leghome Maytag "Danged Agitator" Jun 20, 2005 #1 Never give a party if you will be the most interesting person there. Mickey Friedman
CBCNSfan Registered Member Staff member Jun 20, 2005 #2 Well now! the way I see it, that fellow didn't know nutthin bout partys Cheers Willis
S sushob Entrepreneurial Teen Jun 21, 2005 #3 Lets see...my 16th birthday party...2 people showed up. Partly because it was the last day of school (after school that is)... Partly because I didn't invite anyone until a week before... And partly because I only invited 4 people to begin with
Lets see...my 16th birthday party...2 people showed up. Partly because it was the last day of school (after school that is)... Partly because I didn't invite anyone until a week before... And partly because I only invited 4 people to begin with