Proses Track Cleaner, thoughts?

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I finally got to use this Proses track cleaner, and in a word Rubbish, it's the wrong height, and not adjustable, uses NEM pockets, too loose and pull out at any attempt to pull it, comes with two barrels, supposedly one for dry,one wet, both have sponges for wet, impossible to remove without a lot of force, the dry pads look all the same, you literally have to feel the difference, there is a small red disk that you use to inject (yes inject) you cleaning fluid assuming of course you can get the correct orientation as there are no marks to help and you can't see the four small injection sites, so very hit and miss when you try.
The worst is that they supply a hospital grade needle and syringe, (the type to take blood) its ok for me, but there a a lot of young people in this hobby, not sure what they would use it for.

Overall DO NOT (EVER) get one. Now where's that Bachmann track cleaner I had?
Interesting,...that's the one you made reference t in the original posting?
I like Dave's method, except since I'm N scale, I find that a rectangular erasure wrapped in old t-shirt material works great with regular old isopropyl alcohol.

The erasure is soft enough to help scrub the top edges of the rails.
