Both Geep's now off to the shed.
A case of little and large this week, firstly I picked up an unmade Walthers SP Scale Test Car which I spent Sunday evening putting together:
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Quirky little thing, it will fit in nicely on the proposed locomotive servicing scene plank I am planning.
At the other end of the size scale, I have had this waiting for quite some time for me to get around to:
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This is a cheaply acquired Proto E9, fulfilling my ambition to have an E or F series on the roster. It needs work though as that shade of grey is hopelessly wrong! (I have a Proto 2000 SD9 from the same era waiting in the queue with the same issue)
The paintwork is not the only issue:
View attachment 210995
For some reason, Proto never modelled the dynamic fan that should be right there in the middle!! Fortunately I have one:
View attachment 210996
The chassis is a runner though. and quite impressive in its construction:
View attachment 210997
Now all I have to do is find the courage to start the surgery....