't go in until 82°. Usually during the week before Memorial Day.
On the home front, we're going to resume the home remodeling that we started well before my wife's multiple knee replacement surgeries. Score so far is living room/front entry and two bathrooms done. And of course the outside of the house was done in 2013. So to start, we made an expensive trip to Home Depot yesterday and purchased two new ceiling fans for the upcoming guest bedroom project and another bedroom to be converted into her painting studio.
But while there, I also purchased a small lawn mower to replace the one I junked a few years ago, to mow those places that are very difficult to do with the 52" tractor mower. I'm getting tired of using the damn weedeater. In an effort to go "green", I purchased a Ryobi 20" battery-powered self-propelled electric gizmo.

It works pretty well, but it is going to take a lot of getting used to. It's mostly plastic, quieter, and has a lot more safety features than my old gas-powered one. During the test run, it kept stopping because I loosened my grip on one of the three operating controls! I also found it easier for me to operate in the "push" mode rather than self-propelled mode mainly due to what I am using it for. It will never come close to replacing the tractor on the expansive yard, Although the battery is supposed to be good for 3/4 acre; that is a lot of walking with the 20" width!
Meanwhile Sears no longer has an at home repair service for my tractor, so Monday a repairman is going to pick mine up and take it to his shop to fix an oil leak and see what's wrong with the hydro-static transmission. works fine in reverse but not forward! He chose that option rather than work on it in my gravel driveway. The shop is just 8 miles down the road. No charge for the pick up and subsequent return.

Thanks for the likes and comments regarding the neighborhood photos yesterday; Chad, Moermusic, Smudge, Hughie, Troy, Sherrel, Guy, Karl, James, Patrick, Louis, Curt, Tom O, Tom, OB Ken, Jaz.

Another limited day in the train shed yesterday, but I did get out there to run trains and review my to do list. Haven't picked out the next project yet; the next four on the list involve crawling underneath the lower level. That's not the hard part, it's clearing the way! I did take a few pictures, but they're for some of the recent threads that Lee has started like "Front End Friday" or "Western Wednesday".
I have been attempting to reorganize all of my digital photos and came across a folder full of pictures from a road trip made last May. I have probably posted some of these before but here they are again. We visited the "Roadside America" museum in Hillsboro TX.

I'll start with the automotive section.







This is a privately run museum which just displays the owners hobby. As he said, things may change next time because he often gets offers on some of his stuff. We were there on a Saturday morning and a sign on the locked door instructed us to call his cell number and he then came "from the back" to let us in. The admittance fee was $15 each, but on the way out, he gave us two $5 off coupons for the cafe down the street, which were promptly redeemed for lunch. Yes I had Chicken Fried Steak.
I'll continue with some more tomorrow.

I really didn't finish my comments yesterday morning since we had to go and have another blood draw related to my recent and upcoming cardiologist visit. So I start from there.
Todd - Very interesting switch tower find pictured yesterday. Wonder when it was last used as it doesn't appear to be vandalized in your picture.
Tom O - Regarding the random testing - we found out much later that certain employees SS numbers were removed from the rolls and would not be drawn. Mine and several more management staff included. Supervisors found with THC were offered rehab rather than termination. Hourly employees were terminated. At a nearby vinyl extruding facility that we purchased from, a new corporation purchased them and tested unannounced immediately and fired the founder/owner and the head engineer for THC. They had just paid the two of them several million for the company.
Guy - No rudeness intended. I just always found it interesting about the cooked fish with the heads after you posted the picture some time back. I have cooked fresh shrimp many times with the heads on. You break the heads off and suck the juice out of it.
James - Good luck with your Covid recovery.

The political can of worms need not be so messy. My parents were staunch conservatives. Our current first generation which includes me, numbers 11 including spouses, of which 8 are conservative and 3 are liberal. Sister #2 and her husband cancel each others votes. The next generation (our kids and spouses) numbers 30 and has 14 conservative and 16 liberal members. The conservative ones all tend to be business owners and their spouses, or associated with business in some way. Surprisingly one nephew who is an HR lawyer is conservative. My BIL who is also a lawyer is a liberal. We all get along just great now that my son has cooled off. Politics does come up occasionally at family gatherings but all discussions are friendly. Some are quite vocal on FB according to my wife who follows that dribble.

Everyone have a great day and a wonderful weekend.
Good morning from again the dreary weathered State of Wisconsin. My portion is not supposed to see any sun until Wednesday. Right now there are rain drops falling. 51 now but 64f degrees for later.

The grandson’s hockey team is playing a tournament in Minneapolis. They got crushed 0-8 and the SIL said they may have gotten 3 shots off last night. 2 games today. It will be a long weekend for the team and parents.

We have the granddaughter who was awake at her normal 6am. That was not fun. We had a great breakfast at 7:45 which is 1.25 hours earlier then I eat now a days.

Terry informed me that we did have tickets to the BerkshireHathway annual meeting and report in Omaha today. I had wanted to go as it is definitely Charlie’s last meeting and who knows for Warren. I could never thank the 2 of them and their teams for all they have done for Terry and me. While Terry the last 10 years has done most of our investments and financial decisions we have been with Charlie and Warren since 1989. Strange that Warren strikingly suggestsdividend companies to invest in, B-K issues no dividends.

Willie, great new mower. We purchased that model for the son last Fall. I still overtly pollute the environment with gas fired stuff here on the property.

In about 30 minutes the g/d and I will be hitting the water. She has literally been at Terrys side since wake up this morning. Terry needs a break. We will get at the max 3 laps in and then it is play time. The twins will show up around 11:30 our time in about 60 minutes. Train room time for me

Afternoon all,

Sitting at the haircut place for the wife. Somebody screwed up yesterday afternoon with a surprize Dr appointment, so we're out of the house this morning. First time in 6+ months she's out of the house on a Saturday.

I am allergic to something that has me in a rash, which is what I saw the Dr for. Not sure why the sudden flare up, but on allergy drugs for the first time ever. Despite the festivities last night, I slept better without the sinus crud.

Kids borrowed the truck to get the small limbs out of their yards. Mostly the smallish dead stuff that falls out with 80+ mph winds.

Try to BBL
Afternoon All,

Spent most of the day running errands and doing chores so I don't feel like doing anything in the train room today. Everybody here washed their clothes in preparation of the washing machine parts removal tomorrow with son's help, then I get to run to the parts stores on Monday to try to replace them. If I can't find them, I guess it's a new machine.

Terry- I keep thinking of you and wish you all the best.

Patrick- I'm glad you and your family made it through without issue.

Troy- I have to agree with you, I don't like that color, and don't get me started on appliance repair!

IB Ken & Karl- Have fun today.

Willie- Beautiful looking vehicles.

I hope everyone has a good night.
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