Other Forums?


Pennsy Tuscan Red Blood
How many of you post in other forums? Are there other good ones out there? This is my main home, but I'm always up for more feedback and opinions. "The Gauge" seems pretty well traveled and the "Trainboard" is angled to all aspects of Railroads: Prototype and scale model.

Just wondering.
I suspect that most of us visit at least two every day. I frequent MR, Atlas, and occasionally 2 Guys and Sum Trains. I am also registered at trainboard and their recently acquired railimages. Fact is, it is sometimes hard to find the time to check it all out, and I find that many of the names, styles, and subjects tend to be repeated.
I'm registered on more than 10 if I counted the ones on Yahoo, but I only have time for three where I have a commitment.

Cheers Willis
I come here first then the gauge, have a couple of yahoo groups I vist about once a week. any more places just take time from my choo choo time.
This is my "home" forum, the first and last place I hang out each day. The majority of my online friends hang out here.

However, if I have a technical question that I need answered fairly quickly (within ~1hr), I'll often post it on one of the 'big' ones since there is a higher volume of traffic there.
There are 11 forums I go to every day, in fact many times a day.

Rails of the World, my forum and naturally my home forum.
Trackside Modeler, small, not much traffic.
Trains.com - General Discussion.
Trains.com - Layouts and layout building.
Western Rails.
The Layout Party, small, little traffic.
2Guyzand sometrains, fair traffic, good people.
Model Train Forums - Fair traffic.
TrainBoard.com - Fair traffic.
The Gauge.

I also make the rounds of some other railroad forums, but there's not much to them. The only other forums I go to are some computer forums (one of my hobbies is building and programming computers), they're all invitation only, so I can't put their names here.
I visit several occasionally, here once or twice a week (though I rarely post), and Trains.com at least once a day (their "snob factor" seems the lowest to me, and overall I like their forum interface a bit better than other sites. I'm not implying anything or slamming anyone here! That's just my personal feeling.).
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Way too many. This one I'm in daily. I was in Trainorders daily, until I couldn't access that server anymore during lunchtime. Now, I go there once a week (on weekends). I think I belong to 30 RR-related Yahoo groups, but all are on digest so if there's nothing interesting, a quick DELETE takes care of it.

