My first layout HO scale

I noticed that you seem to soldering all of your rail joints. You'll still need to run multiple feeders, especially for a long run.

Nope, no joint soldering, just me soldering my feeders for every track
These were my first attempt at soldering (anything)
Been working under the layout lately doing my wiring and trying to install some tortoises
I also put in place (temporarily) my village so that I can do the contour and then remove it to start the painting.
Tried to do some hydro poles with bell and it's coming out ok.
Still need to do the wiring on the poles, connect the transformers and install the bell wire

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I'll try and do a video of my layout in the next 2 weeks, so you picture better my layout

The poles look really nice. We call them power lines or telephone poles here in the states. I am curious what you are using for the lines? I am thinking about putting some up in my layout.
Thanks logan,

The power lines are grey sewing thread and the bell line is 24 gauge black wire and the bell splice is the cover of a 14 gauge wire
It's been 6 months since I've started this new hobby and I love it

I finally made the first video of my Phase I layout. I had to delete the sound because I had music in the background and YouTube doesn't seem to like copyright songs even though I was narrating the layout and the music was the radio.

I took out 9 of my 13 locomotives which were all build between 1947 and 1957 (except the steam) and 1 of each rolling stock I have (except for the ones that will be in Phase II and III). I've reach the 100 rolling stock (locomotives included)

I'll be very vague and explain the layout. The section you seen at the beginning will be connected to Phase II. On the left is my container yard, sorry for the blur as the video was taken with my Canon T5i camera. The main line will continue through the tunnel and re-appear in the back of my box car yard. The top road is for the container yard, while the bottom road leads to the box car warehouse and office.

As you can see from the box car yard, the warehouse was scratch build and has 3 platforms and on the right there will be a 2 storey office.

As we come out of the tunnel, we have the entrance to the container yard and will connect to Phase II.

The two top level are for passenger trains. At the far end you can see some old passenger cars and a steam locomotive. They will replace the other passenger train on special occasion. The steam locomotive is the only locomotive out of 13 that is not a Canadian Pacific, because there is none to be found, so we'll assume that Canadian Pacific bought a steam locomotive from NY.

On the left of the staging will be the train station. The passenger train will go through the tunnel and appear by the small winter town and work it's way around the town to be seen. Here you see the entire town, a gas station will be on the other side of the track, opposite of the church. The run will then connect again to Phase II.

Now we conclude with an overview of Phase I of the layout. I still have lots of work on my plate. Hope you enjoyed.

Thanks for watching

Hey everyone, been a long time, well almost four weeks.
It's been very slow moving as real life took over, you know, spring cleaning, outside work, etc etc.

I still managed to do a bit of work here and there on the layout, such as wiring and ballasting, but I did realize a huge mistake.... ok not so huge, but pain staking work.

When I designed my layout, I had measured a 30" reach from both side of the layout making it 60" wide total and I was ok with it. But now I realize that it's NOT ok. I need to do some cliff, mountain work and will have a hard time reaching it because on one side of the layout, I have two different levels with a total height of 10" as you can see from the pictures.

So, I will be doing the mountains away from the layout and then inserting them when done (painting included).

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Interesting way to build the rocks, they turned out great! I checked out your power lines (again) and they are very nice!
Thank you both, I appreciate every comment
The pictures are a bit dark, the lighting in the basement is very poor

-David, what do you mean by interesting? building them away from the layout or the way it was build (styrofoam, plaster cast and paint)

I'll be quiet for a month or two as I'm having a furnace and duct work installed and new lighting for the basement.
So any work done will be in my workshop
Also, my daughter is getting married on July 4th

PS. What would be good lighting for the layout? (check page 1 of this thread for the layout of the basement and my layout), THANKS
By interesting; build them off the layout and move them on; building a large hill as a modular structure. I am sure others do it the same, but in my layout I put the track and grades in first and built the hills around them. I can see obvious advantages to your approach.

Part of my issue is the grades changed where the hills were, and may have been difficult building something to fit off the layout.
Ahhhhhhh ok, Didn't have a choice
Like I've mentioned, I've build my tables wide enough to be able to reach from both side, but, on one side I have tracks that are elevated making impossible to reach, unless I'm able to work backwards with mirrors or climbing on the layout....not really feasible.

Sure it's more work, more time and more details to patch up, but I'll get through it. I definitely learned the hard way, so all my other phases will be much easier to build as I won't be making that mistake again. I'll just need to re plan the rest of my layout.

One thing for sure, by having to build them in modular section, I have a very close look at the details and the ease of working them

Thanks for the feedback
That's some excellent looking work.

Thumbs up.jpg
Have to admit, building the scenery off of the layout is an interesting approach and definitely one that will help keep the layout clean and free of "debris". So far, you seem to have mastered that approach very well :)
