Blackburn I am really happy you are doing well with On30. You're doing great and having fun. You're also finding out that you have to scratch build a lot of what you want.....and there's nothing wrong with that.
Unfortunately, On30 is dying a slow death just like HOn30. O scale Space requirements, cost, and availability of quality engines......even though Bachmann says they are coming out with a new upgraded Heisler in a year or more.
Ebay is flooded with stuff that has been sitting unsold for years because the sellers still think they can get top dollar if they just hold out long enough. A good example is Trainworld still has some Whitcomb engines for $150. People are trying to sell the same engine on Ebay for $300.
I was in both "n30" gauges and am almost at the point of just giving the stuff I have away. ZERO interest so far at the 3 swap meets I had a table at. Heck, ZERO interest here also.
If Rapido, Athearn, BLI, or even Atlas produced a quality engine I would probably still be in On30. They won't because unfortunately there isn't a profitable demand. Kitbashing critters and modifying HO steam engines is about the norm.
Keep having fun!
Unfortunately, On30 is dying a slow death just like HOn30. O scale Space requirements, cost, and availability of quality engines......even though Bachmann says they are coming out with a new upgraded Heisler in a year or more.
Ebay is flooded with stuff that has been sitting unsold for years because the sellers still think they can get top dollar if they just hold out long enough. A good example is Trainworld still has some Whitcomb engines for $150. People are trying to sell the same engine on Ebay for $300.
I was in both "n30" gauges and am almost at the point of just giving the stuff I have away. ZERO interest so far at the 3 swap meets I had a table at. Heck, ZERO interest here also.
If Rapido, Athearn, BLI, or even Atlas produced a quality engine I would probably still be in On30. They won't because unfortunately there isn't a profitable demand. Kitbashing critters and modifying HO steam engines is about the norm.
Keep having fun!