
Well its been almost a year since i started working on my layout. Ive decided to change it up a little as i cant reach some spots. My layout now is 3 4x8 sheets in a "L" formation.

I plan on keeping the "L" shape but instead of 3 4x8's im going to build a 3 foot wide by 18 foot long layout. my question is what should my curves be to make sure my dash 8's and sd 40's run ok around the curves. can i still keep the 22 inch curves? Or what do the curves have to be?

The curves can be whatever you want them to be. I recommend 22 or larger. If you have a problem with a curve wanting to cross over the inside corner of the "L", simply install a wedge to bridge the area. I had a similar issue and just cut a hole in the center for access.
Chad, I think you're making a wise decision to downscale and stay with a U shaped layout. You can certainly keep you 22" curves and maybe go out to 24" or 26" curves as long as you have the space at the corners to come out into the room. Since the amount of space you need to add larger curves is relatively small compared to doing the same thing on big pieces of plywood, you can often get broader curves without taking up much more space.
Hi Chad,
My layout is basically a continueous loop but the elevation varies from High on the end of each loop. I building an around the wall design that is 30" in most areas but the ends are 44" as I wanted to stay with 20" radius curves for the older and smaller equipment I love to run.

So as Jim or Hamilton said, if you have the room you can always expamand the ends to accomodate broader curves. If you find again your table area is getting broader than what you want just make allowance so you can have a pop-up in the middle if possible.

I know I have four areas that are in Corners so I'm facing the same problem too. If your able to keep your end loops in the open to where you have access on all three sides you pretty much have it licked.

Most layouts are built at about 45 inches, depending on your height of course, so your not looking down too much at the trains for a more realistic view of them operating. My main line lower level is 45.5" and the upper level main line is 54.5 as I have a difference of 9" 's on the mainline but some fairly steep grades of about 6 to 8% as I modeling Colorado and the early steam eara. I should mention that my layout isn't that big and will occupy a 10' x 21' area and I walk between both end loops to get into the middle section.

I think something that is very much needed is a folding step lader with an arch bar to grab on to at the top so you can reach over a lot easier. That something I'm going to invest in shortly as it will be needed I'm sure.

HTH & Merry Christmas!
