I'm planning on a re-build


First - if this isn't allowed, please let me know and I'll remove it

Since our move from WV to NC is completed, we're starting to organize our new house and the BONUS ROOM is going to be mine for a new train room. I've decided that the best / quickest way to do it is to have EVERYONE help me so I created a KICKSTARTER project and it was approved today. Please help me by donating or sharing the link within other communities so that this retiree's goal can be accomplished :)

Well he did just move from WVa to NC (where I live) so the cost of living probably did go up some...WVa is a beautiful state I'm not knocking it, just sayin'...
Seriously, I don't know either, but one of my new neighbors suggested it to me. We were talking about the HIGH COST of the move ( >$10K !!! ) for our household goods and the setback that it would cause for my winter train building activities and he said 'blah blah blah'. So I submitted the request and Kickstarter APPROVED IT !!!

We'll see what happens over the next thirty days :)
The idea behind a kickstarter is that the investors (people making the donations) have some type of hope of a return. Lets keep numbers simple - If you need $100 and I invest (donate) $10, then I have a 10% stake in your layout. In the long term, what is my return? If you were starting a layout in a warehouse and I had a 10% share of the layout (using the same numbers), then it would be different since 10% of any profits from that tourist spot would be mine.

I think kickstarters are both good and bad. Good because a small company or a startup can get the capitol needed to get something good going. Bad because it allows people with a bad business mind to get started and waste the money of the people donating.

If you could tell me what type of return I'll get from the investment (besides being able to look at your layout through pictures on this forum), then we may have something to discuss.

Please don't take this post the wrong way. I in no way intend to be mean or rude about this. Just simply showing my point of view.
You're both absolutely correct - there really is no ROI for the investor with the exception of HELPING and WATCHING (a photo gallery or video) for this project. I guess my neighbor's inspiration (and in some part mine) came from the guy who Kickstarted a POTATO SALAD project and got money to make some salad - "Hey Glenn, why not try that to build a railroad? At least others can enjoy watching it." :)

So - if this works out, GREAT, I will have a big, BAD*SS train set. If not, I'll lay some track to run my train on.

and Stoker - forget the G-scale. Without 2.5acres of flatland, you should build a 1:1 and offer rides to investors.
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The question here is, "What's in it for us" meaning us or anyone as investors/contributors in/to your layout. If it's only pictures/videos of your progress and hopefully final result, then why would we, when there are plenty on here now and on other internet sites (e.g. youtube) completely free to watch and comment on or receive advice about? What is going to make yours stand so far above all these that we would want to part with money that could be spent on our own endeavours.

Good luck to you if you can, but I think you'll struggle. Which then raises the question, what happens to the donations if the target isn't reached, I would hope that there is some provision in this scheme for the refunding of these payments back to the contributors at no loss to them.
>> Which then raises the question, what happens to the donations if the target isn't reached, I would hope that there is some provision in this scheme for the refunding of these payments back to the contributors at no loss to them.<<

Credit cards, Debit cards, and/or PayPal are not charged until 10 August (30 day project) and ONLY if the full goal has been met.
That's a steamer that I got for five bucks at an auction about two years ago ... I was probably to much of a novice to even notice what the sound was - LOL. I'll put it back on the track after I rebuild the layout this winter.
I am a retiree as well and, I have a few things I could use some "donations to help with" as well - legal fee's, medical costs, home renovations ..... anyone want my address so they send a check? :)

Personally, I don't even know how it is possible to get one of these "kickstart" things for a "hobby", a business I can understand, but for a hobby, for something that only (really) benefits the applicant???

Bottom line here for me is this: don't rely on "handouts" to achieve your (generally speaking) ambitions. If you want something, save for it, or simply live within your means and accept that those means may mean not having some of the things you may like or want.

GDSmith, you made the decision to make an expensive move from WV to NC, for whatever reason, and that is great. Personally, I would have stayed in WV :) The point is, you had options and chose to spend your hard earned money on the move. Perhaps the move was involuntary or essential which left you no choice; however, perhaps instead of asking for help from strangers, you may want to consider saving (again) as you must have for the move and building your layout as finances permit.

Believe me, I look at an empty 5 acre lot right next door to me, every day, and wish I had the money to buy it. However, I have responsibilities of a family, bills and the like, that take priority over my wants, wishes and dreams.
I remember in one of the model railroad magazines a guy selling advertising space on a fence on his model railroad to friends and co-workers. I'm sure if I tried that at my job it would cement my image as being a little off center for sure.
Here my head is working on how to get something out of the $250 above and beyond the naming rights, like how do I leverage it? I guess I have been watching too much Shark Tank.

Toot was right when he said that we are looking at what is in it for us. lasm
As an investor premium offer a railcar decorated for the layout with an $x donation. Club decorated cars are fairly popular. Those that donate at least have something tangible.
I guess I owe you for that one. Next time I am down south I will buy you a coffee and slice of rhubarb pie.

