John's Loco Workbench - More Projects Begin...

Both Geep's now off to the shed.

A case of little and large this week, firstly I picked up an unmade Walthers SP Scale Test Car which I spent Sunday evening putting together:
View attachment 210994
Quirky little thing, it will fit in nicely on the proposed locomotive servicing scene plank I am planning.

At the other end of the size scale, I have had this waiting for quite some time for me to get around to:
View attachment 210993

This is a cheaply acquired Proto E9, fulfilling my ambition to have an E or F series on the roster. It needs work though as that shade of grey is hopelessly wrong! (I have a Proto 2000 SD9 from the same era waiting in the queue with the same issue)

The paintwork is not the only issue:
View attachment 210995

For some reason, Proto never modelled the dynamic fan that should be right there in the middle!! Fortunately I have one:
View attachment 210996

The chassis is a runner though. and quite impressive in its construction:
View attachment 210997

Now all I have to do is find the courage to start the surgery....
Isn't that red nose wrong also?
The great shades of grey debate can be amply illustrated here, out of the box Proto 2000 SD9 in the same way too pale grey with way too dark red ends (circa 1998) alongside an identical Proto 2000 SD9 of the same production run that has has been detailed and resprayed:


Proto did get it right eventually, witness GP9 5800 from some years later (this is a bodyshell currently in my spares pile)
