Running Bear’s June 2021 Coffee Shop

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Here’s a pic of the gizmo I cobbled together to allow that tractor to tow travel trailers. I’m sure there are commercially available items that are similar:View attachment 129063

We had something similar that Dad cobbled up and attached to the 3 point hitch on our tractors. Speaking of which here is the tractor I had when I 1st moved into the neighborhood. Of course I drove it here straight from the farm, on a Saturday afternoon when It seemed the whole neighborhood was cutting grass. Needless to say, I got a few stares.

Problem was a 3200 pound lawnmower was a bit too much for a half acre lot, so eventually I downsized to something a bit more manageable (with cruise control) ;)
Good morning Model Railroaders, stopping by to say hello, took a vacation a couple of weeks ago, and have been doing some other projects, just haven't been doing anything towards model railroading. Actually the train room has (temporarily) turned into a wood shop finishing area. I'll get some pics posted......
Every body stay safe, good health to all.....catch ya later....
Good morning global modelers from the south deck in So Central Wisconsin. It is 64f degrees but very pleasant with just another 2mph breezy start to the day. Heading to low 80’s today.

Flo, please 2 breakfast tacos and the diet Dr Pepper. TY.

Not sure what the day will bring. We made our trek to Spring Green yesterday for an early 5pm dinner at the drive inn. It was good as can be. I had the biggest root beer float I have any seen or had.

Jerry, never had cruise on a garden tractor. I loved the picture of the green machine with the yellow mower.

There should be a bunch of packages for me in the mail and UPS today. Hopefully I can post some pictures of the new toys later on. The wife also is expecting prescription sun glasses from an online company. The price was fantastic and if they are any good I will name the company.

Have a great day
Greetings all!

Had a nice day yesterday. Good 'all clear' from the dermatologist.

The golf outing was fun. Best ball is a fun format that is very forgiving. We shot 3 over for nine holes, which is not competitive, but the format was not competition based, but entertainment based. And I do not mean "drunk-fest" as I have seen some Best Ball tourneys! I was the "long-ball" guy as the three playing partners were all older. Played my drive on 4 out of nine. Not great percentage as I felt the need for speed so to speak, and got a tad wild on a few. But I also hit a few greens that the others could not even reach, so that felt good. I'm a mid-90s player, if you know much about golf, which is not bad for a once-a-week guy. I have fun.

Not home until 1930 and was parched, so no train work for me. This afternoon we set the refrigerator and stove - and then stick the proverbial fork in and call 'er DONE! Nine days start-to-finish: not too bad. Next, exactly two days off, and then we move my daughter from her rent-house to an apartment Friday and Saturday.

Then, early, early Monday morning, I fly to Boise, Idaho for a pastor's retreat, to return about midnight Wednesday. I'm looking forward to that as a spiritual boost after the COVID craziness.

For those of you who are church-goers, if your pastor/priest is telling you that he is fine and has no issues coming out of the COVID world, no matter what he/the church did to cope and improvise, he is just being nice and sparing you a look into a frightful place; one that he never wants anyone else to see. Trust me, we are all 'not doing well' with issues of relevancy, overwork, compassion-fatigue, etc. etc. etc. My personal bugaboo is a feeling of resentment towards normal, healthy people who were 'afraid' to go to church and yet went out to eat, shopped, visited the doctor, and so on. As they trickle back in, I am finding it a struggle NOT to say, "About frickin' time! See that 92 year-old over there? He didn't miss a Sunday." And I have to get over that, NOW! Pastors are sin-filled people, too, who struggle more than you might think. I hope I am not disillusioning anyone out there.

I've never been to Idaho before. Not easy to get to, I guess. I fly from Minneapolis to Chicago going there, and Boise to Phoenix to Minneapolis returning!

Cheers to all, must get some work done before the afternoon activities. -----Steve
Good Morning!

Not a very good start on the deck construction yesterday. Trying to round up the proper material in a small town can be tough. I might have to travel to the city and pick up some required materials to make up the whole deck package. Our Home-Hardware, which is the only hardware left in town, don't carry everything a fella needs.

Yesterday was additional input into the chapter of 'How to cook a Canadian'. It was hot; way too hot to work. So with the clients approval, we shut it down early.
Today is more reasonable, with temps currently sitting at 55F and heading into the mid 60's. I can handle that.
It's supposed to rain, though. I can handle that as well.

All that heat yesterday cooked up some mean thunder storms for the evening. I like thunder storms, and sat outside for a while enjoying the skies.
The cloud often forms beautifully grotesque shapes; almost like a painting that only God can paint.
I took a bunch of photos of the incoming storm. Here's one of the storm blowing in above the tree-line:

Karl - Good to hear you're friend is improving. If he says it's time to get up, then it's time to get up! He don't want you to waste life in dreamland, and would rather go for a nice country walk. - That is a very nice JD tractor you have there.

Willie - A fine job on the Country Mart, but, I know you can do better with the paint around the window and door frames. Needs a-bit of touch-up there.

Well, it's 7am, so I had better get active.
I'll just drop down a not bad photo of an SD70M-2 that I was able to capture the other day.
CN 8958_SD70M-2_06-10-2021 (1).jpg

Have a good one!
Good Morning All. Clear and 71° here in North Central Texas. Ho-hum forecast for the next ten days, the NWS guy must be on vacation.

Been posting a bit later than usual for me, because I have been going for my walk in the dawn hours for the past month and a half. Now a visit to the pool after the walk has been added to my regiment. It's quite refreshing especially since there is no breeze right now. Multiple visits to the pool every day, especially since I will resume mowing today. At least after mowing, I don't have to stop and remove my hearing aids, I don't care if my foam earplugs get wet, they're washable anyway!

Short stack of blueberry pancakes and a double handful of bacon this morning Flo.

Thanks for the likes and comments yesterday regarding my kit progress; Chad, Sherrel, Tom O, Karl, Patrick, Guy, Hughie, Tom, Ken, Justin.

Yesterday I just felt like running trains out in the train shed. Although I added a couple of figures to the country mart add-on room.


I have two detail parts left over that don't mount into any pre-formed holes, but I am not sure if I am going to use them yet.

The light pole could go into the scene after I make the final placement/planting of the structures, but the pump will be better used elsewhere.

Patrick -
Looks like the pool is still leaking, so now to find it. Garage door broke a hinge and still not sure how that happened, so I'm off to Lowe's later to get one. It never seems to end.
Got the trim fill in place on all the doors and the trim installed on 2. I had my handy battery powered brad nailer which would figure the battery died. So I got put back until it charged. I was too cheap to buy a second one at the time I bought the unit. I did get a second battery yesterday as I found I needed some more material, and got one at the local hardware store. Now to get the new trim cut and placed. Boy bought a new storm door for the front which has to be installed, but that can actually wait a bit. Should be pretty simple only taking me 3 times longer than it should as I'll have tools I need in 3 different places across town. Oh, for the simpler times when the kids all lived at home and I only had 1 house to work on...
For a minute there I thought that I was reading one of Terry's posts. Murphy has taken a vacation in Doo-Dah!
Guy - Definite upgrade on the couplers on those Accurail cars. They do look like Kadees.
Funny thing about that paint around that door and window frame. It's only visible in photos, not to the naked eye. But I till intend to touch up after I examine the other sides up close. The paint on the walls came from a "rattle can", so I have to spray some in a condiment cup and brush it on. Only want to do that once which is why I wait until the end of the build.
Sherrel - While I am sure that Curt is still taking care of his mother, I am concerned about Phil. I haven't heard from him since 6-3; he is usually sending E-Mails even when he's not posting here.
Garry - Thanks for the comment. I am kinda in the structure building mood lately. I wish that I had a laser-cut wood kit to assemble, but the shelf is devoid of them. All of the ones at the LHS are either waterfront kits or I have built them already. As simple as it has become, I am still hesitant to engage in online shopping.
Karl - Great update on Bud.

Wives are funny creatures sometimes. Mine commented yesterday after seeing me test the pool water using a test kit. After adding the testing chemicals and getting a reading, I dumped the water back into the pool. She was horrified that I was contaminating the water! She just doesn't understand that a teaspoon of water in 14,000 gallons isn't going to make any difference, besides the chemicals used are harmless anyway. I guess that she doesn't realize that I've been doing it for over 25 years without incident.

Everybody have a great day. Stay cool and hydrated.
Well, howdy there internet MRR people. It's Troy again.

Today, we're going to talk about cola shortages.

But first, for Milw Steve, you'll be glad to know my churchgoing record is now the same as was before and during Covid. Zeros across the board! ;) I've always been the token agnostic in whatever group I'm in. (Except for that one time I hung out with agnostics).

But, I get the drift you're leaning into. My MIL goes to a small country church with less than 30 members. They DID keep going, because 80+ year olds need that stability. They just made adjustments. No handshaking/greeting time before/during/after the service. Sit FAR apart. Wave a lot. and STAY HOME if you feel sick. They made it work because that gathering was important for them.

I thought she was crazy for continuing, but after my wife went with her one sunday, and explained how it worked, it made sense that they were still getting in their social contact.... from 6+ feet way.

Now... on to Cola...

I'm stocked up on Diet Dr. Pepper... but wife is getting grumpy about the lack of Caffeine-free Diet Pepsi. She can drink the coke variety, but it fizzes too much when poured. And she prefers the 2-Ltr version for daily consumption. The smaller bottles and cans are showing occasiionally in stores... but the 2 liters are wiped out every time I go in.

Bought the wife another 4 bottles of the Coke version today.

We've also got a Soda Stream, make your own fizzer thingie. Wife uses it mostly to replace the 2-lter consumption. And, the ONLY flavour of that syrup sold out ... is Caf-Free Diet Soda...

Good morning. Was a hot one here yesterday, the hottest temp I ever saw here at 99.9. My son did bring the window air conditioner up from the basement when they were out Sunday. We haven't had to use it probably only a half a dozen time in the 5 years we had it as it usually cools off in the evening and a simple window fan makes it more than comfortable.

Still catching up on chores that didn't get done while we were gone, but with the heat, not much was done except for moving rain birds around.

Karl - Happy to hear that Bud is feeling better. Prefer out smaller dog in the morning. They just give kisses and then roll over for their morning bell rubs. Like that tractor. Spent a lot of hours on one in the summer when I was growing up.

CGW121 - $600 for glasses ??? WTF. I get no line bifocals with all the bells and whistles for less than $199 at Costco. Do fine without glasses driving and have a set of Sarangetti Drivers that are over 20 years old. Love them. Hazmat suits?A bit much. We are and have been open here in Montana for quite a while. It was interesting to go through all of the different states and seeing all of the different requirements in each state. One thing that really gets me is the government pushing the vaccine. It is needed but my wife and I both had Covid-19 and a recent blood test I had showed that I have antibodies and are probably better off than a person that has had the vaccine. Nothing at all is mentioned in the news about this and now a lot of different places are wanting people to be vaccinated in order to go certain places.

Patrick - Sure is a pain seeing a new doctor but I can't blame them for retiring.

James - Sure enjoys you photos of the outdoor empire. Quite the set up.

Tom O - Sure hope your son doesn't have any problems with the LG appliances. When we remodeled the main level of our home we bought LG appliances and they were a nightmare. The Ice maker crapped out within a week, which was repaired under warranty. The dishwasher was having problems 14 months after purchase and after LG throwing parts at it and over $350 in service calls, it went to the dump and was replace by a Maytag. Next was the gas range. About 2 years after purchase and numerous service calls it joined the dishwasher at the dump and was replaced by a Frigidaire, made in the USA like the Maytag. There is only one company in out area that services LG and Samsung, also from Korea, and he says to stay away from these brands. I have known him for over 30 years and do trust his opinion. Recommends GE, Maytag, Frigidaire, Whirlpool and some Kenmore appliances. There is a group on Facebook of folks who have had nightmares with LG appliances. We were thinking of getting a new washer and dryer as ours are over 30 years old and got gun shy over the new appliances and being that they still work just fine, we will keep them ntil they die.

Terry - Like the photo of the tractor. Dependable and easy to operate and repair. They don't do as much as the new ones but like older cars and trucks, no electronics to cause it to crap out. Electronics is the biggest cause of new cars needing repairs.

Willie - the photos and the details you put into your scenes are nothing but outstanding. Rest areas are nice to have if you are traveling with dogs,. Never did a long trip with them before. We did stop at a Dairy Queen and got some pup cups for the dogs, Their tongues were in overdrive lapping up the ice cream. Keep your heat down there. The humidity did not like me when we were there. At least up here, there is low humidity. Around 15% yesterday.

Our model railroad club starts its Thursday afternoon operating sessions this week so I will be heading there as often as possible. It will be nice to get back there. May as well post a few club photos. The first are the helpers sitting ready to get to work.










Have our Tuesday lunch today and then to the car wash to get the bugs plastered to the front of the car taken care of. Fuel mileage was excellent considering that we were stuck in traffic for hours in Colorado and then cruising at 80 to 85 mph when we could. Fuel mileage for the entire trip was 30.8 mpg.

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New DR. is ok, but I got 2 shots. Parvo and rabies...🤣

Really the Shingrex and a tetanus. I knew I should have the tetanus as It's been a number of years since I had one and the Shingrex as the wife has been hounding me. Never had visible chicken pox as a kid nor when my kids had them, so I didn't think I really need one, but did it anyway.

Everything else is in good shape for the shape I'm in. Down 15 pounds since I saw him for a quick check in October to get my BP med renewed. There was discussion about cutting the dose in half, but I'm not sure I'm there yet. (BP was 92\60)
Old Dr. quit private practice to work for the VA. Something about not having to fill out tons of insurance and other forms to get paid. He was in an office by himself.
Good Morning all! Hot and very humid, again, as usual.
Flo - a couple of johnny cakes with sausage.

Houston has a very large park complex called Herman Park, which includes a golf coarse, the Houston zoo, an outdoor theater and of course a park. Within the park is a small lake with a train running around it. In today's paper the following:



Been away for 4 days. like all the photos & stories. Unlike Guy, I am a reptile-ablsorb all the heat I can get during the day, & keep it in with a sweater at night. Some pics I got : a pusher in the middle, this mornings breaky, (sorry Flo), a Hummer, bees arse sticking up out of the flower, & a flat car with cans. Sorry, Hummer video wont load as it is a .MOV file. It is a 6 second vid of a hummingbird having a few refreshments about 20 inches from where I videoed him.


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New DR. is ok, but I got 2 shots. Parvo and rabies...🤣

Really the Shingrex and a tetanus. I knew I should have the tetanus as It's been a number of years since I had one and the Shingrex as the wife has been hounding me. Never had visible chicken pox as a kid nor when my kids had them, so I didn't think I really need one, but did it anyway.

Everything else is in good shape for the shape I'm in. Down 15 pounds since I saw him for a quick check in October to get my BP med renewed. There was discussion about cutting the dose in half, but I'm not sure I'm there yet. (BP was 92\60)
Old Dr. quit private practice to work for the VA. Something about not having to fill out tons of insurance and other forms to get paid. He was in an office by himself.
As long as the new doctor’s last name isn’t Denton…
IB Ken ..... I hope the storm last night was not too bad.

Karl ..... Yes, that tractor might be a bit too much for a half acre . Great to hear Bud is doing well.

Guy .... Good photo of CN 8958.

Willie ... I like the scene with workers building an addition to the house.

Chet .... The photos of the club layout are excellent.

Hughie .... Nat advertisement for those who want to be engineer for the day. The Majestic Hardware building looks good.

MoerMusic .... Nice train photos from your drivers window.

Everybody ..... Have a good evening.
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