Kadee installation

Hey, I don't blame you a bit and mags are fun to use. I just have problems with vistors not always paying attention to where they are. ;)
I don't know what to add here, I have used the Kadee Mag's for years , have a least a dozen spread around in strategic locations , Never have unwanted uncouplings , and they are placed where I can turn and shove to yard throats or whatever, or drop and leave for the local to handle. I guess it's just a matter of good installation. I think one of the big things is making sure my kadees are set right also.
The ones I have installed are working great. The only problems I am having are due to couplers not installed on the cars and engines correctly. Part of my learning curve.
Jerry, that's just it with unwanted uncoupling. The problem is a good installation and someone stopping where the magnets and couplers are aligned. Then and if there is any slack in the train, they will uncouple. Finally, I have marked the ties where they are and to help vistors, but still, many ignore the mark and have the problem. Still, they are fun if the operator pays attention...like anything else on the layout ;)

The kind or trouble that others have experienced and I have not is to be running a train and have cars uncouple while going over the magnet. Personally, the only way I can see this happening is if the train is moving slow and is jerking enough to produce slack in the couplers.
