On30 anyone?

Blackburn I am really happy you are doing well with On30. You're doing great and having fun. You're also finding out that you have to scratch build a lot of what you want.....and there's nothing wrong with that.

Unfortunately, On30 is dying a slow death just like HOn30. O scale Space requirements, cost, and availability of quality engines......even though Bachmann says they are coming out with a new upgraded Heisler in a year or more.

Ebay is flooded with stuff that has been sitting unsold for years because the sellers still think they can get top dollar if they just hold out long enough. A good example is Trainworld still has some Whitcomb engines for $150. People are trying to sell the same engine on Ebay for $300.

I was in both "n30" gauges and am almost at the point of just giving the stuff I have away. ZERO interest so far at the 3 swap meets I had a table at. Heck, ZERO interest here also.

If Rapido, Athearn, BLI, or even Atlas produced a quality engine I would probably still be in On30. They won't because unfortunately there isn't a profitable demand. Kitbashing critters and modifying HO steam engines is about the norm.

Keep having fun!
I agree the narrow gauge’s are definitely a modellers scale!
This is where 3D printing really shines.
I kept a little of mine with thoughts of building a small industrial layout some day.
Blackburn I am really happy you are doing well with On30. You're doing great and having fun. You're also finding out that you have to scratch build a lot of what you want.....and there's nothing wrong with that.

Unfortunately, On30 is dying a slow death just like HOn30. O scale Space requirements, cost, and availability of quality engines......even though Bachmann says they are coming out with a new upgraded Heisler in a year or more.

Ebay is flooded with stuff that has been sitting unsold for years because the sellers still think they can get top dollar if they just hold out long enough. A good example is Trainworld still has some Whitcomb engines for $150. People are trying to sell the same engine on Ebay for $300.

I was in both "n30" gauges and am almost at the point of just giving the stuff I have away. ZERO interest so far at the 3 swap meets I had a table at. Heck, ZERO interest here also.

If Rapido, Athearn, BLI, or even Atlas produced a quality engine I would probably still be in On30. They won't because unfortunately there isn't a profitable demand. Kitbashing critters and modifying HO steam engines is about the norm.

Keep having fun!
Hi Marlin39. Although ON30 has significantly decreased in popularity in the past few years as can be seen in the number of sales on ebay (it has the fifth least amount of postings) and the lack of new running gear coming out of Bachmann, it is the perfect mix of size, eye sight, and cost for me. I am much older and used to do N scale but as my eye sight has gotten worse, I can now see the terrific details that Bachmann has put into their engines and other running gear in On30. Because I can get OO or HO track and the turning radius for On30 allows me to have a small enough layout with tons of details that I would not see in other smaller scales. Lastly, I know the engines are expensive even more so as I just want to do DCC, however most cars have been pretty reasonable over the years. Since I don't have a large layout, turns out I already have way too much running gear - it is so addictive to get more but that is a different problem.

The train-shows are a different challenge in my mind. I have been going to train-shows since I was 14 years old (so for 47 years now). A few years ago I stopped going because of the time and cost it takes to just walk into a show. It takes me up to 4 hours to just drive back and forth, the cost of gas, the parking fee, and the entrance fee. The vendors have to pay for driving there, the hotels, the food, and what seems to be enormous table fees by the people who put on the show. Frankly, I am surprised how vendors break even and how they make the spent time worth it - must be a labor of love at some level. Between all this, I find better deals on the internet and I don't spend the time driving. So, what seems lack of interest at a swap meet may have other factors than just interest. I am also part of an On30 club and there is a lot of interest but you are quite right lots and lots of kit bashing and 3D printing.

In the end, I sure hope that what ever scale you end up choosing, you really enjoy it. yves
Hi Marlin39. Although ON30 has significantly decreased in popularity in the past few years as can be seen in the number of sales on ebay (it has the fifth least amount of postings) and the lack of new running gear coming out of Bachmann, it is the perfect mix of size, eye sight, and cost for me. I am much older and used to do N scale but as my eye sight has gotten worse, I can now see the terrific details that Bachmann has put into their engines and other running gear in On30. Because I can get OO or HO track and the turning radius for On30 allows me to have a small enough layout with tons of details that I would not see in other smaller scales. Lastly, I know the engines are expensive even more so as I just want to do DCC, however most cars have been pretty reasonable over the years. Since I don't have a large layout, turns out I already have way too much running gear - it is so addictive to get more but that is a different problem.

The train-shows are a different challenge in my mind. I have been going to train-shows since I was 14 years old (so for 47 years now). A few years ago I stopped going because of the time and cost it takes to just walk into a show. It takes me up to 4 hours to just drive back and forth, the cost of gas, the parking fee, and the entrance fee. The vendors have to pay for driving there, the hotels, the food, and what seems to be enormous table fees by the people who put on the show. Frankly, I am surprised how vendors break even and how they make the spent time worth it - must be a labor of love at some level. Between all this, I find better deals on the internet and I don't spend the time driving. So, what seems lack of interest at a swap meet may have other factors than just interest. I am also part of an On30 club and there is a lot of interest but you are quite right lots and lots of kit bashing and 3D printing.

In the end, I sure hope that what ever scale you end up choosing, you really enjoy it. yves
I'm not knocking what you are doing at all. I like what you're doing. 👍I'm just relaying my personal experience.

I've been back in standard gauge HO (DCC) for about 7-8 years. I would happily go back into On30 if I had the space. I know my 65 year old eyes would appreciate it.;) I think the region of the country plays a part also. Not a lot of basements or attics here in the PNW except in mainly pre-1975 homes. Space IS a big issue

You have a local On30 club and that makes a huge difference.

The local train swap meets I go to have free parking, $5-$8 entrance fee, and $30 for a vendor table. It's a 30-45 minute drive each way for me, whether it's north or south, so it's not a burden. These are just 1 day, 100+ table, local club sponsored shows. Very heavy turnouts with lots of buyers, but their money is going to HO and surprisingly Lionel. You are very correct that there are lots of great deals on Ebay if you are patient.

I'm start the design process for a On30 layout. That's the 3rd rendition

I'm not knocking what you are doing at all. I like what you're doing. 👍I'm just relaying my personal experience.

I've been back in standard gauge HO (DCC) for about 7-8 years. I would happily go back into On30 if I had the space. I know my 65 year old eyes would appreciate it.;) I think the region of the country plays a part also. Not a lot of basements or attics here in the PNW except in mainly pre-1975 homes. Space IS a big issue

You have a local On30 club and that makes a huge difference.

The local train swap meets I go to have free parking, $5-$8 entrance fee, and $30 for a vendor table. It's a 30-45 minute drive each way for me, whether it's north or south, so it's not a burden. These are just 1 day, 100+ table, local club sponsored shows. Very heavy turnouts with lots of buyers, but their money is going to HO and surprisingly Lionel. You are very correct that there are lots of great deals on Ebay if you are patient.

Hi David I had not read your message as knocking what I was doing. I thought it was a real assessment of what is happening in On30. I am so glad to hear that there are places that are reasonable for vendors. A few years ago a vendor told me that the tables costs here (west coast) are $100 per table per day. The vendors are also asked to pay a parking fee which is just silly because these are the folks that we are coming to see in the first place. I may have to move back east when I retire, as it sounds like the train hobby is bigger :) . yves
Hi David I had not read your message as knocking what I was doing. I thought it was a real assessment of what is happening in On30. I am so glad to hear that there are places that are reasonable for vendors. A few years ago a vendor told me that the tables costs here (west coast) are $100 per table per day. The vendors are also asked to pay a parking fee which is just silly because these are the folks that we are coming to see in the first place. I may have to move back east when I retire, as it sounds like the train hobby is bigger :) . yves
Population density does play a part.

Our total population in Oregon is about 4.2 million.

Silicon Valley alone is about 3 million. I lived almost 30 years in San Jose, during SV infancy, when there were still active orchards. There were tons of narrow gauge modelers including the guys that started Narrow Gauge and Shortline Gazette, lots of clubs, and The Train Shop in Santa Clara (in business almost 50 years)
Envious of your space.🤢
Thanks I'm just haven trouble working on the flow of the layout I was give pretty much give all the rolling stock and engines I'll ever need for that size layout problem in my 2 main Engines.
One is a 2-6-0 which I've been told can take down to 15in radius curve but the 2-8-0 need a minimum of 22in radius.

I need to do a little more research and testing.

I'll be scratch building most of the structures and pretty much all of the switches.
